Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Penis Growth in later life.

Let Me Continue.

Originally Posted by dtwarren1942
Special harmones that are produced only during puberty react with HGH to generate growth. Once puberty ends, these harmones are no longer present and, accordingly, HGH no longer has any effect on penile growth. If, and I emphasize if, this guy is telling the truth, his situation has nothing to do with either testosterone or HGH, but is an anomaly that occurs once in a billion situations.

Since we’re considering penis development in later life when many hormonal levels are reduced, it would make sense to take a stab at trying to fire-up the system. This interests me because I’d like to extend my life with as much vitality as I can muster given my particular body/mind (I doubt I’m alone.) To begin with, the blood vessels, ideally, should be opened up to allow increased blood flow to the penis, both for its role as deliverer of nutrients to heal the stressed penis (Jelq, Ulis, stretches, etc) and as the hydraulic fluid to fill the CCi. To accomplish this I’ve made a practice of drinking a quart of water to which I add a half cup vinegar (organic w/mother) and a half cup unsweetened cranberry juice, daily. This I sip on throughout the day; it’s very refreshing, too. I’ve also been eating three tablespoons (1tablespoon at breakfast, lunch & dinner) of “Penisbutter” that I concocted that contains a lot of raw crushed garlic, peanut butter, with small amounts of cayenne, toasted sesame oil, Tamari sauce, Chinese Five Spice and maple syrup, all to taste. My lunch almost daily is a homemade lentil soup with 3-4 onions, diced carrots, celery, qinoua, turmeric, cayenne w/a can of beer cooked over a moderately high heat for 20-25 minutes. Again, the goal is to get those blood vessels opened up. Just this week I’ll be exploring the effects of intermittent fasting on my routine. Today was a fast day. I ate my regular supper w/the family, however, the rest of the day was spent taking a 2-hour brisk walk (to burn fat, not glucose or muscle), and chores around the property. I was surprised to note how much energy I had for both activities.

I’m confused about why one might think HGH would play no role in later penis development. This hormone, along with testosterone, still circulates at a reduced level in mature males. There seems to be some noted increase in circulating HGH with the introduction of L-dopa as a precursor. This can be had in a high quality Murcuna Pruriens supplement which I’ve been taking as an experiment during my PE adventure. I suspect that this slight boost in HGH that the MP grants has been able to signal my testosterone to get busy making a penis bigger (due to the newly introduced stresses.) Just a hunch and only time and a tape measure will tell!

HGH may have an effect on other tissue/muscles after puberty, but once the special harmones that generate penile growth during puberty are no longer present, HGH has no effect on penile growth. The only exception I am aware of to this scenario is if one suffered from secondary hypogonadism (low testosterone produced during puberty). Apparently, TRT treatments for those who suffered from secondary hypogonadism sometimes can induce additional growth.

For others, TRT has no effect on penile growth. I am a senior citizen with ED (diabetic) and low T. I tried TRT for 18 months which had no effect on the size of my penis nor did it help with my ED. It did, however, increase my libido and reduced the size of my right testicle.


Dtwarren, might you please refer me to your source for your statement that HGH has no effect on penile growth post-puberty. Since you state it so concretely, I’m supposing that there might be a specific article/reference that you might direct me toward. What intrigues me about this new PE program (speaking for myself) is how individual it appears to be. Although several of the posts seem to make reference to peer reviewed scientific research/articles, most don’t; the vast majority of the posts are solely based on experimentation and geared toward the multiverse that is PE and wholly subjective. I’m a neophyte to PE and a willing student, too. Many thanks!

Well I did find a website called 4 inches 4 weeks. I am sure it is very reputable and the pictures look very authentic.

In one month anybody could answer this question with their new 4 inch longer penis.

If you are interested I am also selling beach front property for just $200.

12/11/2013 BPEL 5 3/4 NBPEL 5 1/16 BPFSL 6 1/16 NBPFSL 5, EG Base 5 EG Mid 4 7/8 EG Below Glans 4 3/4

11/02/15 BPEL 7 1/8”, BPFSL 8 1/16”, EG Mid 5 1/4 —- Goals BPEL 7 1/2”, NBPEL 6 1/2", BPFSL 9” Motivational Resources Wanted

8/9/2014 259 lbs ---- 11/2/15 248 lbs 33.2% body fat Bhcentral's Progress Reports and Pictures

Originally Posted by Loosegear
I had a pituitary tumor removed about 17 years ago.. Neurosurgeon told me only 5% of pituitary tumors are cancerous.. I was in the lucky 95%.. As a result of having no pituitary now, I am blessed with having to use Androgel now for the rest of my life along with a couple of other things.. I also was put on HGH for several years.. In the end though, the doctor and I decided it made no difference in my life so I quit.. I could only wish I grew a bigger member.. I’d still be taking it.. Instead, I’m here at Thunders, just like the rest of you trying just about anyway I can to get a little more.

