Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

PE as a Lifestyle: Choosing Our Paths


It has been said 1000 times that PE and weightlifting are not the same thing, but the same theory applies; if you stop liftint weights for a long time your muscles will shrink back to normal.

Hell, if you don’t paint your house eventually the color will fade. Time makes fools of us all, the best we can do is resign ourselves to maintenance. Besides, I don’t find PE at all unpleasant. I would gladly continue for the rest of my life.

Starting (10 / 2006): 5.8~BPEL, 5~BG ----> Current: 7.6 BPEL, 5.6 BG ----> Goal: Pringles Can

Originally Posted by WhiskeyFish
Besides, I don’t find PE at all unpleasant. I would gladly continue for the rest of my life.

I concur.

Originally Posted by WhiskeyFish
It has been said 1000 times that PE and weightlifting are not the same thing, but the same theory applies; if you stop liftint weights for a long time your muscles will shrink back to normal.

I personally think the analogy is poor, WF. If we are just going to start naming random body parts and time, I could say once you cut foreskin it doesn’t regrow, so PE gains shouldn’t fade. Or limb lengthening doesn’t shorten. Or a gnarled hand that was deformed by a sledgehammer doesn’t regenerate into its former self within 7 years (apparently the time it takes the body to replace all the living cells). I think that they have about as much in common with the PE process as bodybuilding does.

But this is irrelevant, since the conclusion is the same. The only reason I’m commenting on this is because this is the argument that actually confused me in the first place (because I know absolutely nothing about biology haha).

How about the painting your house part? That was my favorite.

Anyway, chopping something off is a little different than stretching it I think.

Starting (10 / 2006): 5.8~BPEL, 5~BG ----> Current: 7.6 BPEL, 5.6 BG ----> Goal: Pringles Can

Originally Posted by WhiskeyFish
How about the painting your house part? That was my favorite.

Anyway, chopping something off is a little different than stretching it I think.

More different than lifting heavy weights? Is limb lengthening farther from PE than lifting weights? I think you’ll agree that the analogy is quite confusing once you begin to pinpoint its similarity to PE in comparison to these random deformations of the body.

I did like the paint example :D .

Originally Posted by LongVehicle
That’s the thing. I think it would only be enough if:

1) It can cause gains on its own (since, if Wad’s right), gains would degenerate by themselves, so we aren’t trying to maintain, we are trying to grow at the same rate the gains generate over time.

2) The kind of gains you have made are the same gains as this method would induce, so that your penis isn’t actually changing over time (losing base girth but gaining end girth, for example)

I realize this post is very obvious to some members, but some people like me might not have thought this out well enough.

I know PE is differs from weight lifting in so many ways, but to maintain muscle you just need to use it to its full potential once a week to keep it. Providing you are still getting the correct nutrition/calories.

Jelqing takes you penis just above it potential so maybe that’s enough to keep it from even starting to degenerate.

I am also hoping this is the case because the less maintenance we have to do to keep our achievements the better really?

15/03/10 - Starting size (6.0" length x 5.0" girth) Progress Report

03/09/15 - Current size (6.5" length x 5.5" girth)

??/??/?? - Goal size (8.0" length x 6.0" girth) Syler wants a bigger dick to hurt you with!


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