Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

PE book

PE book

I was just thinking about how Thunder’s Place offers a plutora of knowledge on PE, I read the posts and articles here daily, often learning something new, and if there ever is anything I need to know on the subject then I have always been able to find it here. Which lead me to think how it would be easy to compile a book that covers ‘everything’ on pe, for now that is, by putting together the best that can be found here on the topic. I imagine first a basic outline of the principles of pe, a clear presentation of the techniques available and how to execute them, a section covering the making of your own pe tools, how to deal with injuries, a chapter on “nutrition”, and, of course, a lengthy FAQ.

Kinda like the Bible of PE. :D Now that would be worth having on your nightstand! lol

Oprah’s Bookclub: PE 101 …. a book that could be of vital importance to the well-being of every men and woman on the planet… lol

Anyways, I imagine the mainobstacle to be getting persmission from the authors and initiators who came up with new techniques, and who would put it together. Maybe a joint effort? I don’t know, but I’m certain there is a market for it; I enjoy reading online but I would also enjoy a quality book on PE that offers a lot of insight and knowledge, as I’m certain would many others. And the proceeds would also help pay for Thunder’s Place! :)

Edit: I just realised that I could have posted this in the Main Member Forum, after all, it is pe related. So Mods feel free to move the thread there if you think its appropiate. I think it would draw a bigger audience there and I’m curious what people think.

No Bible of PE then? Oh well… *gets over it*


It never crossed my mind to check wiki! Maybe PE is gaining in recognition that they deemed it worthy of their attention? I don’t know. But its worth a bookmark allright.

And yeah, since no one else seems to be interested, poor me, I’ll see what I can come up with. *FAQ “I wanna large dick! What should I do?”, “Start praying — pray hard!”*

Thanks for the link! :)

Hi, Mule.

Check out the Penis Enlargement Manual in my signature, I think you will like it.


If you find a publisher willing to stick their neck out farther than their dick, let me know. ;)

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Mr. Nine: Thanks for bringing the FPEM to my attention. There is so much here that its easy to forget some of the good stuff, and I’m certain that one will come in handy.

Big Girtha: Since I’d mainly be copying the words of others its only fair to present the final product here at Thunders’ for evaluation. Also, there is NO WAY I could claim authorship or make money out it even if I’d find a publisher. I.e. the copyrights, and the decission to publish or not, if it ever gets that far, would go to the one’s who originally contributed the material. Then where would my reward be? Seeing a solid reference work for PE on my nightstand would be all the reward I’d need. :) Sorting through all the posts here, which I’ve always enjoyed doing, and putting it all together would be my way of expressing my gratitude to all those pe’ers who went before me and made it into the discipline that it is today; allowing me to enjoy the fruits of their labour today, and in a modest way make my own contribution.

Bible Beliefs

Originally Posted by Mule
No Bible of PE then? Oh well.. *Gets over it*

Hmmm.. I just don’t know that the “Bible” part would be accepted. I believe you would have a fight on your hands Bud..

Now.. Perhaps an ‘Owners Manual’? ;)

Everyone Guy owns one or would like to drive a bigger one.. ;)


WOG 6/1/04 Starting stats: 7.2 BPEL/ 6.2 Erect girth @ base 9/10/04 7.6 BPEL/ 7.2/7.3 Erect girth @ base 7/10/05 8.3 BPEL 7.2 Erect girth @ base 10/10/05 8.4 BPEL x 6.20 Midshaft/7.3 EG@base Current 8.65 BPELx 6.50 Midshaft/7.5 EG @ base Routines: Power Jelq or Manual/ Stretch w/Power Assist Stretcher: 20 min daily ea/ Clamp or Pump 3x's daily 15 min.

Mule, I think you are talking about a collection of the most informative and best posts on Thunder’s Place?

Wadzilla, actually, did a great job of putting one together, already. Thunder’s Place Archives PDF

Very informative, and definitely a must read.

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

Originally Posted by Big Girtha
If you find a publisher willing to stick their neck out farther than their dick, let me know. ;)

How far are you with your work? Is it ready?

----- Feb 2004 - 5.0 EG x 6.0 BPEL----- Feb 2006 - 5.6 EG x 8.0 BPEL

Back after a long break. New goals, new techniques, happy to be back.

WOG: The “bible” part shouldn’t be taken too seriously, just an indication that it covers those aspects of PE that have proven themselves as ‘beyond dispute’. But you are right, in the end it would come down to a manual that should cover all the aspects concerning PE and PE related issues.

Remek: Thanks for the link! And I’m serious about the book thing. The material is there, and we all know there is an interest in the subject. As a matter of convenience it would be very practical to have a reference work that makes for easy reading at your own dispossal, as oppossed to the material only being available online or a printout.

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