Thunder's Place

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Prevention of erectile dysfunction

Not exactly on topic, but too interesting for avoiding posting:

Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction by Perineal Exercise, Electromyographic Biofeedback, and Electrical Stimulation
Marijke Van Kampen, Willy De Weerdt, Hubert Claes, Hilde Feys, Mira De Maeyer and Hendrik Van Poppel

Background and Purpose. Only a few investigators have described the involvement of the perineal muscles in the process of human erection. The aim of this research was to evaluate a re-education program for men with erection problems of different etiologies. Subjects and Methods. Fifty-one patients with erectile dysfunction were treated with pelvic-floor exercises, biofeedback, and electrical stimulation. Results. The results of the interventions can be summarized as follows: 24 patients (47%) regained a normal erection, 12 patients (24%) improved, and 6 patients (12%) did not make any progress. Nine patients (18%) did not complete the therapy. On the basis of several variables, a prediction equation was generated to determine the factors that would predict the effect of the interventions. The outcome was most favorable in men with venous-occlusive dysfunction. Discussion and Conclusion. Comparison of the results of the physical therapy protocol reported here with those obtained for other interventions reported in the literature shows that a pelvic-floor muscle program may be a noninvasive alternative for the treatment of patients with erectile dysfunction caused by venous occlusion. … y&start=30&sa=N

The best way to keep yourself from falling prey to ED when you’re older is to eat healthy, but keep away from bullshit chemicals. Work hard, but don’t stress it. Make sure you get enough sleep and water every day. Those 4 things, and your dick will outlive you (and that’ll be a long-ass time).

Originally Posted by drkegels
The best way to keep yourself from falling prey to ED when you’re older is to eat healthy, but keep away from bullshit chemicals. Work hard, but don’t stress it. Make sure you get enough sleep and water every day. Those 4 things, and your dick will outlive you (and that’ll be a long-ass time).


Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Originally Posted by ticktickticker

My current understanding is that the penile artery, which is smaller than the coronary arteries, is affected by arterial disease BEFORE the coronary, cerebral and other arteries. As a consequence, men with erectile dysfunction often develop coronary heart disease later in their life.

True and not true.

Although there is significant evidence of a link between coronary artery disease and ED, this does not explain why many men with ED do not go on to experience coronary issues as well. Venous leakage, for just one example of a fairly common cause of ED, may not be linked to coronary disease.

Whatever the ED problem, it seems to be that having more erections seems to lead to having more erections in the future. The trick is to keep them going; and to get them going again when they begin to diminish in frequency and/or firmness.



Originally Posted by avocet8
True and not true.

Although there is significant evidence of a link between coronary artery disease and ED, this does not explain why many men with ED do not go on to experience coronary issues as well. Venous leakage, for just one example of a fairly common cause of ED, may not be linked to coronary disease.

Venous leakage is also related, and often secondary to, to arterial dysfunction as far as I know.

Later - ttt

Originally Posted by marinera
Not exactly on topic, but too interesting for avoiding posting:

Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction by Perineal Exercise, Electromyographic Biofeedback, and Electrical Stimulation
Marijke Van Kampen, Willy De Weerdt, Hubert Claes, Hilde Feys, Mira De Maeyer and Hendrik Van Poppel

Excellent link, thank you.

Later - ttt

Originally Posted by avocet8
Whatever the ED problem, it seems to be that having more erections seems to lead to having more erections in the future. The trick is to keep them going; and to get them going again when they begin to diminish in frequency and/or firmness.

I absolutely agree with you, avocet.

The question is: what are the best strategies to PREVENT diminishing frequency of erections.

Later - ttt

When I hear about heart problems, I have always heard people talking about CO-Q10, once we pass a certain age we need to supplement it, also magnesium and a few other things, like I said I’m not sure about all this, but I think supplements could help with many heart problems, which in turn might help with some erection problems.

10/10/08 Bpel 6.50 Eg 4.9 base 5.0 few weeks off due to injury :( 12/10/08 Bpel 6.875 Eg 5.0

03/10/09 Bpel 7.25 Eg 5.0625 base 5.25 Donations Keep The Community Going, Click Me

05/10/09 Bpel 7.50 Eg 5.1 base 5.5 11/10/09 Bpel 7.6875 EG 5.125. Goal is as much as I can

Libido forte

I, can, I can, I can not, can not compute..

Cock Kent posted an article on ‘use it or lose it,’ More sex means less chance of ED for older men

BUT what exactly helps maintain good EQ: frequency of erection, or frequency of ejaculation. Another member here (more familiar with enodocrinology than I am) says that an ejaculation will temporarily lower the level of testosterone in the blood stream, but regular ejaculations over time will actually boost the testosterone factor, which in turn can help EQ.

Any comments from you medical types?

Helpful topic. I’m many years away from confronting this problem, I hope, but it’s nice to know the information in advance and to try and counter act it before it ever could become a problem. Use it or lose it, sounds good to me. :)

We don’t know for sure, so my options, Josh, is :”If you want to come, come!”. I think that behind the idea that masturbation/ejaculation low gains there is a religious heritage, instead than a scientific one.

Originally Posted by marinera
We don’t know for sure, so my options, Josh, is :”If you want to come, come!”. I think that behind the idea that masturbation/ejaculation low gains there is a religious heritage, instead than a scientific one.

Thanks for your input, marinera. Rather than speculating how much ejaculation might affect PE gains (there are plenty of threads on that already), I was wondering how much frequency of ejaculation effects erectile quality. In other words, is regular edging—or regular, albeit partial erections (a part of most PE routines)—sufficient to improve EQ, or does one need to boost frequency of ejaculation as well?

I used to jack off a lot more frequently as a teenager, but it’s slowed down in my 50’s… and so has EQ. So is doing PE (which includes more frequent erections) enough to help EQ, or should I increase ejaculation, too—even though I’m not as “motivated” to do so as I was in my teens?

Use it or lose it is definitely the key. I have found that if I jack off for 10 minutes or so a few times a day, not to come but just to maintain a boner, that my cock is bigger and stronger than if I restrict my erections to having sex. I seem to have a maximum size when truly aroused that is significantly bigger than when just deciding to jack off, and the repetitions help close the gap.


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