Hmm that combination of Androgen and HGH for several years you should be tripping over your penis.

I guess you have to buy the specially formulated blend from some guy in his basement.

12/11/2013 BPEL 5 3/4 NBPEL 5 1/16 BPFSL 6 1/16 NBPFSL 5, EG Base 5 EG Mid 4 7/8 EG Below Glans 4 3/4

11/02/15 BPEL 7 1/8”, BPFSL 8 1/16”, EG Mid 5 1/4 —- Goals BPEL 7 1/2”, NBPEL 6 1/2", BPFSL 9” Motivational Resources Wanted

8/9/2014 259 lbs ---- 11/2/15 248 lbs 33.2% body fat Bhcentral's Progress Reports and Pictures


I have used HGH for over 10 years, and still use it today as part of an Anti-Aging program. I also use testosterone for the same reason. I have also had a good deal of success in a PE program that took me about 3 years. I do feel that when it comes to HGH, that I am experienced. Sadly, HGH, all by itself, does not do all that much. HGH is a pituitary hormone, that is not very active by itself, but rather causes the liver to release IGF-1 (and 2) which ARE reactive. However, as the liver releases it into the blood stream,it is not directed to the penis at all. If some gets there, it is more of an accident, then design, as there is minimal blood flow to the penis until stimulation takes place.

The other side of the coin, is that my usage of HGH is designed to replace what is no longer supplied by the pituitary. HGH production drops rather quickly after age 20, and by age 80, it is almost non existent. Replacing it does indeed cause a LOT of things to grow, but it basically offsets what would otherwise not grow. As an example, when my 94 year old mother got on an HGH replacement program, her hair began to grow, her skin tightened up dramatically, her kidney function improved dramatically (her eGFR went from 20 to 38 in 4 months, which is significant) her ability to walk was also dramatic, as she could easily walk without a cane, which she could not do previously. So, HGH is indeed somewhat of a miracle hormone, if it is not abused.

Now, to be fair with Mr.Canseco,my program is designed to replace what is no longer being made in sufficient quantities, and my doctor sets the level of IGF-1 to what an average 30 year old would have. I was not trying to build muscle at any cost. I suppose that if I were, I might well use more HGH, and I think that it would be effective for that purpose, along with added testosterone and exercise. So, perhaps he might have a point when he was using high levels of HGH, but I would really fear for him in regard to acromegaly. As levels of IGF-1 get higher and higher, bones will try to grow, but they cannot as the growth sections have all be sealed. Consequently, it can be very painful and disfiguring if kept up for a long time.

One of the very good uses of HGH was with my heart. The improvements in my heart were clearly noticeable by my cardiologist through an ultrasound exam. When he noticed it, he asked me what I had been doing, as I had the heart of a 30 year old. When I mentioned the anti aging program, and that yes, my anti aging doc set my levels to what they would be at age 30, he decided to get on the same anti aging protocol. When I was on a chemical PE program, I increased it, but it did not do anything that I noticed. I did notice an improvement in all the muscle groups that I exercise with weights, and as I added a bit more for my test, the growth of those muscles would track the increase in HGH.

I did inject HGH into my penis for a while, although I did not expect anything to happen as it is not all that reactive by itself. Nothing came of that course of injections that lasted a couple of months. What DID have a noticeable impact was when I injected IGF-1 and used DHT externally. In a rather short period of time (I seem to remember it took 6 months, but that is just what I recall at this moment) my girth went from 5.25 to 6.25, and I had to stop due to that being as big as I wanted to get with girth. Sadly, it was not beneficial for length. I believe that girth was increased because the CC runs length wise in the penis, and so, an increase in the volume of the CC would only show up in girth. I attribute all of my growth in length to a combination of traditional PE (stretching mostly) with some benefit of the Chemical PE. I do hope that those currently working on Chemical PE continue to post, as I would like to believe that a chemical PE program would be a valuable part of a traditional PE Program. What would be required though, would be more consistency of growth for those on the program, and better documentation of how growth happened.

