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Piet's stretcher -updated- 2


Piet's stretcher -updated- 2

My stretcher had been laying around unused for a while now so I thought it was about time I improved it again. There were 2 things I didn’t like about the previous attachment part of my stretcher, the inner rectangles which should provide lateral pressure but were too soft to do a good job and the need for a hoseclamp for tightening. The screw of the hoseclamp can show through your pants and the end sticks in your leg :s

The first problem I fixed by making a sort of minihanger with ridges for extra grip. For the second problem I used shoelaces and a Mechano part (metal strip with 3 holes). The shoelaces are already annoying me but the wood I used will probably break if I enlarge the holes to use a rope instead. I used the Mechano part because a wooden version broke while drilling holes in it grrr. To tighten the attachment part I first tie the shoelaces in a knot then I rotate the Mechano part and secure it with a shoelace through one of the holes.

I may replace the wooden parts by stronger wood and then I will also cut off the ends of the screws, anyway I thought it would be interesting to already show how it looks like and get some feedback :)

top attachment.webp
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Is this a wrap-less stretcher? I like your design, clean and simple!

Perhaps it’s possible to use without a wrap but personally I wouldn’t use it without at least a thin wrap. The wrap I use is pretty thin.

Do you have any problem with twisting?

Looking good bro

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Hi Peit where can I get those stretching shaft (rods)?

I’m in CA and whats the name of them thanks

I don’t know about twisting because I haven’t tried it often enough yet.

Those rods are called ‘schroefdraad’ in dutch, I bought 1 meter of it and sawed it in pieces. I don’t know what it’s called in English but it should not be hard to find because of it’s length.

The measurements of the wooden blocks are 3x5cm.

Piet do you have any advice on how to wrap when using your ADS, or any images would be great, I’m uncut and still a bit unsure on how I would wrap with your device.

I’m gonna build one next week I think.

Piet, my friend, your tireless industry amuses me. You’d better get busy with more research & development; after all, you don’t want to be stuck with a tiny 9-incher for ever, do you?

P.S., On 2nd thought, if we employ “MOS math,” you actually have a 12-incher. My apologies :P

- affectionately,
w a d

Originally Posted by ju5taman
Hi Peit where can I get those stretching shaft (rods)?

I’m in CA and whats the name of them thanks

Most Hardware stores carry them in the nuts and bolts aisle. I think the base with the circle on it is called an eyebolt screw, and you can buy 24” rods and cut them down to size.

cead mile failte :lep:

Icanttalk, when I finish the improved version I will include a picture of how I wrap for it.

I’m perfectly happy with my size Wad but a little more wouldn’t hurt, especially a little more flaccid :)

After a couple testruns it became evident the wooden parts needed an extra 0.5cm and the shoelaces were annoying me. Hence I made a new version with the wooden parts being 5.5x3.1 cm and used a cord this time. the top attachment part is pretty comfortable but rather bulky, it will show through your pants while walking. When you have the privacy for sporting a blocky bulge in your pants this thing is great :)

The tape of the ring at the base was coming loose so I decided to make a new ring. I went to a store to look for a thick cylinder with an innerdiameter of 6cm but could only find bigger and smaller cylinders. So what I did instead was saw off a ring of the PVC tube I once bought and cut out 3cm to get the right diameter and screwed the ends together. I also bought something called ‘endbolts’? with smooth heads but that didn’t work. Because I was getting slightly frustrated I sawed an opening in both eyebolts and pushed them in the square holes I had already made for the endbolts.

You can see the endresult in the pics below.

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Wow Piet, the creativity of guys who want to expand their unit has no limits! :)

Your stretcher design rocks! That attachment is the tricky part, isn’t it? Do you think that the eyebolts will hold over time, or will it put too much pressure on the PVC? I’ve got all the parts for a stretcher, got ‘em a year ago, and when I get back from Vegas I’ll put it together.

Thanks for the inspiration!


Thanks glandmaster :)

When you want to use more than a light stretch the same rules for a hanger apply to the top attachment. That’s why I made it like a minihanger. The tightness I’m going for it’s just enough to grab the innertissues (tunica) and not just the skin and glans.

The PVC of the previous base I used was only 1mm thick, this version is 3.5mm thick so I think it will hold ;) Too bad I already made big holes because small ones would have been better but it does work like this.

How long have you used the stretcher in months and daily?

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