Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

On tourniques/cock rings/ulie things...


On tourniques/cock rings/ulie things...

Hi guys,

So I’m playing with a tournique, ‘cause my girth sucks (5”) and I wrap a 2”x24” elastic bandage around the base, and…


Cock blows up a full 1/4” bigger than it has ever been before.

This can’t be bad.

It get’s dark, feels like it’s ready to burst, and I’m thinking to myself…this might work.

However, after reading numerous threads on this, I’m at a loss for how long I should keep it wrapped. In extreme cases (such as Bib’s Ulie thing) 10 minutes max, as I believe it was mentioned tissue death sets in after 17 minutes.

However, Bib has also mentioned that a regular wrap can be left on for much of the day. And Meister has a variety of cock rings that are clamped on all day, as well.

Others, leave them on for an hour at a time.

I did notice that the head was getting cool after about 15 minutes, so I unwrapped at that point. Still I’m of the firm (no pun intended) belief that the longer you can keep pressure/tension on, the greater your success will be.

So the question:

How long is it safe to tournique?


Depends entirely on how much you are clamped off.

You can get the effect you describe simply by limiting outflow of blood from the penis. Basically by how tight you cut things off you are regulating blood flow, allowing more in at a faster rate than it is allowed to leave. In this state, longer periods of time are acceptable, such as wearing cockrings, tieing or wrapping just tight enough, etc.

If you cut off all outflow or even sqeeze down and cut of back flow, you don’t want to go over 10 minutes without unwrapping to restore full blood flow and getting new blood into the penis before starting over…

Get’s really big and puffy, don’t it :)

Discovering what the heck Bib’s been preaching has finally given me the courage to go only for length until I meet my goal, as with his tecnique, girth isn’t as hard to get as I had been led to believe by utilizing other less productive measures…

So true!

I found your posts with Meister’s over at Peforum, and I agree entirely with this approach to girth work.

With jelqing you are forcing blood into your dick, at various degrees of hardness, with varying pressure in your hands at various speeds, to create some sort of stimulus for growth. I’m honestly surprised that more injuries don’t occur, amidst the chaos involving multitudes of pressures.

But a simple wrap at the base allows so much more expansion, carefully regulated, that I think it’s not only a superior form of PE, but safer as well, than conventional jelquing. You don’t force blood into the penis, you limit the backflow. When things start to get dark, ease off a bit.

(Plus, you don’t get all messy with vaseline.)

A cleaner, superior approach.


(ps 1/8” in a few days! I thought it was just some swelling or something, but a few days later, the gains have stayed! And I’ll be damned if I didn’t measure a touch bigger today, as well! No change in length, though…Shouldn’t one also experience length gains with this technique? I mean, if the entire dick is being engorged, it should also measure in length, shouldn’t it?)


>Shouldn’t one also experience length gains with this technique? I mean, if the entire dick is being engorged, it should also measure in length, shouldn’t it<

It might have some potential to assist in keeping the tissues in the extended state for length. But doubtful there is enough longitudinal stress to permanently lengthen by itself.


I have a question about wrapping the base. I’m not sure what you mean when you say wrapping the base. Is it just wrapping as close to the pubic bone as possible? What do you propose to then get that last 2 inches engorged? If the wrap is 2 inches wide, do you do further exercises to get gains in the base itslef. I don’t think that anyone wants a baseball bat shaped penis, alhough we would all love to have a luiseville slugger as a penis. I played with the horse 440 the other night and noticed that the shaft engorged to much more than when jelquing. I guess that some would say no duh, but I feel that this type of engorgement is so vital for gaining girth. It also makes the veins more prominent. I seem to be doing the horse 440 in 2 phases, upper and lower.

Also, at this point I am getting burnt out a little and looking for some inspiration. Have been pe’ing since january. don’t measure too much because of such short time. Don’t really care about flacid length or girth because that is not what I use when fornicating. Have made about 1/2 inch gain in length and 1/4 inch gain in girth. Excited about this. Am I the only one that dreams about ten inches of dangling fury? Do I have to do this for ten years? Can I ever acheive this?

Another point, I have tried the tourniquettes and rope to tie off at the base……they hurt! Am I just a puss or do you guys all tolerate the moderate level of discomfort.


Thanks Bib!

(I always feel priviledged when you respond, that celebrity thing…)

As for you, Ropegroper (love the handle)…

Correct on wrapping the base, I generally do it at about half erection, then “slide” it back to the base as I come alive (the tournique tends to naturally move up a little as I get bigger).

The baseball bat phenomena may well become a problem. If I recall, in Bib’s case , his base was already bigger due to extensive hanging, so this was not a concern.

As for the rest of us…

I believe some have experimented with smaller wraps/or cock rings. I think one chap even cut his elastic bandage down to maybe 1/2 inch in thickness and wrapped around his balls/shaft.

I doubt any bat effect would be noticeable from that.

I will fine tune this approach as gains come, of course. I suspect I’ll probably move to something significantly slimmer than 2 inches, to allow more uniform growth.

As for you being a puss…

You just might be!


Naw, just kidding. As with all PE, it’s entirely individual. I, for instance, can’t do the rope tournique. It hurts! Or maybe I just haven’t been using the right rope. Some wrapped with an old T-shirt…that pinched me! And as for Horse 440’s…

Even after reading the instructions, and watching the videos, I still can’t get the excercise. When I clamp off the base, and get a rock hard erection, there is no way I can force the blood from my head back into the shaft! Perhaps I’m too much of a pussy to apply enough pressure, but that sort of thing scares me.

