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PE mentioned in german press (Focus website)

PE a big topic in german press (Focus website)


for all you german-speaking Thunder’s readers: PE has been a subject of an article published on the website of a very popular news magazine, Focus.

The link: … t/koerper/penis

The article is several pages long and covers all PE possibilities including of course surgery and pills but ALSO jelquing, stretching, hanging & pumping!

A sign, that PE is getting more and more mainstream and socially accepted.


Last edited by Tyler22 : 06-16-2004 at .

You have to read a way in to get to Jelqing/ADS and pumping and then its straight on to surgery. Hardly a ringing endorsement of natural PE but at least it offers people a vocabulary to google on.

First they explain that it might work but then they list all the risks and wounds that may occur. It has to sound scary to a newbie.
At least they gave hints to books about natural PE but I don’t know if those books are any good.

I doubt that many people will start PE because of this article.

You've got to do your own growing, no matter how tall your grandfather was. - Irish proverb

Yeah, it is a fairly long article.

The article does assert that jelqing can give girth & length - length of about 5 cm; so, it doesn’t actually debunk PE, but it does breeze over natural PE and onto the devices & surgery.

It’s certainly more than what you’d see in an American magazine.

As a german, I read the entire thing. Surprise.

It does not debunk PE at all. It just merely gives men some insight on how to increase size in it’s various forms. I liked the part the losing weight (about 20 lbs) gives you an increase in length of almost an inch. It says that the fat of your abdomen puts pressure on your ligs, pulling it towards the stomach, making it shorter. But I guess everybody knows that here already, that weight loss can visually and physically increase size. Just my 2 cents…

Make it huge....!

Uncut4Big / Mike

Well, I did not look at being overweight in that way. I simply thought it made the fat pad area larger, which decreased measurements. Never thought about pressure on the ligaments. I could stand to loose a few pounds, but not 20. Guess I’m out of the running for that inch.

It was a very “down-to-the-core” report or article about several forms of PE. By suggesting losing about 20lbs, well…. II’ll be on it next Monday

Make it huge....!

Uncut4Big / Mike

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