Having said that, for the lurkers on this board, if you want to do a chemical PE program, please know that it is difficult, results are not guaranteed, many have not succeeded (although some have) and it can be dangerous.Do read all of the Chem PE postings on this board so that you will be better prepared for you adventure. Also,if you decide to go for an increase in girth,and decide to inject IGF-1, I really suggest that you use IGF-1 (a prescription med) versus IGF-1lr3,as the lr3 version lasts a lot longer than the medical version. As you want to keep the IGF-1 in your penis, and want it to react quickly, you need the faster acting version, and you need to use a restrictor to keep the blood in your penis (with the IGF-1 in the blood) while it takes effect. I also varied my injection spots from side to side. Even though both chambers of the CC are connected, one is not too sure about how far the IGF-1 would travel in the blood, with a restrictor in place.

As a side note to those who have an interest in HGH, please know that it is very expensive.

Originally Posted by Arcogon

Dtwarren, might you please refer me to your source for your statement that HGH has no effect on penile growth post-puberty. Since you state it so concretely, I’m supposing that there might be a specific article/reference that you might direct me toward. What intrigues me about this new PE program (speaking for myself) is how individual it appears to be. Although several of the posts seem to make reference to peer reviewed scientific research/articles, most don’t; the vast majority of the posts are solely based on experimentation and geared toward the multiverse that is PE and wholly subjective. I’m a neophyte to PE and a willing student, too. Many thanks!

I am still looking for the definitive article that specifically states that penile growth only occurs when the special harmone receptors are present. However, the following covers the puberty growth cycle:

http://familydo … ut-puberty.html

Originally Posted by stagestop
Now, to be fair with Mr.Canseco,my program is designed to replace what is no longer being made in sufficient quantities, and my doctor sets the level of IGF-1 to what an average 30 year old would have. …

As a side note to those who have an interest in HGH, please know that it is very expensive.

It would be interesting to know more about this. What does it involve?

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Where Are My Kindred Spirits?

I’m getting the sense that I’ve not found an audience for my topic of interest. Perhaps a kind Forum moderator might point me to a thread (or perhaps this topic might inspire a new thread?) where there’s interest in a nutrition-based/life style approach to PE. Truly, I’ve zero interest in injecting my penis with anything or using chemicals to enhance my member (although I do “get” why many would.) I’ll happily join the ‘slow and steady’ team with a bit of ‘less is more’ thrown in for good measure. My conceit was that the supplement Murcuna Pruriens (Velvet Bean) could encourage, through it’s ability to raise HGH levels, hormonal supply to support PE efforts. That, along with diet, exercise (get rid of the fat pad above penis), and the steady supply of biochemical building blocks for cell/collagen repair and growth (vitamin C, Glucosamine / Chondroitin, etc.), and vascular health (sulfur-rich foods, zinc, selenium, etc.), to create an environment optimal for PE success. I’m just beginning to grasp how PE might fit within the scope of a life extension model and the effects upon the arc of that process. Please advise, Thank you!

Originally Posted by dtwarren1942
I am still looking for the definitive article that specifically states that penile growth only occurs when the special harmone receptors are present. However, the following covers the puberty growth cycle:
http://familydo … ut-puberty.html

Thanks! Much appreciated. I feel a bit like a fish out of water; I’m just trying to find a pond to swim in.

Arcogon I am all for healthier living. However, I just am not going to inject anything into my penis. I also think it’s great to create an optimal environment for PE. Personally, I think the food and exercise route is probably the best thing that most of us can do, but I have been completely mentally weak when it comes to this aspect of my life.

However, I also have noticed and I am not saying this is you, that many people spend a huge amount of time looking for this secret, that extra thing, whether medicine, food, something that zaps your testicles, hypnosis, visualization, and I am sure that very soon there will probably be some other new thing. It’s great if you can find something that can supplement the hard work that it takes to meet your goals. But many people are trying to find something that replaces the hard work. You can probably tell from my tone how well I think they will succeed.

I know there are two camps here in regards to more is more and less is more. I fall into the more is more camp. I am not saying that the less is more approach isn’t going to work. I just think that over the long run the people that will achieve the biggest gains are going to have a more is more personality.

