Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Rats in a PE cage

It’s funny how it starts from maybe a 20 minute hobby and turns into a 2 hour habit even more if you hang. And if you add the time on the board it really gets insane well I consider the board socializing so I even read it while I’m not pe’ing I rather read thunders than watch TV

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Hi to you veterans and other PE’s.I’m new to PE and

this site (been into PE for 3 months.)

It’s interesting to me to realise that some of

you have been busy for over two years,but more

interesting to realise that it does work.

I know that you may have given progress measurements

before but for us new to PE and for encouragement

could you let us know how you progressed in length,

girth and what method you achieved this.

Best regards Fun

With regard to Dino’s original post, I was watching a movie last night… Star Trek: Nemesis (please hold your ‘geek’ catcalls!) and something the character Data said struck me as being relevant- particularly because I was hanging 10 lbs. at the moment. He said something like “what makes us human is the constant desire to better ourselves”…

That seems to accurately sum up why I’m in this: to better myself!

"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt."

-Bertrand Russell

I am most definitely a PE rat.

But what am I to do?

I want to have a very large penis and I am a goal oriented person.

When Bib started playing his flute, I fell into a trance and have been following ever since.

Jelktoid :trash: More meat for the money!

I am a PE rat too.

It hurts when my hanging weight gets caught in the treadmill wheel!

Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG

Well at least I have some good PE rat company………….bib and that dam flute. I promised my self another week do heal 100% but I’m getting itchy and feel the need to torture my dick some more.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

When we had that LOT experiment, probably one of the reasons why I was in from the first moment was that I felt justified. I was doing what I needed to do, or so I like to tell myself, and I was also gathering information for other people, helping others.

When I thought about if the gains really are worth all the work, I thought so. I was 7x5.25 back then. Now I’m 8.25x6.125, I gained that size while dating and my ex never mentioned about me getting larger and I don’t know anymore.

If I would be 9x7, would I be any happier or please women better? I’m planning to match that goal for my 20th birthday, which takes place the next summer. So much precious studying time goes in to this shit and I’m busy even without this. I’ve always been big, but wanted to be huge.

Would I be huge if I were 9x7? Would I think that I’m huge if I were that size? I doubt it. Now that I’ve seen the light, the truth, there’s nothing that can stop me. Now that I know I can get a huge equipment, I need to have it. It’s a matter of opportunity that I’d hate to waste. I don’t know if it’s for any good, but I know that if I stopped, I’d regret it for the rest of my life.

I don’t know the point of this post, just some thoughts that rumble in my mind.

"Be aware that there are several schools of thought here as well. Some seem to go with the hard and heavy approach. The sessions are brutal. You can hear them talking to their dick: You better grow mofo or I will punish you even harder tomorrow! Others seem to favor a more tender approach. Always listening to what their member is saying while massaging it gently and singing to it with a soft voice. If it is moody and not happy with new behavior, they always listen and are very understanding."


9X7 at 20 you could be a legend by 30 :D

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

New guy reporting in

Hi guys. I joined only a few days ago and this is my first post.

I completely understand what Dino9x7 and the others are saying about the rat cage. This issue is something I’ve often thought about over the years. I’m a widower and the father of two grown sons, but I’m probably more dick-obsessed than the two of them combined. Living alone and doing consulting work from my home office gives me lots of time to play with my dick, vac pump, jelq, etc, which I’ve been into for more than 20 years.

I’m currently hitting 8x6 on a good day and just ordered a Bib hanger. The last few days I’ve spent most of my time reading the forums here and trying out every new procedure I could. Everything I’ve read confirms my earlier philosophy and way of thinking about PE and my dick, which is that if it has a good physiological, scientific basis, it should work if you persist and do it repeatedly over a long enough period of time. I know now from reading here, for example, that I can unquestionably gain girth by doing Uli’s religiously, to supplement the gains in length and girth already achieved over the years by moderate jelqing and pumping. I can say the same about my future use of Bib hanging. However, if I had not stumbled on to this site, my reasons for optimism might never have been confirmed and, therefore, I would not have acquired the belief needed to be successful in further PE pursuits. First you’ve got to aspire, but you also need a good basis on which to set your goals.

