Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Physiologic Indicators (PIs) to help growth!

Awesome share, new member to the forum. What are some intermediate to advanced pumping routines? Can anyone direct me to it? I pump 15 per set, usually do half n hour between each set. What’s the max sets one can do throughout the day? I’ve definitely seen an increase in my overall hardness.

I’d just like to add that I regard the original post in this thread as mandatory reading for all of us into doing PE, especially newbies. If anyone hasn’t read it, I highly recommend it.

Agreed, I’m just wondering what are some advanced routines if we have already followed the guidelines for pumping for newbies. I’m past the beginner stuff.

Decrease in size

Originally Posted by sparkyx
After reading accounts of those who have had good growth, as well personal experiences of growth and loss of progress, it has become apparent that there are Physiologic Indicators (PIs’) that can guide you.

PIs (Physiologic Indicators) are the observable physical responses of your penis to the forces applied in PE. Anyone who has done any PE has seen these, yet many don’t use them for the invaluable information that they offer. The chances of being successful in PE dramatically improves or drops based on your ability to understand what your “body is telling you”!

I break PIs down into Negative, Positive and Neutral.

NEGATIVE PIs meaning that when you see these, it is a sign that you are over training your unit, and you need to cut back the amount of force/time applied. POSITIVE PIs means that it is an excellent indicator that you are NOT over training your unit, and probably improving it. NEUTRAL PIs, are neither obviously positive or negative. They must be INTERPRETED in relation to other definite Positive or Negative PIs. They are referred to as neutral, because at times, they may be a positive indicator, and other times, a negative indicator. Whether these Neutral PIs are positive or negative for YOU.. Will only become obvious when other DEFINITE Positive or Negative PIs begin to show.

En español aquí.

Lets start with some definite Negative PIs;
-Decreased nite and morning wood
-Decreased hardness of erections
-Loss of size

Now for the definite Positive PIs;
-Larger flaccid hang lasting all day
-Increased nite and morning wood
-Increased hardness of erections
-Increase of normal size

Neutral PIs;
-Temporary penis contraction after a PE workout
-Slight achyness in your penis
-Increased size temporarily, a few minutes to a couple hours
-Edema in the penis skin

Of all the PIs, SIZE GAIN OR LOSS is the bottom line! Size loss or gain will give you the final word on whether you are being effective or not.
So lets use an example and put these PIs in use.

Lets say a beginner starts with a simple routine, 5 minutes warm-up followed by 5 minutes jelquing. He sees when he is done, his unit is slightly larger, reddish and hangs fuller for a few minutes followed by some contraction. Later on he finds that he has increased nite and morning wood. Together this is a good picture, the increased nite and morning wood indicate that the other Neutral PIs can be interpreted as Positive PIs. At that point, it would be sensible for this newbie to continue this routine and measure himself about once every one to two weeks.

If after two weeks, all the PIs are the same, yet he has made no gains, he should increase his force and or time of PE.Why? Because there are no PIs indicating over training(Negative PIs), therefore his lack of growth is due to UNDER TRAINING. In this scenario, it would probably be smart to increase his jelque time to 10 minutes. This he should stay with, watching his PIs for indications of Negatives.

Growth for most of us is a slim margin between too much and too little.

So going back to our Newbie, so he ups his jelques to 10 minutes, and still has no Negative PIs. This indicates that he is still not into over training. Lets just say, after 2 weeks he remeasures and has 1/4 inch growth. This of course is the ultimate Positive PI, and he should STAY with his routine until he stops growing. Then, and only then would increased force/time be called for.

Lets take a different scenario;

John Q Dickpuller has read the latest technique of hanging a bowling ball off his dick and decides to give it a try. First thing he notices is after the work out , his unit turtles up on him (Neutral PI). Later on he sees that morning and nite wood is gone. Finally, when he measures in about a week, he sees he has lost a half inch in length. This bottom line Negative PI indicator tells him he is way into over training! The turtling, interpreted in light of the loss of size and loss of nite and morning wood, is a Negative PI for him.

John now knows that that contraction of his penis immediately after his workout is an early indicator of over training his unit. He lays off completely and waits for his normal nite and morning wood to return, which it does in about one week. This is a good indicator that he has recovered from the excessive trauma and is ready get back in the game.

John now tries again, this time with a tennis ball. He sees that after his workout he gets slight shrinkage, that only lasts for 30 minutes. He finds his nite and morning wood improves, and after 2 weeks sees that he is starting to gain size. John now knows that contraction for 30 minutes or less, is an early Positive PI for him, and keeps that in mind whenever he makes any changes to his routine.

Lets use a third, more complex scenario;

Mr B. Dog finds that if he whacks his dick with a hammer, it turns purple, and shrinks up for a week. He loses his erections completely. Wisely, he decides to leave it completely alone for 4 weeks. Slowly his nite and morning erections return, his flaccid hang is now longer than before. He find whens he is fully recovered, he has gained a half inch in length and and inch in girth. Here we have a definite Negative PI and a Neutral PI, but interpreted in the light of the final PI (that is, gains), we can say that for Dog, a shrunken and purple penis is a positive indicator of future growth for him, if he takes the time to fully recover.

Recovery is determined by return of definite Positive PIs.

