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Penis Size on Fox News


Penis Size on Fox News

Studies Claim Women Don't Care About Penis Length
Friday, June 01, 2007

When it comes to penises, length matters more to men than to women, according to a new study that reviews more than 60 years of research and debunks numerous sex myths.

About 90 percent of women actually prefer a wide penis to a long one, according to two studies included in the review.

Eighty-five percent of women reported being satisfied with their partner’s penis size, compared to only 55 percent for men.

The review, conducted by Drs. Kevan Wylie and Ian Eardley of the Porterback Clinic and Royal Hallamshire Hospital in Sheffield and St. James’ Hospital in Leeds, England, respectively, combines results from more than 50 international research projects into penis size and small penis syndrome (SPS) conducted since 1942.

“The issue of attractiveness to women is complex, but most data suggest that penile size is much lower down the list of priorities for women than such issues as a man’s personality and external grooming,” the researchers write.

Drawing upon the results of 12 relevant studies, the review, detailed in the British Journal of Urology (BJU) International, finds that the average erect penis is about 5.5 to 6.2 inches long and about 4.7 to 5.1 inches in circumference.

Penis myths

The findings also deflate a few other myths about male genitalia. The notion that penis size varies according to race, for example, is false.

Another oft-repeated myth is that older men tend to have smaller penises, but Wylie and Eardley found no differences when they combined the results of all the studies together.

One surprising finding was that small penis syndrome (SPS), also known as the “locker room syndrome,” is much more common in men with normal sized penises than those who have so-called micropensises (penises with a flaccid length of less than 2.7 inches).

An Internet survey of more than 52,000 heterosexual men found that 12 percent thought their penises were too small, even though micropenis is estimated to affect only about 0.6 percent of men.

One study suggests SPS often begin at an early age. Sixty-three percent of men with the disorder said their anxieties started with childhood comparisons, often to an elder sibling or their fathers, while 37 percent blamed erotic images viewed during their teenage years.

Be wary

The review also supports recent studies that find penis-enlarging vacuum devices, penis extenders and traction devices rarely live up to their promises, but can, in some cases, provide a “psychological uplifting effect.”

The authors take a wait-and-see approach to penis-enlargement surgery, which can include everything from partially separating ligaments in the penis so it hangs further from the body to injecting fat into the penis to increase its girth.

One of the most extreme procedures involves completely splaying the penis and inserting a piece of cartilage into it before suturing it up again.

“While information is starting to emerge on the success of some surgical techniques, this is not backed up by data on patients’ satisfaction with such procedures,” Wylie said.

The doctors point out some ancient tried-and-true methods for penis enlargement, but these aren’t any more comfortable.

Indian Sadhus, for example, use weights to increase their penis length, while the Topamina of Brazil encourage poisonous snakes to bite their penises to get a size boost that lasts six months.

The researchers say their review is intended to “provide clinicians with an overarching summary of the many research projects that have been carried out into penile size and small penis syndrome” so that they can better treat the disorder.

When faced with a patient with SDS, “the initial approach should be a thorough urological, psychosexual, psychological and psychiatric assessment, possibly with more than one clinician involved,” they write.

Copyright © 2007 Imaginova Corp. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Interesting for two reasons:

1) I never believed race had anything to do with penis size (This article clearly states that)

2) Why didn’t they mention PE? Are we not main-stream enough yet?

I was dreaming when I thought it couldn't done, but now I know I have work to do.

Came with: NBPEL 5.875, EG @ Scarline 4.5 Mustered up: 7 x 5 Looking for: 9 x 6 Will settle for: 8 x 5.5

Can’t find any info on the Topamina in Brazil, what if the snake venom could be extracted and titrated for injection simular to chemical PE? Mick Jagger used to cover his unit with bees to sting it and enlarge it before going on stage, ahh the price of fame.

2) I doubt PE will ever be mainstream as far as medicine is concerned… there is just no money to be made. Don’t get me wrong ineffective / disfiguring surgery will continue to be practiced (as well as “chemical pe”).

04: NBP 5.5, EG 5. 08: NBP 7 EG 5.25. Current: NBP 6.5 EG 5.25

Originally Posted by Dangle

2) Why didn’t they mention PE? Are we not main-stream enough yet?

“…ancient tried and true methods…”

I hold the fates bound fast in iron chains and with my hand turn fortune's wheel about... - Marlowe's Tamburlaine

SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Keep it down guys. I can’t have PE going mainstream. I felt like I was small before, and I’ve been PE’ing like hell to get to what I now think is average. If we release PE to the masses, then alas…I will feel small again.

