Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

On tourniques/cock rings/ulie things...

Keep in mind that anything you use as a “tourniquet” that requires a knot will give you more and maybe undue pressure wherever the knot rests against the genitals.

Equal pressure all around is better, seems to me.

For extended time wearing, anything you can’t get the end of your forefinger through between you and the appliance is probably too tight.




Originally posted by northstar
Gosh, wish I could. I couldn't find the right scunci at Albertson's, so I went to one of those dollar stores and found the smallest scunci I could find (with a “hollow” middle), maybe 1/2 inch in diameter, cut it, pulled the elastic out, and slid it on the cable tie. However, I'm still feeling the plastic throught the material, so I'm going to get a vinyl/rubber hose slide it on the tie, then slide the scunci on top of that.

Ah, no wonder I couldn’t locate the right one. The search continues!

I have some silicone tubing, but it’s too small to put over the Helping Hand ties. Yes, they’re the 1/4” ones. They’re wider than the black wire ties I tried to modify.

Thanks for your help.

"Power Uli Device"

I found a promising tourniquet/Uli thing-type device yesterday called a Multi Clamp. It’s made by a company called Camco ( ). If you go to that site and search for "multi clamp" you’ll find it.

The attached picture is lousy, but it has a quarter inch wide strap similar to a cable/zip tie that’s fed through a Y shaped gatherer, with a wheel at the top you turn to tighten the loop. The Y shaped doohickus has a quarter circle of flat plastic on the side crimping down around your dick, so there are no severe pinch points, especially if you wrap first.

I found it very easy to get on, get very tight, and eventually loosen after I did a five to eight minute squeeze. The loop will get as tight as you like — down to a half inch diameter, and as wide as four inches. I wrapped first with the top of a baby sock. I also dulled the edges of the plastic a little with some sandpaper.

The Camco site has a way to search for local retail outlets. For those of you in the Pacific NW, I bought mine at Fred, back where they sell auto parts and RV supplies.

p.s: Please remember this post if you get spam in a few months advertising some new dick thickener with a name like "Power Uli Device" selling for $30. I got mine for $2.99.

Hi, I have been trying to research this stuff but i cant find what i am looking for.

I made my own Uil thing today and when i put it on my penis goes into 100% erection, is this what you are after?




This may sound strange, but no. The entire penis is not erect, but rather above the Uli thing is engorged over 100%.

This may be what you mean or not.


Re: "Power Uli Device"

Originally posted by Ike

I found a promising tourniquet/Uli thing-type device yesterday called a Multi Clamp.

Hey, I quoted myself.

I’m pleased to report that this product works really well as a Uli thing. I’ve been using it for most of the past six weeks or so and I think I’ve gained at least a half inch girth using it as part of my girth routine. It’s very convenient because it has that twist wheel on top that I just turn to get a real tight clamp, then after I have it on for while I just turn the wheel and it loosens up to let fresh blood flow back in. I find it works better than an adjustable zip tie because I can really screw it down and make a tight seal around the base of my erection. Makes it very hard and chubby.

I’ve been experimenting with various wraps to go under it. I tried baby socks, and neoprene, but the best so far is a wrist sweat band I stole from my son. It’s pretty thick terry cloth.

I average using it every other day, and typically do four reps lasting six to nine minutes each. I let my penis recover for three to five minutes between reps.

Note to newbies: be careful. Using a Uli thing is dangerous and should be done with considerable care by more advanced PEers. Be very sensitive to pain, color and appearance.

Now let’s see if I can get that picture to attach this time…

(14.8 KB, 485 views)

1/2” girth in 6 weeks is fucking PHENOMENAL! I’ve been working length exclusively for the past 4 months or so, due to the tremendous potential I found in experimenting with extreme uli’s. Your success is great news!

Ike, are you doing any length work in addition to this girth work? Do you find that the multi-clamp sessions fatigue your tunica making it more susceptible to stretching?

Also, how far down the shaft are you placing the multi-clamp? Is it inflating your whole shaft, or just the part above the clamp?

