Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Nother stretching idea?? DLD or someone give your feedback?

Nother stretching idea?? DLD or someone give your feedback?

Reading RB’s post on PEFORUM.NET our sister (er brother?) board, I thought of another idea that may not have been posted yet. It’s a variation of other stretches like the DLD “A” stretch and the variation RB mentioned. Since I CANT POST or REPLY to anything over there (maybe because I’m on my girl’s pc??) I’ll post it here. Basically my idea (apologizing if you thought of it first) is to take a length of some type of either dowel rod or pvc pipe maybe around 1.5 or 2 feet long and whatever diameter seems best for you depending on your penis and while standing place this rod behind your thighs with your legs together….with enough space between your legs to now reach down and grabbing the head of your penis, pull your penis up against the dowel rod/pipe, top of your penis pressing against dowel/pipe, and try to erect your body as much as you can


Here’s what I use.

I went to the local hardware store. Got a 3 foot length of 1” diameter “450 PSI” PVC (white) pipe. I had the guy cut it exactly in half for me. Total cost….just over $2. Broke my wallet! I got 3 foot worth only because I wanted to have a couple of these around. I think 18” of pipe works best for me anyway. You may need a longer piece depending on how thick your thighs are. Example, a 12” length (what I got first, yesterday) was too short and the ends kept digging into my thighs when I would do the exercise. But, hey, this stuff is CHEAP so if you dont get the right length the first time…go back! Not sure if this exercise is for everyone or not. I think you need a minimum flaccid stretched length of 5”. Although, a smaller diameter pipe (3/4” or even 1/2”) may work if you have 5” or less flaccid stretched lenth. My flaccid stretched length at the present is 8.00”. Like I said the pipe is CHEAP so, again, if you need a smaller diameter, go back. Just make sure whatever diameter pipe you get is rigid enough (doesnt flex easily). I guess you could even use a metal pipe for the smaller diameters. Just make sure you get the right length, obviously metal costs much more. As far as the exercises….from last night’s session…which lasted about 30 minutes….I am sore as I would be if I had hung with 17lbs for 3, 20 minute sessions with the weight between my legs in a reclined position (BTC). I have used weights in the past so, YES I can compare from personal experience. The soreness is mostly in the base, in the ligs too. I’ll keep ya guys posted. OR feel free to try it yourself.

Last edited by Stillwantmore : 01-23-2003 at .


Just a thought, you could try this with a clothes hanger too (with padding on it of course) to get a good v-stretch kind of thing going.


SW22, that looks excellent. I want to stress to EVERYONE how valuable the “A” stretch is and that you follow RB or SW22 direction on a modifield version of the “A” stretch if you are not able to do it yet. When I was finally able to do this stretch in conjunction with the DLD Blaster, the gains have not stopped.

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

Yeah, this works good. I used the same “fake arm” that I tried with RB’s version of the “A” stretch.

We have had some great modifications to the “A” stretch that everyone can do them now. I really appreciate all your inventiveness.

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

Some thoughts...

Originally posted by Stillwantmore22
pull your penis up against the dowel rod/pipe, top of your penis pressing against dowel/pipe, and try to erect your body as much as you can?

…..and or fix my challenge I'm having over there with not being able to post/reply. Thanks in advance whoever you end up being. Thunder? Maybe another moderator?

Well first,
With the pulling up thing, I thought that with the regular “A” stretch you were putting the pressure on the bottom of the shaft?
This method you explain SW22 puts pressure in the opposite direction!

What do you mean by “erect your body”?

And finally,
I can’t post over at peforums either because I use a yahoo email address.
Did you use hotmail, yahoo or another free web-based email address to sign up with Thunders/peforums? —- This may be your problem.

Loved going to Cuba! :)

I'm surprised that Americans can't go because their government says they can't!

Well, youve got the pipe behind your thighs, and you have to bend over slightly to grab your penis. So, “erect your body” means you are straightening up as much as you can. This is where the resistance comes from…your hamstrings and, your glutes. So, I guess it’s a similar movement with your legs as you would do if you were in the gym squatting, bringing the weight UP. Not sure what you mean by putting pressure in the opposite direction…but, this exercise even if it is doing so…you are still getting a strong downward push on the ligs in the base. I have AOL…dunno what the issue was over on the peforum…but, now its been resolved.

Last edited by Stillwantmore : 01-23-2003 at .

Originally posted by Stillwantmore22
Not sure what you mean by putting pressure in the opposite direction

I have AOL…dunno what the issue was over on the peforum…but, now its been resolved.

First, I mean that when you do the “A” stretch you apply pressure to the middle of the shaft from the underside.
But, with this it seems that the pressure comes from the middle of the shaft also but on the topside.

Second, i’ll check to see if I can get my account over at peforums to work when I get a chance.

Loved going to Cuba! :)

I'm surprised that Americans can't go because their government says they can't!

Oh yea ok now I understand about the “A” stretch. I needed an illustration because I have not done those before. I would say this exercise (mine) combines the effect of hanging and a “V” type stretch….I get the same stretch I used to get with hanging in the base but, with much less TIME and NO wrapping or equipment. Sure, you are pulling up on the glans..but, you are still getting a downward push from the pipe.

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