Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

On tourniques/cock rings/ulie things...

thanks for the reply North. Glad you like the idea. I really need to get one of these Scrunchiis!!

The scrunchis...

Are an unqualified human good.


Hey RB, I don’t think I gave proper credit. While searching around, I found that it was you who first came up with the boa constrictor cock ring cable tie thingy, huh?


I now know who to blame when my cock explodes.



Do these exercise cause discoloration or do they have the potential to cause it.

They’ll probably cause some form of discoloration…most girth exercises that WORK do. Dont know how long/short term it would be for you though. I’d say if you want to maintain an absolutely beautiful penis….steer clear of PE!! My philosophy so to speak is….it’s a dick …it’s not supposed to be pretty. Besides I’ve never had one woman tell me “eww thats an ugly dick”.

Northstar, thank you, but it really isn’t necessary. Credits not my thing…

Jelking, it has been my experience that moves that place a lot of pressure on the skin itself is what causes the discoloration. I had just a little, until I went through a month of intense horse squeezes, they left my dick purple :)

This was many months ago, and the color is fading to a golden bronze hue, but I really believe that if properly executed, bends and extreme ulis can HELP discoloration. I say this because if one already suffers from discoloration, I think it’s due to squeezing blood into the intracellular spaces from which it has trouble escaping. However, if one develops additional girth WITHOUT extrememe skin pressure, which bends and extreme uli’s seem to avoid (for me anyway), as the shaft expands it expands the skin, making the discoloration less noticeable (like discoloration isn’t as bad erect as it is flaccid). This coupled with time, seems to help the issue…

Hah! Oh no, my friend…I gotta blame somebody…


Actually, I went through the most bizarre discolouration I’ve ever experienced. I put on an elastic bandage, not tight, and got sidetracked.

Well, I suddenly remembered (I have no idea how much time had passed, I guess 45 minutes…), looked down and was greeted with a WHITE cock head.

It literally looked like it had been covered in talcum powder.

The odd thing was, I was not excessively engorged.


From here on in, I carefully moniter all tourniquet techniques.


(Everything is OK, incidentally, upon removing the bandage, all returned to normal)

Keep doin' what your doin' ...

And you'll keep getting what ya got.

Scary shit… Be careful out there…

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

Hey northstar,

Had you wrapped right behind the head? My head turned white when I left an anti-donut wrap on for too long. It is scary! I’ve never had that happen from wraps at midshaft or below.

Actually, it was right at the base, but not tightly wrapped at all which is why I probably forgot about it.

I think what happened is I had trapped some blood in previous to putting on the tourniquet, and for whatever reason the tension, position of the bandage, or something, was just enough to prevent any circulation

I was sitting down, got sidetracked by some online bonus hustling, looked down, panicked, and ripped off the bandage.

Everything returned to normal, but for a few hours the edges of the head were bluish/blackish.

I don’t want this to scare anyone off of trying this sort of technique because I am very impressed from the girth gain I’ve received so far, and I feel it is safer than other techniques I’ve encountered.

Nonetheless, I was hoping to create an all-day tourniquet/hang/stretch routine. Y’know strap on and forget about it. But my recent experiences suggest that ALL PE should be done under carefull attention.

I’m sure this has been mentioned before by more experienced practitioners.

Play safe everyone, and build that monster.


Keep doin' what your doin' ...

And you'll keep getting what ya got.

Oh, one more bit…

I used an elastic bandage (again) previously and wore it for an hour with a fairly tight wrap.

Checked after an hour to be greeted by a rather large, ‘angry’ erection with veins bulging out on the head (a first).

I dunno, I’m quickly thinking this sort of thing should be limited to 30 minutes or less.

Probably less.


(As well, the adjustable cock ring cable tie might well be safer in this area due to the fixed position you can lock it into. But I’ve noticed that some of the veins tend to be ‘hard’ when I lock it on, as opposed to the bandage. The edges of the cable tie (even with a sccunci) are diggin in to some of the veins, I think. Perhaps I should try some silicon tubing around the tie, under the sccunci…)

Keep doin' what your doin' ...

And you'll keep getting what ya got.

I’m finding that 1/4” diameter clear vinyl hose is the perfect cover for the zip ties. Right before I tighten it down I put a small baby sock (bought it, didnt steal it!) right under where the lock part of the zip tie will contact my skin and then, tighten it down.

still, have you tried a scruncci hair tie yet? I was thinking you had. Does the hose provide more compression than the hair tie? I would think it would…

I’m going to experiment with a hose/scruncci combo, I’ll get back to ya when I fine tune it…


(probably later tonight)

Keep doin' what your doin' ...

And you'll keep getting what ya got.



I’ll try anything once. Since I’m only two months into my PE routine I thought I’d try a cable tie cock ring after my workout to see if I like it. I’ve followed the various threads about cable ties and scünci hair elastics and have been to Albertsons to put something together. The quick releasing ties by Helping Hand are great. I tried to make my own by cutting up a regular black cable tie and ended up with one that wouldn’t stay tight because I took away too much plastic. My question now is which of the dozens of types of hair elastics are you using? I’ve bought about six different styles and can’t find one that will go over the fairly wide Helping Hand ties. Can you provide the scünci stock number and how you got the elastic out and the tie in? Thanks.

Hey Westla,

I've bought about six different styles and can't find one that will go over the fairly wide Helping Hand ties.

Hmm…my Helping Hand ties are 1/4 inch, are these the ones you have?

Can you provide the scünci stock number and how you got the elastic out and the tie in?

Gosh, wish I could. I couldn’t find the right scunci at Albertson’s, so I went to one of those dollar stores and found the smallest scunci I could find (with a “hollow” middle), maybe 1/2 inch in diameter, cut it, pulled the elastic out, and slid it on the cable tie. However, I’m still feeling the plastic throught the material, so I’m going to get a vinyl/rubber hose slide it on the tie, then slide the scunci on top of that.

I’m certain this will be comfy.


Keep doin' what your doin' ...

And you'll keep getting what ya got.


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