Last scenario;

S. Knucklehead decided to try pumping. He is making slow and steady gains. His nite and morning wood is excellent, best in years. He also finds that his day time flaccid hang is longer than ever and fluffed out most of the day. Mr K knows from this experience that a longer, fluffed flaccid is a Positive PI for him that he is “in the zone”. Mr Knuckhead decides to supercharge his pumping session by doing it while clamped. This technique not only feels great, it causes his dick to swell to all time new size with no lymphatic fluid (during the PE)! Knucklehead gets so enthusiastic that he does it for 5 sessions in one day! That nite Mr K. Finds his wood is gone, as well as the mornings. He also finds that his penis is hanging shorter and more contracted. He measures himself over the next week and finds that he has lost a full one half inch.

So even though he found that his unit was huge during the pumping, the resulting definite Negative PI’s indicated that it was more trauma than his unit could handle. Mr K. Learned that a swollen dick during PE could be a definite Negative PI for him! Mr K took a week off and waited for nite and morning wood, as well as normal flaccid hang to return to normal (Positve PIs).

Mr K restarted his program, but with 5-10 minutes of clamped pumping. He carefully watched his PIs for indications of over training before adding any force/time.

The bottom line is, your penis has definite responses to the forces you use on it. Learn to read the Positives and Negatives, and interpret the Neutrals. Using these as guidelines for your workout, you will have a much better chance at dialing in the amount of force/time needed for you to achieve growth.


Please can anyone on here help me. I’ve been peing for about a month now and I noticed in my first two weeks I had an increase in length of about 7mm and I recently measured and I lost almost 1.05 centimeters and also lost almost 0.5 cm in girth . I feel I apply too much intensity when jelging and this might be the reason .
Can anyone please help me on how to jelg correctly. Please help me brothers

Originally Posted by theguy419
Please can anyone on here help me. I’ve been peing for about a month now and I noticed in my first two weeks I had an increase in length of about 7mm and I recently measured and I lost almost 1.05 centimeters and also lost almost 0.5 cm in girth . I feel I apply too much intensity when jelging and this might be the reason .
Can anyone please help me on how to jelg correctly. Please help me brothers

Your best bet would be to start a thread of your own asking these questions. You’ll get a lot of helpful advice.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Do I have to have a fuller hang after jelqing? I know I get good expansion but it never seems to hang full even after 50 slow jelqs moderate grip.

I still wake up with morning wood but I wouldn’t say I have random erection EQ.

What is the difference between discoloration and spotting?

Discoloration listed in “bad” outcomes and spotting listed in “neutral” outcomes. I ask for a reason, of course. Just starting back to PE, didn’t get into it much before. Now I’m trying to maintain consistency. Noticed a tiny dark spot on my glans and not sure what category that falls under - discoloration or spotting.

Any help/feedback?

Discoloration is blood/iron deposits in higher layers. Spotting if it means red pin sized spots it’s the same but smaller IMO. If the spot you have isn’t going away or bigger from prob?

In any case if it happens fast you probably did too much. If it happened over time and have no pain.. should be ok

My penis flaccid length doesn’t actually change until 20 hours after my session. Rest days I’m seeing gains and stronger morning wood and don’t need breaks in between sex rounds - all positive PI’s in my first month back

BUT my measurements are all over the place last week my length went to 18.5 this week,17.5 girth also went 14.3 to this week 13.4 Cm’s here is the really weird part my PI’s are a lot better this week.

Maybe I’m looking to much into this and need to take a break from measuring so much but advise would help

Originally Posted by theguy419
Please can anyone on here help me. I’ve been peing for about a month now and I noticed in my first two weeks I had an increase in length of about 7mm and I recently measured and I lost almost 1.05 centimeters and also lost almost 0.5 cm in girth . I feel I apply too much intensity when jelging and this might be the reason .
Can anyone please help me on how to jelg correctly. Please help me brothers

Over training?

Bathmate circumsicion

Hi, I recently did the circumcision, it’s been a little over two months. I want to ask about how long I should use the Bathmate again.
Some one could guide me about it, besides, I do not if this affect my enlargement .

Thank you guys

Is feeling a buzzing feeling a negative pI’s? ??

Sometime I get like a random twitch in my penis during the day. No pain is involved but my flaccid sometimes buzzes or twitches like how a cramp does but without the pain. I just get a weird sensation/feeling.

All I do is stretch and 10-15 Min jelq downward/ overhand ok grip pinching the sides (CC) more than anything.

I read it could be the BC/PC muscle spasms?? What causes that?

Thanks! Super helpful

October 2017 BPEL 5.25 (5 1/4") EG 5.00 (5")

December 2017 BPEL 5.625 (5 5/8") EG 5.125 (5 1/8")

So this morning i woke up with no erection. I typically do have a full erection in the morning but even if i dont i will at least be 80% there. Yesterday i did an AM session of 10 mins stretching and 15 mins jelqing then in the evening 10 mins stretching and 10 mins jelqing. Then my gf wanted sex(which is unusual so late)right after my session so that was maybe 20 mins and went to bed almost at 1am. So im not sure if i wasnt hard this AM cause of the sex or the PE or both. I was able to get an erection in the shower like normal and then i did my 10 mins of stretching but no jelqs to give it a little rest. Would this be normal or a negative PI?


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