Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Question about the 8x6 legend

Im 7.5NBP and I dont feel like I have a big cock at all. I mean, It’s big, but 8x6 NBP is just right over the “Big cock ” line. Maybe thats just me

Hey everybody has their goals. What you have now is my dream/goal. And yes that’s big. Maybe not the biggest, but the perfect big in my opinion. Borderline on the just over to big, but still not to painful to fuck for most women.

Personally, if it were me in your shoes, I would increase girth a little. And see if that changes your perception. Go for a 1/4” fatter and see if that doesn’t make a huge difference in what you have.

Girth is my biggest focus. My dream cock is one like Nacho Vidal’s, a good porn actor

he’s 21cm (8.2 or so) but his girth is a stunning 16.5cm (6.5in) throughout the whole penis, with an even bigger head. THAT is a damn big cock to make women drool

It is just you, Vagabond.

Or rather it has to do with your self-perception.

One has to step back and think about this sometimes.

From an objective standpoint anything we measure from
6-8” isn’t really so big. But in terms of the anatomy in question, a few fractions of an inch can indeed be quite significant.

Just so you know, Vagabond, your dick is significantly bigger than most men you happen to meet. Your girth is in the somewhere around the top 3% and your length is close to that percentage as well. I don’t think you need PE at this point. I’d suggest looking into becoming multi-orgasmic and finding out about sexual techniques that will make you last as long (or as short - sex isn’t a contest) as you want, and simply blow the minds of the women you get with. Maintain and improve sexual function and performance. My 2¢.

Most women aren’t drooling over the Nacho Vidal sized cock. That’s more about men drooling over a size that would, hypothetically, make them feel more masculine.

Maybe give the porn a break for a while.

I think Mr. Fantastic is quite right: if one has a unit that is too long to go comfortably all the way in, so that at full penetration the press of the pubic bone (the fat pad area) stimulates the clit, something quite important is lost.

The word ‘comfortably’ is the key. Some women do like a little bit of pain, but most really do not. This has to do with unique personal chemistry between individuals and love-making style.

8 X 6 is a very big dick. I think it is the upper limit of ‘comfortable’ for many women.

Personally being the biggest for a given woman is of smaller value to me than being the best.

Priorities, men. Priorities.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

I’m 7 3/4 BP and 7 + non BP. Funny thing is, my dick looked BIGGER before PE(was a marathoner w/ tiny percent of body fat.) I’ve stopped running this last year and put on 30 pounds(was EXTREMELY THIN.) But, I’ve gained a solid 1/2 inch in BP erect length over last 2 1/2 months.

So, all this to say, I have no idea what my fat pad was before and no idea what my non BP was before, but it would seem that BP AND Non BP would BOTH play a part in that magic number. Also, I wonder how much actual “dick” you use when inside someone? Are you able to squeeze out any “hidden” fat pad size or is it just non BP that gets used. I tried to analyze this during sex, but freaked me out a little that I was FUGGING analyzing my dick during sex.

On a side note: only bottomed out once with my girlfriend(legs over the shoulders,) although I used to bottom out with my ex quite a bit. Love this place.

Bottoming out is not always desireable.

Some women like that, some REALLY don’t.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Exactly, that’s what got me thinking. If I’m shooting for 8” BP and my fat pad is say 3/4”, then my “usable” size is 7 1/4”. But, if lose 30 pds, and my fat pad is 1/4”, then I’ve got 7 3/4” and maybe into the pain zone(assuming I’m with same girl and she is at her size/comfort limit before weight loss.)

Just saying that maybe your current fitness level/fat pad depth should come into play here too.

Hope that made sense.

Originally Posted by Vagabond
Im 7.5NBP and I dont feel like I have a big cock at all. I mean, It’s big, but 8x6 NBP is just right over the “Big cock ” line. Maybe thats just me

My flaccid bone-pressed length is 8 and three eighths of an inch and I don’t feel like I’ve got a big dick. It happened so slowly that nothing really seems to have changed. If it had happened overnight it would be different, but it feels like it’s been the same length since I hit 7.5 inches.

I haven’t had sex since I was six inches so I don’t really have any frame of reference. Maybe if I screw someone it’ll change my mind about it.

I’ve noticed that a percentage of the guys that are going for more than 7”, are with a mate. And she/he is growing/adapting to his size as it is growing as well. Personally I don’t think it is to wise to aim to high on the size spectrum. Atleast until you find the one you will be with for a long while.

Imagine working your ass off for years to get that lengendary cock you always dreamed of, and end up falling in love with a woman who an only take 5-6” of it.

Mr Happy is right on the ball with this (or atleast I just totally agree with what he’s saying) 8” is fucking huge guys. Whether it’s bp or nbp. I’m not quite at a steady bp 7” and I hit painfull stuff on my girl in various positions.

So unless you know the girls you want need length to satisfy, you may want to reconsider your greed.

All the women I’ve talked to say girth, girth, girth.

And with the one I’m with now, I think for her the perfect dick would be a 7.25 x 6.25-6.75.

But if your just sleeping around, the rumor will get out that you’re hung.

But you might be suprised at how many girls will flirt and joke but not really want to fuck.

I’m not by any means trying to say that an 8x6 is pointless. To many women it may well be the perfect size. But I seriously doubt you will get to fuck every woman on the planet, so choose a size based on the average size woman you sleep with.

The reputation will go further if all the girls say is it was perfect, big but not to big, filled up but not painful. Get it?

Originally Posted by pocopeepee
Ooops, Krowax got in there before me.
I was agreeing with Toolguy.

And Krowax’s size is the size I fantasize about whipping out at a party one day. Still a little bit bigger than my actual goal, but I never said I didn’t want a little more than I needed. :D

Haha, I had a much lower goal to begin with aswell. It’s easy to get greedy :) .

"You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts."

NBP measures are very misleading. Your actual weight makes the whole difference: if you are in shape, there is no such a big difference, but if you are overweight, as I am, you might seem to have a huge BP measure but just a regular NBP one.

Perseverance wins

And let’s remember, with a push, more then just the nbp length can get in.

Originally Posted by Mr. Fantastic
Guys— the ‘ideal’ 8x6 is a Bone-pressed measurement.

Hmm, logic says

NBEL + Variable Fat Pad Depth = Inconsistent Insertable Length

:-Y That said, no NBEL measurement could be the ‘ideal’, no matter the given length.

:rear: Always locked on the target.

Erect: 7.125" non-pressed length x 6.125" circumference

Flaccid: 5.5"x5.5"

Originally Posted by waihung
Hmm, logic says

NBEL + Variable Fat Pad Depth = Inconsistent Insertable Length

:-Y That said, no NBEL measurement could be the ‘ideal’, no matter the given length.

Hmm, hence the quotes :-Y

Originally Posted by Mr. Fantastic
the ideal 8x6 is a Bone-pressed measurement.

There’s a much bigger disparity between a bone pressed 8.5” and a bone pressed 8” than there is between two bone pressed 8”s with different sized fat-pads, but since you don’t seem to have an eye for detail I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that you missed that small point.

I already last 40 minutes at least before orgasm and I AM multi-orgasmic.
You’re right though, I don’t want a big cock because women like it. I want a big cock because it means POWER, its my COCK for damn’s sake, I know it sounds crazy but I want it. I want women to talk about it, to drool over it, to be in awe before it.

So I’m an unhealthily narcissistic maniac with cock issues. Ey, at least I’m happy the way I am now too.



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