As far as being a caged rat is concerned, maybe I am — but this is me already, whether I’m doing PE or whatever. But the thing that lets me keep doing these kinds of things, and allows me to start on a serious PE program without excessive guilt, under the guidance of Thunder’s group, is the fact that despite all of the times I’ve given in to these obsessive forces I still haven’t neglected my responsibilities in the normal, outside world of family, friends, business, etc.

When I’m with other people in a non-sexual context, nobody would guess that I’m such a dick-obsessed freak (despite my bulge!) — but guess what? Don’t you think that some of my more “normal” friends and colleagues are just as obsessed with weird sexual stuff of their own that nobody would have a clue about?

So my advice is, we should lighten up on ourselves and enjoy the fuck out of our PE work and its rewards.

Quick question: one can read a lot about a guy’s past, current, and hopefully future dick dimensions, with lots of praise for his big fat dick, etc., which I think is great, but is there any easy, organized way to see actual pictures of dicks to match the statistics with the actual thing in the flesh? I worked through all of the pages in the Members Pics section but couldn’t find pics of some very prominent members (pun coincidental) who make lots of contributions to this site. I realize that I’m new and don’t know how to find everything, so please excuse if this sounds too critical, which it’s not intended to be.

Finally, I want to take this opportunity to say that this is the friendliest, most helpful, and most intelligent website I’ve ever seen. Where else could a guy feel this free to casually talk about his dick size, and then get such good nurturing advice from so many other supportive guys willing to console and/or encourage him. This is what I’ve been looking for for a long time but never dreamed it might actually exist. I’m proud to be a member of this group and look forward to working with you all.

(Moderator: I’m not sure where I should have posted this.)

Hank (WannaB9x7)

PE sucks.

For all the time spent on it, I truly believe an intelligent man could do far better with his life. I feel I can speak with experience on this matter, as I excell at obsessing on fringe activities that ultimately consume my days.

Currently, I’m on a bulking-up kick. As I was wandering home last night, a rather tasty little strumpet outside a nightclub gave me the most welcoming eyes along with a little shake of her booty, and I…late for my protein shake…hurried on past.

PE? Well…given the thousands of hours it takes for that extra inch, I question what is being neglected. But worse, really, is the attitude that binds us to the activity. Let me ask all those devoting hours upon hours to their routine, how comfortable…RIGHT NOW….are they with the size of their dick?

No one is, I bet.

That’s going to reflect in your attitudes and poison your self esteem, if you are obsessed with 9x7, well…your 8.5x6.5 is going to be second best, right? Your going to feel second best, and trust me fellas…the girls will perceive you as second best.

(For you math types, that’s half the world’s population)

But that’s OK, their are plenty of alpha-males measuring 5.9x4.75, without your insecurities that will keep the women happy.

(I’m enjoying this, it’s therapy for me as well.)

Of course it could be argued that this is all self improvement, but I still feel it’s feeding an insecurity. Compensating for a perceived difficiency rather than addressing the real problem, getting lost in jelqing and dreams of huge dicks and becoming the ultimate sex god, rather than having the courage to face the world with what we are.

But It’s OK, and as far as little fetishes go…I think there might be a richer tradition with phallic obsession than other past-times. Regardless, body modification is nothing new, culturally speaking. So I guess it could be said we are no worse than any before us.

Mind you, we’re also no better.

Ah..I’m going all loopy, better go homedic wrap, balloon, and massage my dick head with 4-AD.

(yes, it’s my crazy new routine)


(ps I think your doing well Dino. I’ll never be able to perceive PE as much more than an indulgence into weakness, but it’s not a sin. And as far as indulgences go, there are far worse. Given the times, it’s quite understandable.)

Keep doin' what your doin' ...

And you'll keep getting what ya got.

I get mixed feelings as well. Sometimes I get depressed, other times I’m excited about progress. Why? Like WannaB said, it’s all about our perception of ourselves. My buddy is about 5 x 4.75, yet he could care less - truly, it’s not posturing. I’m now 7.24 x 6.22, but I want another 1.42” EL (and maybe another 0.28” EG perhaps).

So what’s the deal? Are we that dysfunctional? Lonely? Unhappy with reality? Are we so unsatisfied with our identities that we’re striving for a new (irrelevant?) identity: The guy with the huge dick.????