In all seriousness, sweet link and great find. I am very interested in all stats and surveys :) . Anyone who has the time, if you like surveys/polls then would you mind going to the thread I started that is linked in my signature? Thanks in advance.


Start: May 12, 2007 BPEL: 5.551" EG: 4.646" FL: 3.051" FG: 3.858" Please Fill Out My Survey: Click Me!

Now: July 13, 2007 BPEL: 6.250" EG: 5.500" FL: 3.346" FG: 4.488"

Goal: BPEL: 7.000" EG: 6.000" FL: 5.000" FG: 4.750"

Race has nothing to do with penis size!
Half a billion Chinese can sigh a collective relief.
The real meaning behind naming so many Hung Lo is out.

“The authors take a wait-and-see approach to penis-enlargement surgery”
So do those who have undergone it!

“The review also supports recent studies that find penis-enlarging vacuum devices, penis extenders and traction devices rarely live up to their promises, but can, in some cases, provide a “psychological uplifting effect.”

Rarely live up to their promise? Guess I’m rare.
Why would it have a “psychological uplifting effect” if it didn’t work?
Yes, I was just remarking the other day how good it makes me feel just to own these things.

But then says “ancient tried-and-true” techniques such as hanging weights and poisonous snakes biting your dick work real well.

I don’t know, is it me or when you get bit by a poisonous snake you usually…I don’t know…die?
Even if you didn’t would your dick be useful with venom all up in it?
I’m crazy enough to do a lot of things but have to admit, don’t think I’d be waving my dick at a poisonous snake for it to sink it’s fangs into anytime soon.

“The researchers say their review is intended to “provide clinicians with an overarching summary of the many research projects that have been carried out into penile size and small penis syndrome” so that they can better treat the disorder.”

So this is for what then?

To reassure men who think there penis is too small that their really OK. Tell that to some guy who’s had his ego crushed by the careless remark of some size queen, see if he gives a rat’s ass about their “findings” and “conclusions” which are full of it to begin with.

Last edited by EZ Rider : 06-03-2007 at .

Eighty-five percent of women reported being satisfied with their partner's penis size, compared to only 55 percent for men.

I’m sure they could have phrased that better

Originally Posted by wadzilla

Studies Claim Women Don't Care About Penis Length
Friday, June 01, 2007

When it comes to penises, length matters more to men than to women, according to a new study that reviews more than 60 years of research and debunks numerous sex myths.

About 90 percent of women actually prefer a wide penis to a long one, according to two studies included in the review.

Eighty-five percent of women reported being satisfied with their partner’s penis size, compared to only 55 percent for men.

The review, conducted by Drs. Kevan Wylie and Ian Eardley of the Porterback Clinic and Royal Hallamshire Hospital in Sheffield and St. James’ Hospital in Leeds, England, respectively, combines results from more than 50 international research projects into penis size and small penis syndrome (SPS) conducted since 1942.

“The issue of attractiveness to women is complex, but most data suggest that penile size is much lower down the list of priorities for women than such issues as a man’s personality and external grooming,” the researchers write.

Drawing upon the results of 12 relevant studies, the review, detailed in the British Journal of Urology (BJU) International, finds that the average erect penis is about 5.5 to 6.2 inches long and about 4.7 to 5.1 inches in circumference.

Penis myths

The findings also deflate a few other myths about male genitalia. The notion that penis size varies according to race, for example, is false.

Another oft-repeated myth is that older men tend to have smaller penises, but Wylie and Eardley found no differences when they combined the results of all the studies together.

One surprising finding was that small penis syndrome (SPS), also known as the “locker room syndrome,” is much more common in men with normal sized penises than those who have so-called micropensises (penises with a flaccid length of less than 2.7 inches).

An Internet survey of more than 52,000 heterosexual men found that 12 percent thought their penises were too small, even though micropenis is estimated to affect only about 0.6 percent of men.

One study suggests SPS often begin at an early age. Sixty-three percent of men with the disorder said their anxieties started with childhood comparisons, often to an elder sibling or their fathers, while 37 percent blamed erotic images viewed during their teenage years.

Be wary

The review also supports recent studies that find penis-enlarging vacuum devices, penis extenders and traction devices rarely live up to their promises, but can, in some cases, provide a “psychological uplifting effect.”

The authors take a wait-and-see approach to penis-enlargement surgery, which can include everything from partially separating ligaments in the penis so it hangs further from the body to injecting fat into the penis to increase its girth.

One of the most extreme procedures involves completely splaying the penis and inserting a piece of cartilage into it before suturing it up again.

“While information is starting to emerge on the success of some surgical techniques, this is not backed up by data on patients’ satisfaction with such procedures,” Wylie said.

