Thunder's Place

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Question For the Ex-Hard Gainer

Question For the Ex-Hard Gainer

I’ve recently been stretching OTS, SU and SO for ten minutes each and pretty much as hard as I can, because after a lot of reading up I decided this was the best move, because I have a low lot and have not gained any length over two years(!). But then I was reading through a post and one guy said that if you stretch too hard then you might strengthen the tunica as oppose to weaken it, but then how am I supposed to go about it? I think maybe I need to either cut down the power and increase the time or just decrease the time and up the sessions. I remember reading the Rapid gain mechanism thread and he said how much he gained when pulling as hard as possible-which makes sense to me. I’m so confused and would appreciate it if someone could help me out i.e if you gained what did you do? I am a hard gainer for definite but I refuse to give up so especially if you gained from manual stretching I would appreciate it. Cheeers

Do you seriously only stretch? What’s your full routine and have you been doing this exact routine for two years?

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Memento.. I only stretch :( + jelq of course :D

Well I’ve kind of varied my routine over the 2 years- sticking with them for 2-3 months at the least. I’ve only recently started stretching hard for long because before my grip would not hold that long, but its now a lot stronger and so this is now possible. I have done variations of jelqing and now jelq every other day- 40 ok grip jelqs at 10 o’clock lasting 5 seconds each and 40 ‘lobster grip’ jelqs for the same duration (which I think are making me gain girth lately but I’m really just going for length-not that I’m unhappy about this!) I’m just about to read those threads Dicko6X5 and I’ll report back later. I know most will say to up the jelqs, but I am slowly doing this- 10 every 2 weeks until I get to about 100, but stretching is preferred for length right?

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