Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Penis Growth in later life.

I was watching a program yesterday on which the topic of discussion was the health of the male genitalia in later life. There was a female MD on the panel whose specialty is the use of HGH and other growth stimulating hormones. The question came up concerning the use of HGH to stimulate penile growth after the cessation of puberty. She made the statement that with the cessation of puberty the receptors for the class of hormones which cause growth in the male genitalia during puberty are naturally lost, therefore; the application of such substances is a waste of funds and effort.


08-12-2014 BPEL 8.875, EGMS 6.6, EGB 7.25, EW 2.101, EV 30.331, FL 6.75, FG 5.6, Glans Girth 6.5p

Originally Posted by stagestop
Hello Tony, At the moment, I am using Norditropin. This is similar to the “pens” that you see diabetics use. Previously, I used to reconstitute bulk HGH and inject from that bottle.

As to its impact on my growth, I am not sure. I think that it was helpful, but IGF-1, and DHT were more dramatic. But keep in mind, that the HGH levels that I take are titrated to be those of the average 30 year old. While it would be possible to add more and get to the levels of an average 20 year old and probably not have any issues, if you continue to add HGH, it will cause a number of problems.

Also keep in mind, that at an average cost of $20,000 to $40,000 a year, this might be one of the last things you want to supplement with.

Best of luck to you.

Thanks buddy. I just don’t want shrinkage when I get older.

Originally Posted by restored91
I was watching a program yesterday on which the topic of discussion was the health of the male genitalia in later life. There was a female MD on the panel whose specialty is the use of HGH and other growth stimulating hormones. The question came up concerning the use of HGH to stimulate penile growth after the cessation of puberty. She made the statement that with the cessation of puberty the receptors for the class of hormones which cause growth in the male genitalia during puberty are naturally lost, therefore; the application of such substances is a waste of funds and effort.

Thanks bud. Hope you not too cold today.

Thanks, bhcentral

Originally Posted by bhcentral
Arcogon I am all for healthier living. However, I just am not going to inject anything into my penis. I also think it’s great to create an optimal environment for PE. Personally, I think the food and exercise route is probably the best thing that most of us can do, but I have been completely mentally weak when it comes to this aspect of my life.

However, I also have noticed and I am not saying this is you, that many people spend a huge amount of time looking for this secret, that extra thing, whether medicine, food, something that zaps your testicles, hypnosis, visualization, and I am sure that very soon there will probably be some other new thing. It’s great if you can find something that can supplement the hard work that it takes to meet your goals. But many people are trying to find something that replaces the hard work. You can probably tell from my tone how well I think they will succeed.

I know there are two camps here in regards to more is more and less is more. I fall into the more is more camp. I am not saying that the less is more approach isn’t going to work. I just think that over the long run the people that will achieve the biggest gains are going to have a more is more personality.

So if your research leads you down a path that creates the optimal environment to help you when you are working your butt off then great. More power to you and I truly hope you meet your goals. However, if you think it is just a short cut that will allow you to skip the work my guess is you will be disappointed.

I am not judging you and I truly do not know your work ethic when it comes to PE. I truly think that amount of research done by people in forwarding the different theories of PE is inspiring. I feel that when I have achieved my gains I will owe many people a debt of gratitude. I also feel that many people get distracted from the true secret and that is it takes work to meet your goals.

Thanks for your fine response to my rantings! I, too, have gotten some amazing early gains (BPEL to start 5.75; 4-weeks later 6.75). Didn’t expect this to work. This may be “newbie gains,” but I flatter myself that I’ve avoided time off for overtaxing my member and maintain a steady non-routine mixing in various exercises as I become aware of them and how they’re performed, safely. What I’m going for is a body aesthetic that I can live with and maintain in my golden years (I’m in my mid-50s currently.) I appreciate the time you took to reply.

I keep learning more about the positive effects of the herbal supplement, Murcuna Pruriens, on testosterone levels without having to take HGH. Those on this thread keep saying it doesn’t have an affect, however, anything that would raise testosterone and help stimulate FSH should have a positive effect on the biochemical component of this process.

Oh yes, I was objecting to the idea of injecting anything into the penis, perhaps because I would not have steady enough nerves and also like to go a more natural path, generally.

I have a health care background but I really am weak on the endocrine system, however my memories about FSH was more for the women and their cycle in getting pregnant.

What are the benefits of FSH for the guys?

In regards to testosterone do you do the big compound exercises like squats and bench press.? These have been shown to raise testosterone levels.

12/11/2013 BPEL 5 3/4 NBPEL 5 1/16 BPFSL 6 1/16 NBPFSL 5, EG Base 5 EG Mid 4 7/8 EG Below Glans 4 3/4

11/02/15 BPEL 7 1/8”, BPFSL 8 1/16”, EG Mid 5 1/4 —- Goals BPEL 7 1/2”, NBPEL 6 1/2", BPFSL 9” Motivational Resources Wanted

8/9/2014 259 lbs ---- 11/2/15 248 lbs 33.2% body fat Bhcentral's Progress Reports and Pictures

FSH in males

FSH is used for “sperm motility” in males. Or to put in an analogy, it puts the swim fins on sperm cells.