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

Thanks. I am doing length work, but I’m not sure if my clamp sessions are fatiguing my tunica. I usually do separate girth and length sessions during the week: girth during the day and length at night when I do variations of what I call my couch potato routine. Weekend nights I combine intense girth and length work.

Even though I have relatively high LOT (10:30) I still take every opportunity I can to beat the crap out of my tunica. So in addition to manual BTC I do lots of A stretches and V stretches and bundled blasters and semi-erect bends. After all I’ve read about the tunica lately I’ve concluded that if I have the time in my routine I need to target both ligs and tunica, as tunica are tough little shits that should be in a constant state of tear and repair.

The multi-clamp is one part of my girth routine. I also do lots of squeezes, horse squeezes and those aforementioned bends. And I do real intense jelqing that basically amounts a series of bend-jelqs and horse-jelqs. Also, I’ve recently been using my Power Jelqer (canning jar lifter) to do sort of a bundled squeeze: with a half-boner, clamp down tight around the base of the shaft and then twist the device, along with your dick, a half or three quarter turn as you carefully yank outward. That really balloons the dick up good. Again, exercise extreme caution: combining squeezing and bundling is grad school level dick abuse.

With the multi-clamp thingy I clamp as far down on the shaft as I can without pinching any scrotum skin, so yes, it’s inflating the whole shaft. That’s why one of those wrist sweat bands work good as a wrap: I can pull it way down the shaft and adjust it, along with the multi-clamp, as my dick gets more pumped up.

Last edited by Ike : 07-22-2003 at .

Cool, all this sounds very similar to the experiments I’ve been doing with cock rings and um hair bands :)

Maybe one day we can devise a killer girth exercise :D

You say $2.99? Whoa. OK. I am en route to my RV store at the moment. See you all after a while.

I checked on that link and I have about 10 RV places around me that carry it!

Gotta get me one of these things before they come out with the $100.00 versions.



Going for 7.5X6, then 8.5X6.5, then who knows. Girth Brooks - "Didn't get any real gains until I started shutting my cock in a car door and then falling back."

Originally posted by QuestorSilvanthus
You say $2.99? Whoa.

I just checked at the same store and the price is actually $2.45, so I hope everyone will accept my sincere apologies. I throw myself at the mercy of pubic opinion.

I just did a quick search and found a few sources online. Sorry. I should have done this weeks ago: … &pc=896&sc=9992

http://www.mari … &pc=896&sc=9992 … &pc=896&sc=9992

Camco Manufacturing is going to wonder why there’s a sudden surge in purchases. Must be all those geezers with RVs hooking up their poop pipes.

The multi-clamp is cool, but I think the holy grail would something like Vise Grips, where you could tighten it after it’s on, and it has a quick release in case that waify Sierra Club chick comes to the door asking for money again. I think this particular tool might pinch, but maybe there’s a work around… http://www.irwi … tType=BM1000005

Last edited by Ike : 07-23-2003 at .

Originally posted by Ike

I throw myself at the mercy of pubic opinion.

I have no opinion of your pubes. :D

But hey the $.54 difference may actually get you hanged. Alright maybe not but shackled at the very least.

Thanks again for the great information!


Going for 7.5X6, then 8.5X6.5, then who knows. Girth Brooks - "Didn't get any real gains until I started shutting my cock in a car door and then falling back."

Nice find. I’ll have to try one.

I did find a regular style hose clamp but with a quick release mechanism. If you made a T handle wrench to tighten it down it would be pretty easy to use. I really want something to pop open fast if needed.

Re: "Power Uli Device"

Originally posted by Ike

For those of you in the Pacific NW, I bought mine at Fred, back where they sell auto parts and RV supplies.

Are you referring to “Fred’s Dollar Store” ? Thanks a bunch


01/01/03 6.50" BPEL, 5.25" EG

10/6/05 7.50" BPEL, 5.60" EG

Re: Re: "Power Uli Device"

Originally posted by wesb
Are you referring to “Fred's Dollar Store” ? Thanks a bunch

No, I’m referring to Fred Meyer, a.k.a., “Fred,” or “Freddie.” Fred Meyer is a big box department store chain in the Pacific Northwest.


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