And everytime I attempt a bend, a little voice in my head says…are you crazy?

So, it’s all individual.

Fortunately we have a lot of choice.


(Actually, I wish I felt comfortable hanging, bending, and 440-ing. those sound like incredible stresses that the body must adapt too. But they are too much for mine, at this point. And I long ago determined (after a few minor injuries) that one or two inches was not worth a damaged/dysfunctional/disfigured unit. Know your personal threshold, and back off a few notches. The gains will come.)

(Sorry for the preaching.)

As for being 10 inches...

I think it’s safe to say, you’re not the only one.

When I started, i was just under 6 inches. It saddened my, ‘cause I heard the average was always 6.

It wasn’t that I was 1/8” smaller than average…It was that I was SMALLER THAN AVERAGE.

(Which, of course, is rediculous, and the paranoia about size itself suggests all sorts of neurotic personality traits that all of us should probably just skip…)

If I was just 8 inches, that would be a good size.

Now I’m 7 1/2 and I don’t look any bigger to myself, can’t imagine another 1/2 inch really making much of a difference.

Guess I’ll have to go for 9…

Then 10…


(Actually, I think once I’m 8+ non-bone pressed, and 6+ in girth all will be well.)

(And I do believe that gains don’t require 10 years. Once you hit the right combination of exercises, I think weekly improvements are not unreasonable to expect. Every time I gained, it was on a weekly basis…And I believe Bib once mentioned that, for a time, he was gaining daily…)

Update on the elastic bandage..

3/4 inch thickness works fine for the tournique.

I tried, also, cutting the length in half. It no longer will hold full pressure like before, however…

I’ve had it on for the last hour, I’m nicely half pumped, and there’s no coolnes.

Soo…the elastic bandage tournique:

3/4” x 24” for an extreme pump/ulie effect.

3/4” x 12 for an all day (maybe…) flush.


Well, I will be trying it thanks to your excellent descriptions. All of the replies are appreciated. But, call me a puss again and I’ll have to track you down and kick your ass (obviously I am joking).

Like the banter back and forth. Actually I am on vacation right now and will have the opportunity to try some new techniques. I think that you should try the horse 440. Yes it hurts a little, but it gives one hell of a pump. Makes the penis feel very heavy.

Awsome stuff guys im also on a girth mission and need some new techniques this sounds like the one for me.Iv tried the horse 440 and yeah they really do pump your shaft up but they decrease the size of the head and that i dont want.

The other day i tide a string at the base with almost a full erection and watched my dick inflate as if air was being pumped in it.Are you guys saying this type of wraping or tieing can perminantly fatten up my salami?

Wouldnt a cock ring do the same thing ?

check this out too!

YOu guys might want to explore using an adjustable…EASILY made cock ring like this one that I made up. It’s only about 1/4” wide too ;) It’s a much less expensive version of a similar product that works the SAME as the original $60 model (yes, $60 for a zip tie covered in some braided nylon). I’m currently using a 1/4” diameter vinyl hose over the zip tie but, may switch to a “Scrunchii” (girl hair thingy) after I hear feedback from an associate of mine from the forum.

Made my OWN &quot;Uli-Constrictor&quot;

I’ve been using a strip of theraband as a tourniquet at the base tieing off tightly while fully erect, or close to, using a hand to hold the thera in place. Additional pressure can be applied with the free hand, including futher squeezes up to the glans while the tourniquet is in place but I wouldn’t try this at full bore erect.

I get a much better pump with this technique then using the jelq, ulis with the hand, or horse’s. I found that I still have some pump the next morning (I do them at night before bed). The pressure can’t get pretty intense and I won’t push it beyond 5 minutes for any one wrap. I do about 15 to 20 minutes overall. Staying fully erect can be a problem — even with a tight squeeze there is still blood flowing in and out of your member (if there weren’t that would be a dangerous thing). I do get some discoloration and unwrapping the thera can be a little uncomfortable on the skin, plus I’ve had it snap a few times.

Still, I think this is the best approach I’ve yet to find for girth. I’ve only been doing it for 3 weeks and have yet to measure (I don’t measure much and am a hard-gainer generally) but I expect I’ve made some gains and will get more.


Hey SWM!

I just tried your Cable Tie cock ring.

It’s Awesome!

I found some adjustable ones at Albertsons (nice pretty, multicolored ones) so there’s no problem with releasing it.

“Helping Hand Nylon Cable Ties”

I bought a hair “scunci” cut it in half, and slid the cable tie into it. The padding is great, and it overlaps nicely so that there is no pinching when tightening up the cable tie.

Works like a charm. Special thanks to Uli (for the inspiration), Bib (for the “thing”), Meister (for the cock ring concept), and SWM for the refinement.


(ps. The only downside I’ve noticed, is that with the elastic bandage, the blood is always trapped. While with the cable tie, it seems to gradually become flacid. However, I may simply just need to tighten more. Then again, preventing ALL back flow might be unhealthy…)

The adventure continues…

Preventing all out and back flow is the goal of a uli-thing. Builds tremendous pressure. Just make sure to restore full circulation after no more than 10 minutes under pressure…

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