Originally Posted by stagestop
Hello Tony, At the moment, I am using Norditropin. This is similar to the “pens” that you see diabetics use. Previously, I used to reconstitute bulk HGH and inject from that bottle.

As to its impact on my growth, I am not sure. I think that it was helpful, but IGF-1, and DHT were more dramatic. But keep in mind, that the HGH levels that I take are titrated to be those of the average 30 year old. While it would be possible to add more and get to the levels of an average 20 year old and probably not have any issues, if you continue to add HGH, it will cause a number of problems.

Also keep in mind, that at an average cost of $20,000 to $40,000 a year, this might be one of the last things you want to supplement with.

Best of luck to you.

Thanks, hope I can get it. Do you think Nebido (test) will help with growth?

increasing Testosterone

I keep learning more about the positive effects of the herbal supplement, Murcuna Pruriens, on testosterone levels without having to take HGH. Those on this thread keep saying it doesn’t have an affect, however, anything that would raise testosterone and help stimulate FSH should have a positive effect on the biochemical component of this process.

Hi Arcogon, It would seem that there may be some confusion in how the body works, but I think that I understand where you are wanting to go. The way that the body works is as follows. Testosterone is an adrenal hormone, and is part of the adrenal chain of hormones. It is converted from Androstiendione, which is made from DHEA, which is made from Pregnenolone, which is made from cholesterol. There is also an alternate pathway from estradiol (and estrogen) into testosterone. DHT (dihydrotestosterone) is made from testosterone, and is much more bilogically active for both PE purposes and for libido purposes. To raise testosterone, supplementing with DHEA (Andro is better, but no longer sold over the counter) will normally do the trick. An additional method would be to supplement with “TESTOFEN” which you can buy at” rather inexpensively.

The hypothalamus (part of the brain) is our master regulator for the endocrine system. One of the things that it does is to constantly measure the amount of a number of hormones in the blood, and then when our levels get low, it releases a “releasing hormone” that goes to the pituitary gland, causing the gland to release the respective hormone. For testosterone, the hypothalamus measures both testosterone and estradiol (an estrogen). When those levels drop, it releases sex hormone releasing hormone. When the pituitary receives this, it release both Leutenizing Hormone (LH) and Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH). In women, FSH ripens an egg in the ovary and prepares it for release. In Men it affects sperm motility. In both sexes, LH controls the production of testosterone, ASSUMING, that there is sufficent amounts of adrenal hormones to convert into testosterone (this is where DHEA comes in). In women, who get a large pulse of LH to cause the ejection of the ripened egg from the ovary, it also raises their libido, which helps in procreation.

Mucuna contains 15% DOPA, which I went into in an earlier thread. If your intent is to raise total testosterone, the options are 1 DHEA (perhaps 50 mg a day), 2. Real testosterone from a physician. 3. DHT from an international source. 4. Testofen (longer story on its method of action, but it works fairly well). 5. Any number of “steroids”, which are technically not testosterone, but close enough to pass in a number of cases. Information on them can be found on the various body building boards. 6. You can take estrogen reducers, which while they do not add testosterone, they reduce estrogen, which opposes testosterone on a cellular basis, and thereby increased the signal strength of testosterone. For that, I suggest DIM pills (Diindolymethane), which is made from broccoli, and a few other vegetables.

Out of all of them, transdermal DHT is the most powerful. If you use it for long, your libido will go up significantly. It may also affect your hair, as in hair loss, but it does not affect all, just some.

There are a number of over the counter testosterone products, and some of them do work reasonably well. They are not as good as the real stuff, but that may be harder to get. If you do decide to use steroids, be sure to read up on them, as all of them have to be cycled. Failure to cycle them, (and to reduce the increase in estrogen that their use causes) will cause your testicles to shrink. It can get worse than that with long term use of steroids.

As to Mucuna, if you need it (and about 15% of the population does) it works great. If you don’t need it and don’t get carried away, (by that, let’s say 3 pills per day), you should be fine. If you really get carried away, you can develop a tic, and if you do, it will be permanent. NOT GOOD.

Best of luck


Thanks, hope I can get it. Do you think Nebido (test) will help with growth?

Hi Tony, in regard to “will it help” well, perhaps a little bit, but DHT would be much better. Of course, if you have low T anyway, then supplementing with it only makes sense.


Originally Posted by restored91

The question came up concerning the use of HGH to stimulate penile growth after the cessation of puberty. She made the statement that with the cessation of puberty the receptors for the class of hormones which cause growth in the male genitalia during puberty are naturally lost, therefore; the application of such substances is a waste of funds and effort.

Should be the end of the discussion.

Why transdermal DHT would be better than systemic DHT?

better placement

Originally Posted by marinera
Why transdermal DHT would be better than systemic DHT?

Basically, you want to keep the hormone where it will do its work, as opposed to flowing through the body. DHT collects in hair follicles and increases baldness on those that are sensitive to it. Also, your concentration can be higher than when taken systemically.

Originally Posted by stagestop

Basically, you want to keep the hormone where it will do its work, as opposed to flowing through the body. DHT collects in hair follicles and increases baldness on those that are sensitive to it. Also, your concentration can be higher than when taken systemically.

Where and how do I get hold of DHT? Can I apply to testicles with DMSO? Can you PM an answer to me. Thanks stagestop.


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