So if your research leads you down a path that creates the optimal environment to help you when you are working your butt off then great. More power to you and I truly hope you meet your goals. However, if you think it is just a short cut that will allow you to skip the work my guess is you will be disappointed.

I am not judging you and I truly do not know your work ethic when it comes to PE. I truly think that amount of research done by people in forwarding the different theories of PE is inspiring. I feel that when I have achieved my gains I will owe many people a debt of gratitude. I also feel that many people get distracted from the true secret and that is it takes work to meet your goals.

12/11/2013 BPEL 5 3/4 NBPEL 5 1/16 BPFSL 6 1/16 NBPFSL 5, EG Base 5 EG Mid 4 7/8 EG Below Glans 4 3/4

11/02/15 BPEL 7 1/8”, BPFSL 8 1/16”, EG Mid 5 1/4 —- Goals BPEL 7 1/2”, NBPEL 6 1/2", BPFSL 9” Motivational Resources Wanted

8/9/2014 259 lbs ---- 11/2/15 248 lbs 33.2% body fat Bhcentral's Progress Reports and Pictures

Mucuna does not raise HGH

Originally Posted by Arcogon
I’m getting the sense that I’ve not found an audience for my topic of interest. Perhaps a kind Forum moderator might point me to a thread (or perhaps this topic might inspire a new thread?) where there’s interest in a nutrition-based/life style approach to PE. Truly, I’ve zero interest in injecting my penis with anything or using chemicals to enhance my member (although I do “get” why many would.) I’ll happily join the ‘slow and steady’ team with a bit of ‘less is more’ thrown in for good measure. My conceit was that the supplement Murcuna Pruriens (Velvet Bean) could encourage, through it’s ability to raise HGH levels, hormonal supply to support PE efforts. That, along with diet, exercise (get rid of the fat pad above penis), and the steady supply of biochemical building blocks for cell/collagen repair and growth (vitamin C, Glucosamine / Chondroitin, etc.), and vascular health (sulfur-rich foods, zinc, selenium, etc.), to create an environment optimal for PE success. I’m just beginning to grasp how PE might fit within the scope of a life extension model and the effects upon the arc of that process. Please advise, Thank you!

Hi Arcogon, I am not a moderator, and at the moment, I don’t recall any thread based upon healthy living as it relates to PE. I am familiar with a good deal about neurology though. Mucuna contains 15% DOPA, which is the precursor to Dopamine, Norepinephrine (aka Nor Adrenaline), and to a lesser degree Epinephrine (aka Adrenalin). It works rather quickly, usually in 2-4 hours, and is also cleared of the body also rather quickly. It does not raise GH levels. GH is an injectable hormone, and it is very expensive. A typical years supply would be in the vicinity of $20,000 to $40,000 depending upon the dosage required. Consequently, there are kinds of charlatans out there that try to convince people that the product that they are selling “is as good as HGH” or that it “increases HGH” etc, etc. There is some basis to a couple of amino acids being helpful, but the amount that the aminos actually raise GH is infinitesimal. So, when you see those ads, please know that they are pretty much fake. HGH is a very large molecule, so it cannot be put into a transdermal formula, it is too expensive to put into a nasal formula, and it does not work in pill form either. So, true HGH is only sold as an injectable drug.

As to finding a “healthy PE” protocol, it kind of sounds to me that this is just standard PE. There are a ton of threads here on that. If you want to supplement with something in addition to a standard PE, that may fall in the Chemical PE realm, but perhaps I am splitting hairs. The bottom line in the chemical field, is that while some success has been achieved (and I am one of the success stories) there has not been sufficient success to really determine what worked, or perhaps I should say, what was of benefit. I am still kicking that one around in my head, and at the moment, I am not sure how to answer any question on that topic.


Even the medical community acknowledges that a healthy diet and exercise goes a long way to improve erection quality. Accordingly, a healthy dick with good EQ is better equipped to react positively to PE exercises. However, this theory does not take age into consideration which is the thrust of this thread.

Originally Posted by stagestop
I have used HGH for over 10 years, and still use it today as part of an Anti-Aging program. I also use testosterone for the same reason. I have also had a good deal of success in a PE program that took me about 3 years. I do feel that when it comes to HGH, that I am experienced. Sadly, HGH, all by itself, does not do all that much. HGH is a pituitary hormone, that is not very active by itself, but rather causes the liver to release IGF-1 (and 2) which ARE reactive. However, as the liver releases it into the blood stream,it is not directed to the penis at all. If some gets there, it is more of an accident, then design, as there is minimal blood flow to the penis until stimulation takes place.

