Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

PE Dilemma


Originally Posted by Superhick
I’ve PE’ing for about one year now. Prior to PE my wife would occasionally (but rarely) complain during sex that I was hitting something. I never felt myself hitting anything, but it caused her obvious pain. I never felt like I was bottoming out or anything. Prior to PE my BPEL was about 6.25". I am now pushing 7" BPEL, I’ll probably hit that this month.

The problem is that now almost every time we have sex she is complaining about me hitting something and that it hurts. I still can’t feel that I’m hitting anything, but her discomfort is obvious as she always placing her hand on the lower part of her stomach.apparently where she is feeling the pain. Once that happens, the chances of her having an orgasm go down drastically, which is a real big bummer for me. I started PE to increase those chances, but it seems to be having the opposite effect.

Do you think I’m bottoming out and hitting her cervix or is it possible that there is something else going on inside of her.I’m hitting something else maybe?

I don’t really want to stop PE and I could always concentrate on just girth exercises but I’m afraid I might still gain more length while doing that.

Superhick you just describe exactly what happened to me man, but I am still want more, I know this sound dummy but I really dream about have a 8 NBP" cock. After my little incident on the anal sex (Bottom of the anus) she really banned anal sex for our relationship, and there a lot of positions where she complains a lot too man, in fact I think she enjoying ten times more oral sex then copulation. I am still in this dilemma, but I really enjoy PE and think that I have a huge cock.

For the purpose of clarity, including ensuring that newbies are exposed to the realities and potential downsides, is it time to have a new forum specifically for PE and sex problems like this? Either that, or I would propose it may be time to divide parts of this site, much the way it is now dived between English and Spanish, between PEing for the purpose of improving sex, and PEing for self gratification where partner pleasure is either irrelevant or even undesirable.


I can now tuck under the cervix of my girly-girl in the right position. It’s nice under there. Warm. Damp. A hot and goey umbrella under which to rest my dong for a spell. A cozy place.

Just_a_little_bit_further……and I’ll be at a dead end.

Bang that cervix gong the wrong way though, and YELP!

Superhick, If you have any curve at all, USE IT. Even if you don’t, rotate through 360 degrees of approach while banging her. You will possibly find a nice place to tuck yourself in and avoid the cervix in this way.


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