The doctors point out some ancient tried-and-true methods for penis enlargement, but these aren’t any more comfortable.

Indian Sadhus, for example, use weights to increase their penis length, while the Topamina of Brazil encourage poisonous snakes to bite their penises to get a size boost that lasts six months.

The researchers say their review is intended to “provide clinicians with an overarching summary of the many research projects that have been carried out into penile size and small penis syndrome” so that they can better treat the disorder.

When faced with a patient with SDS, “the initial approach should be a thorough urological, psychosexual, psychological and psychiatric assessment, possibly with more than one clinician involved,” they write.

Copyright © 2007 Imaginova Corp. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Originally Posted by EZ Rider
I don’t know, is it me or when you get bit by a poisonous snake you usually…I don’t know…die?
Even if you didn’t would your dick be useful with venom all up in it?
I’m crazy enough to do a lot of things but have to admit, don’t think I’d be waving my dick at a poisonous snake for it to sink it’s fangs into anytime soon.

This is not a method of PE that I’ll be exploring very soon, either.

Still, there seems to be a theme historically of using venoms of various sorts for PE. This article mentions snakebites; I’ve also heard about bee stings, scorpion stings, stinging ants and spider bites for this purpose. Venoms are interesting substances; one of the things that venoms seem to affect is proteins, which could be of benefit in changing penis structure. Venoms sometimes also are known for provoking an inflammatory reaction; again, not an uncommon theme in PE.

Medical researchers look at venoms to figure out if desired effects can be separated from the undesired ones. I doubt if anyone is going to be putting major medical research dollars into altered versions of venoms for PE very soon, but those who have used these substances for this purpose in the past may not have done so without some basis of success by others in doing so.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

“Splaying the penis”????

No thank you - I’d prefer a 4-incher if that was the case.

Originally Posted by BusterHymes
“Splaying the penis”????

No thank you - I’d prefer a 4-incher if that was the case.

You’d have to be pretty desperate to make THAT sound like a good idea (splaying the penis, that is; not the preference for four inches as the alternative).

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Originally Posted by petitfaun
Eighty-five percent of women reported being satisfied with their partner's penis size, compared to only 55 percent for men.

I’m sure they could have phrased that better

I am very much in agreement with you on that one. When I read it I sort of was like, “Wait, what did they just say?”


Start: May 12, 2007 BPEL: 5.551" EG: 4.646" FL: 3.051" FG: 3.858" Please Fill Out My Survey: Click Me!

Now: July 13, 2007 BPEL: 6.250" EG: 5.500" FL: 3.346" FG: 4.488"

Goal: BPEL: 7.000" EG: 6.000" FL: 5.000" FG: 4.750"

I think that there are no limits to what some men will try to increase the size of their penis.

I remember reading about a year ago that a guy from Serbia tried to make his erections better by sticking a pencil cartridge in his uretra.

Gives me the shivers just thinking about it.

Originally Posted by from the article…
The review also supports recent studies that find penis-enlarging vacuum devices, penis extenders and traction devices rarely live up to their promises, but can, in some cases, provide a “psychological uplifting effect.”

Note that the article stated “…(NPE practices)…rarely live up to their promises….

The article did not flatly state that NPE is bogus or a scam - or even ineffective. Furthermore, to which “promises” does NPE not “live up to”?

The promises of bogus pay sites (“Grow 4 Inches in Months - With Only 10 Minutes Per Day!!!”)???

Originally Posted by from the article
The doctors point out some ancient tried-and-true methods for penis enlargement, but these aren’t any more comfortable.

Indian Sadhus, for example, use weights to increase their penis length, while the Topamina of Brazil encourage poisonous snakes to bite their penises to get a size boost that lasts six months.

If the weight-hanging of “Indian Sadhus” increases their penis length, then why does the article (in the above quote) disparage “penis extenders and traction devices,” since these devices work on the same damn principle as weight-hanging???

As for inciting a venomnous animal to bite my unit……, I think I’ll pass on that. Yeah, you might get some huge girth “that lasts six months,” but at what cost? Diminished sensitivity? Permanent nerve damage? Perhaps even an infection which can lead to necrotic tissue (unless you want to go explain to a doctor exactly what you just did to yourself). :)

The article is wrong about races… if someone told you that asians are not shorter than whites and blacks you would laugh at them. I was in the bath houses in Korea and I can tell you for sure, I didnt mean to look but there was not anyone that I thought was bigger than me and I am just average. Also, I had a friend who was a hooker and she said hell yes black guys are bigger. Could be that they on average have a lower fat content though.

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