Clearest size chart I’ve seen. The clumping of guys in an average size range between 5 and 7.249 stands out. Despite this, I wonder if these sizes are a bit lower than average. The reason I say this is because more guys that are concerned about their size are going to find Thunder’s. I realise that even guys pre pe 7 , 8 , and even 9 inches can desire to be longer and come to Thunder’s. But the 4, 5 and 6 inch guys are going to be the ones more often concerned and seeking solutions. So the pre pe 7 and 8 inch % on this chart are going to be lower than actual %. I don’t recall precisely at this time, but I think other surveys have shown 8 inches and over are 5% of men. The chart here shows it at 3 1/2% of men, so this backs up what I’m saying that the numbers are going to downplayed on this chart. Still, this chart does give a fair enough indication of overall sizes. I wasn’t thinking about all this in my previous post in this thread.