Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Poll: straight guys: any "real" life guys know you PE?

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You’re heterosexual. Does any other male in "real life" know you do PE?



Yes—please add comment on how many, plus family or not family

Total Votes: 142. You may not vote on this poll

I have a male friend whom I have know for over 40 years. We have gotten on the subject of sex and sexual performance many times over the years. He is 20 years my junior. He has basically treated me as his surrogate father. Recently I shared with him about the benefits of Kegels, nothing more. No one else has a clue of my PE activities related to Thunders or any other place.

Currently I am single so there is no SO in my life.


08-12-2014 BPEL 8.875, EGMS 6.6, EGB 7.25, EW 2.101, EV 30.331, FL 6.75, FG 5.6, Glans Girth 6.5p

I have only told one other person, a friend of mine. He probably totally forgot about it.

Originally Posted by Tom Hubbard
I had to read this a couple of times to understand: you would not tell friends about it until you have gotten gains yourself.

However, the subject of penis size has been broached, since you know it’s an issue for them, correct? Or is your knowledge of them “taking themselves out of the game” because of “size complexes” second-hand (somebody else told you, but not them)?

If you can do it comfortably, I think you owe it to them to help. After all (I hope not), you might be the guy who goes a year without results, and one of them might be like me, and gain an inch in a few months. In that case, you’d be selfishly denying them a chance to grow.

Simple suggestion: ask them if they’ve ever seen my site. Say it looks interesting. That’s all.*

You might want to wait a few days until I update it; I’m making some changes (partly) with them in mind.

*my site has plenty of links to Thunder’s Place. The intent with my site is to instill a reaction of “Wow! I’ve got to try this right now!” That is not the intent of Thunder’s Place, which tends to instill in some guys a reaction of “Wow! Lots of information! I need to lurk and read for six months in order to decide if I’m going to buy a Phallosan or Bib Hanger.” Nothing wrong with that. I think my simple approach complements it well, and might inspire your friends.

Sorry, I was lacking necessary punctuation in that post, it was right before I went to bed.

You have a point. I’ve brought it up to one friend in the past, who has no issues with his size, he is actually quite large, under the pretext that “one of my college friends told me about this stuff and says it works” stating I hadn’t looked into it myself.

And yeah I know for a fact the one guy has an issue, it started because he dated a girl who had much larger than him before and basically told everyone in our high school he was small and unable to satisfy her, he’s been pretty much afraid to talk to girls since then it seems. Or at least go much further.

March 7th/2012 BPEL: 6.7 EG:4.6 June 4/13 BPEL 7.00 NBPEL 6.4 EG: 4.6

Short term goal: 7.0 NBPEL EG: 4.75

Coming back from a year long layoff.

Originally Posted by cardinal2
And yeah I know for a fact the one guy has an issue, it started because he dated a girl who had much larger than him before and basically told everyone in our high school he was small and unable to satisfy her, he’s been pretty much afraid to talk to girls since then it seems. Or at least go much further.

Wow. That sucks almost incredibly. Are you still in high school?

Told a friend and I’m pretty sure my brother knows. Can’t really deny two the two 11 inch tubes on my desk.

Originally Posted by Tom Hubbard
Wow. That sucks almost incredibly. Are you still in high school?

Truly does suck. Can’t hold much respect for women like that.

I would assume he isn’t in high school. Need to be 18 to join here.

Originally Posted by DomXZ

Told a friend and I’m pretty sure my brother knows. Can’t really deny two the two 11 inch tubes on my desk.

True that. On another note, has he always known you have two dicks?

Originally Posted by PatientlyGrowin
Truly does suck. Can’t hold much respect for women like that.

I would assume he isn’t in high school. Need to be 18 to join here.

Totally agreed about the slut. But: need to claim to be 18 to join here.

Originally Posted by Tom Hubbard

Totally agreed about the slut. But: need to claim to be 18 to join here.

I’m still young, let me be naive and believe people are honest and wait to be 18 to join here. I did :-Y

You be honorable bro.

Originally Posted by PatientlyGrowin
I’m still young, let me be naive and believe people are honest and wait to be 18 to join here. I did :-Y

Wow really, I think I was 17 but would have joined at 13 if that’s when I found it. I don’t even know why I PE. The only comment I’ve ever gotten was that it was big, but I was just like “stop lying,I’m not dumb” I think porn gave me my insecurities. (Went completely off topic) I have told two friends and my brother. The first friend I told after I had first found PE but hadn’t tried. The second friend and my brother I had to convince that it worked and I wasn’t losing my mind. That being said I have no measurable gains to date. But I know my dick is shaped completely different and when I look in a mirror I much happier with whats looking back.

PS. I almost a 100% sure Jelqing is getting rid of my Pearly Penile Papsules, they are much less pronounced than they were.

Seriously how good is this PE stuff :)

Originally Posted by PatientlyGrowin
I’m still young, let me be naive and believe people are honest and wait to be 18 to join here. I did :-Y

Were are you from PatientlyGrowin? Apart from The Universe

My wife helped me PE, She made it all happen, because I did not have to hide.

I’m currently strapped with a hanger that have 7 kg attached to the end of it.

Who the hell could I tell in real life? I think it’s crazy myself. :)

I’ve told a few male friends about PE. I’m not ‘protective’ of PE like it’s some secret, as it seems some guys are. Nor am I embarrassed about it - it’s basically just ‘gym’ for your penis. I don’t make a big thing about it (pun!) - just a simple “I guess guys have less to worry about than they used to… now that we know it’s possible to increase the size of our dicks with a bit of exercise” - then if they ask, I’ll mention Thunders Place.

No one has ever given me any feedback on whether they have grown or even tried it for long, but a couple of guys, some weeks after I’ve mentioned PE to them, have asked “erm… what was the name of that site you mentioned?”, so they must have wanted to give it a shot.

I’ve not told any family members.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results


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