Hey WannaB9x7,

Welcome to the forum and your post is just fine right where it is.

A great bunch of guys here make this place what it is. I think you will fit right in.

On the pics thing, a lot of members choose not to post dick pics. You should be able to view about 10,000 more threads now, I set your user option to “view all”. And you thought you had read most of the good stuff. :)

Thanks for the donation also, it really helps!!

Penis Enlargement Forum -- How To Jelq -- Free Penis Enlargement Videos

Make a Donation This place runs on donations, help out if you can. Thanks.

Thanks, Thunder. I already feel at home with all of these great guys, plus your inspiring leadership. I’ll try to be a good citizen of this amazing community. The fun will really come when I reach my bigger dick goals. Just imagine, only five days ago I never realized that it would be possible!


Re: New guy reporting in

Originally posted by WannaB9x7
Hi guys. I joined only a few days ago and this is my first post…. I completely understand what Dino9x7 and the others are saying about the rat cage. …. However, if I had not stumbled on to this site, my reasons for optimism might never have been confirmed and, therefore, I would not have acquired the belief needed to be successful in further PE pursuits….But the thing that lets me keep doing these kinds of things, and allows me to start on a serious PE program without excessive guilt, under the guidance of Thunder's group, is the fact that despite all of the times I've given in to these obsessive forces I still haven't neglected my responsibilities in the normal, outside world of family, friends, business, etc….So my advice is, we should lighten up on ourselves and enjoy the fuck out of our PE work and its rewards….

Quick question: …but is there any easy, organized way to see actual pictures of dicks to match the statistics with the actual thing in the flesh? I worked through all of the pages in the Members Pics section but couldn't find pics of some very prominent members (pun coincidental) who make lots of contributions to this site. …

Finally, I want to take this opportunity to say that this is the friendliest, most helpful, and most intelligent website I've ever seen. Where else could a guy feel this free to casually talk about his dick size, and then get such good nurturing advice from so many other supportive guys willing to console and/or encourage him. This is what I've been looking for for a long time but never dreamed it might actually exist. I'm proud to be a member of this group and look forward to working with you all.

(Moderator: I'm not sure where I should have posted this.)

Hank (WannaB9x7)

Welcome Aboard Hank (WannaB9x7),

I’ve excerpted part of your previous post so that I can address certain comments in detail. You are right. This is a very special website, free of BS and scams with the principal goals being to inform, share, guide and support those wishing to change the size of their dicks.

I am coming from a similar perspective as you. I may think of myself as PE and dick obsessed and a “rat in a PE cage”, but I have never let it interfere with being productive in my professional life and with taking care of my family,personal and social responsibilities. I’ve been able to merge all of my PE activities into my everyday existence. It’s taken some revisiting of time management priorities, but it’s been doable. So, yes I have definitely learned to lighten up on myself over the past 3 years and truly enjoy this PE adventure and specifically the comraderie I’ve found here.

The greatest thanks for this incredible site goes to ThunderSS himself, whose vision, integrity and commitment have made it all possible. I and others are humbled to have been asked to serve in our moderator capacities as part of the overall maintenance of forum standards.

In response to your question about member (prominent member) pics being organized and available in order to match stated stats with actual photos, the posting of personal pics has been completely left to individual discretion and choice. Some are comfortable in posting pics of themselves, while others are not, like myself. Many have chosen not to post pics because of the nature of their professions or not wanting to appear boastful or being camera shy in general, etc. The list of reasons could go on and on. If you want to look for specific pics by a member, you can always click on the “search” button at the top of the page, then do a search by keyword “member name” and search by forum “Member Pics”. That should help narrow down things for you.

For me personally, I wish I had a pre-PE pic so that I could truly show the difference in size that 3 years has made for me. I still think the gains I made are practically miraculous. But without a comparison pic to share with others, it feels almost like overkill to put up a current size dick pic. But who knows about the future?

Anyway, I’d like to say I’m glad you found Thundersplace, and that, indeed, a place like this does truly exist. We’ll all look forward to posts from you in the future.


P.S. - Since you were addressing “rats in a PE cage”, this is an appropriate forum for you to post in, or you could have done a self-introduction in the Newbie Forum. Anyway, you’re here and we’re glad you are.


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