The other side of the coin, is that my usage of HGH is designed to replace what is no longer supplied by the pituitary. HGH production drops rather quickly after age 20, and by age 80, it is almost non existent. Replacing it does indeed cause a LOT of things to grow, but it basically offsets what would otherwise not grow. As an example, when my 94 year old mother got on an HGH replacement program, her hair began to grow, her skin tightened up dramatically, her kidney function improved dramatically (her eGFR went from 20 to 38 in 4 months, which is significant) her ability to walk was also dramatic, as she could easily walk without a cane, which she could not do previously. So, HGH is indeed somewhat of a miracle hormone, if it is not abused.

Now, to be fair with Mr.Canseco,my program is designed to replace what is no longer being made in sufficient quantities, and my doctor sets the level of IGF-1 to what an average 30 year old would have. I was not trying to build muscle at any cost. I suppose that if I were, I might well use more HGH, and I think that it would be effective for that purpose, along with added testosterone and exercise. So, perhaps he might have a point when he was using high levels of HGH, but I would really fear for him in regard to acromegaly. As levels of IGF-1 get higher and higher, bones will try to grow, but they cannot as the growth sections have all be sealed. Consequently, it can be very painful and disfiguring if kept up for a long time.

One of the very good uses of HGH was with my heart. The improvements in my heart were clearly noticeable by my cardiologist through an ultrasound exam. When he noticed it, he asked me what I had been doing, as I had the heart of a 30 year old. When I mentioned the anti aging program, and that yes, my anti aging doc set my levels to what they would be at age 30, he decided to get on the same anti aging protocol. When I was on a chemical PE program, I increased it, but it did not do anything that I noticed. I did notice an improvement in all the muscle groups that I exercise with weights, and as I added a bit more for my test, the growth of those muscles would track the increase in HGH.

I did inject HGH into my penis for a while, although I did not expect anything to happen as it is not all that reactive by itself. Nothing came of that course of injections that lasted a couple of months. What DID have a noticeable impact was when I injected IGF-1 and used DHT externally. In a rather short period of time (I seem to remember it took 6 months, but that is just what I recall at this moment) my girth went from 5.25 to 6.25, and I had to stop due to that being as big as I wanted to get with girth. Sadly, it was not beneficial for length. I believe that girth was increased because the CC runs length wise in the penis, and so, an increase in the volume of the CC would only show up in girth. I attribute all of my growth in length to a combination of traditional PE (stretching mostly) with some benefit of the Chemical PE. I do hope that those currently working on Chemical PE continue to post, as I would like to believe that a chemical PE program would be a valuable part of a traditional PE Program. What would be required though, would be more consistency of growth for those on the program, and better documentation of how growth happened.

Having said that, for the lurkers on this board, if you want to do a chemical PE program, please know that it is difficult, results are not guaranteed, many have not succeeded (although some have) and it can be dangerous.Do read all of the Chem PE postings on this board so that you will be better prepared for you adventure. Also,if you decide to go for an increase in girth,and decide to inject IGF-1, I really suggest that you use IGF-1 (a prescription med) versus IGF-1lr3,as the lr3 version lasts a lot longer than the medical version. As you want to keep the IGF-1 in your penis, and want it to react quickly, you need the faster acting version, and you need to use a restrictor to keep the blood in your penis (with the IGF-1 in the blood) while it takes effect. I also varied my injection spots from side to side. Even though both chambers of the CC are connected, one is not too sure about how far the IGF-1 would travel in the blood, with a restrictor in place.

As a side note to those who have an interest in HGH, please know that it is very expensive.

What HGH do you use and do you think it has contributed to your successful growth?

Use of HGH

Hello Tony, At the moment, I am using Norditropin. This is similar to the “pens” that you see diabetics use. Previously, I used to reconstitute bulk HGH and inject from that bottle.

As to its impact on my growth, I am not sure. I think that it was helpful, but IGF-1, and DHT were more dramatic. But keep in mind, that the HGH levels that I take are titrated to be those of the average 30 year old. While it would be possible to add more and get to the levels of an average 20 year old and probably not have any issues, if you continue to add HGH, it will cause a number of problems.

Also keep in mind, that at an average cost of $20,000 to $40,000 a year, this might be one of the last things you want to supplement with.

Best of luck to you.


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