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Problem with reverse kegels...

Problem with reverse kegels...

As I understand it, a reverse kegel is exactly like it sounds, doing a kegel but instead of tensing the muslce you push it? The only problem here is that in my understanding of muscles, they only pull, they can’t ALSO expand. Maybie when people say reverse kegel it is in fact another small muslce in the same area that we are only mistaking is the same muscle? Ideas anyone?

Try to shit in your pants and see if that is the same.

Heh, funny you mention cause that’s what I feel like I’m going to do on a reverse kegel, therefor I have never really pushed very hard on them.

Yeah. Same here…I did it once and let out a HUUGGEEE fart…this was at like 3am :P

A newbie has returned for a second attempt.

Goals to be posted soon.

Still though, I’m convinced it’s a different muscle, not the same one for a kegel…

I’ve explained this a few times in the past. :) If you’ll use the search button, top right of every page, and select “Advanced Search” then enter my nic in the “Search by User Name” area (top right, use “westla90069”) and enter “reverse Kegel” WITH the quotation marks in the Key Word area (top left) and finally select posts, not threads, at the bottom left. You should get 16 of my posts in various threads explaining what this is.

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