Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Rats in a PE cage



Good post, we also have the same goal 9x7. Welcome to thunders you sound like you will fit right in with us PE rats.


I sometimes feel dysfunctional, but I have always felt Alpha and never would feel 2nd best. I already know I’m not the biggest but I’m big and I’m not the best looking but I’m good looking. I will never win a best body contest but I have been pretty buff before and I’m getting there again.
I think the hardest thing is the constant struggle with managing time and the guilty feeling I get when I feel I could have done something better with my time. And the fact that pe is mostly a very anti social hobby except for all my virtual buddies it’s a loaner habit.


I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Re: Re: New guy reporting in

Originally posted by peforeal
Welcome Aboard Hank (WannaB9x7),

You are right. This is a very special website, free of BS and scams with the principal goals being to inform, share, guide and support those wishing to change the size of their dicks.

I am coming from a similar perspective as you. I may think of myself as PE and dick obsessed and a “rat in a PE cage”, but I have never let it interfere with being productive in my professional life and with taking care of my family,personal and social responsibilities. I've been able to merge all of my PE activities into my everyday existence. It's taken some revisiting of time management priorities, but it's been doable. So, yes I have definitely learned to lighten up on myself over the past 3 years and truly enjoy this PE adventure and specifically the comraderie I've found here.

The greatest thanks for this incredible site goes to ThunderSS himself, whose vision, integrity and commitment have made it all possible. I and others are humbled to have been asked to serve in our moderator capacities as part of the overall maintenance of forum standards.

In response to your question about member (prominent member) pics being organized and available in order to match stated stats with actual photos, the posting of personal pics has been completely left to individual discretion and choice. Some are comfortable in posting pics of themselves, while others are not, like myself. Many have chosen not to post pics because of the nature of their professions or not wanting to appear boastful or being camera shy in general, etc. The list of reasons could go on and on. If you want to look for specific pics by a member, you can always click on the “search” button at the top of the page, then do a search by keyword “member name” and search by forum “Member Pics”. That should help narrow down things for you.

For me personally, I wish I had a pre-PE pic so that I could truly show the difference in size that 3 years has made for me. I still think the gains I made are practically miraculous. But without a comparison pic to share with others, it feels almost like overkill to put up a current size dick pic. But who knows about the future?

Anyway, I'd like to say I'm glad you found Thundersplace, and that, indeed, a place like this does truly exist. We'll all look forward to posts from you in the future.


Peforeal, thanks very much for welcoming me. I already feel like I’m not in Kansas anymore. It’s that unreal for me, trying to accept that so many other guys are as obsessed with their dick and its size as I am, and being able to discuss it rationally. But the totally unexpected reaction I’ve had during about the last 36 hours is that I’m scared.

Yep, scared for realizing that, for the first time, I might actually be able to meet my goal of a 9x7 cock (although I would certainly settle for 8.5x6.5, no question). Why I’m scared I don’t know, but it’s a little frightening. Now I understand what is meant by the old saying, “Be careful what you wish for, you might get it.” I wonder if anybody else on Thundersplace has ever had this feeling? Can somebody help me rationalize this?

Thanks for your guidance concerning member pics. Now that I’ve raised the issue, I plan to submit a “before Thundersplace” picture of my own dick soon, for better or worse. I also observed that the stats for some of the big names here aren’t included in the PE Database, which seems a bit strange. I realize that this depends on the individual members themselves and is certainly no criticism of the management, which I’ve noted has recommended such submissions.

I can see why you or anybody else would feel humbled to be asked to serve as a moderator here. At this early stage, ThunderSS remains a mysterious ‘presence’ to me, but I hope someday to be able to perceive him in more concrete terms, dick and all. I hope that statement is not too irreverent; has anybody dared voice it before?

I’ve have some additional philosophical thoughts about the rat cage matter, i.e., about guys being obsessed with their dick size but feeling guilty or strange about working so hard on PE to get the size they want. However, I don’t think I should belabor that point here at this time. Perhaps later.


I’m a monkey in a PE cage


STATS | G O A L : 8.5" x 6" BPEL | STORY

Back into PE after 3 year pause

WannaB9x7: Welcome! Glad to have you here, and a great post may I add. :)

Dino: You’re stroking my ego you shifty, crafty piece of work. ;)
Yeah, where could I be when I’m thirty? 12x8 mayby? I would be a legend, huh? For what good would it be, unless I would start doing porn and get HIV or some other deadly virus?

I generally PE for about 2 hours a day, so that’s 730 hours a year and 7300 hours for ten years. 7300 divided with 16 gives me 456, that means, I would’ve used 456 days, 1.25 years (with 16 hours of time awake for each day) of my life for PE. So irrational and still it sounds temptating.

My signature says “For me.” for a reason. I’ve always pleased my women, that has never been an issue for me. The superficial reason of having a bigger one than the next guy is my only source of motivation. Yet, it’s a hell of a good one. The thought that my girl could’ve had someone bigger crushes me and that’s REALLY stupid since no matter how big I get, she might’ve still had someone bigger. That keeps me going and going and going and going…. Insecurities…what a great source of motivation.

I’m a stupid rodent running in my threadmill of PE.

"Be aware that there are several schools of thought here as well. Some seem to go with the hard and heavy approach. The sessions are brutal. You can hear them talking to their dick: You better grow mofo or I will punish you even harder tomorrow! Others seem to favor a more tender approach. Always listening to what their member is saying while massaging it gently and singing to it with a soft voice. If it is moody and not happy with new behavior, they always listen and are very understanding."


No stroking Bro!! I envy you I wish I had your size at your age. And what I meant about legend is at 9x7 you would most likely get a reputation for being hung like a pony from all the little honeys your going to have sex with.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

No doubt PE has negatively effected other aspects of my life. My grades have suffered, my gym workouts have suffered, my sleeping habits have suffered, and among other things. And yet, I don’t regret any of it. We all make sacrifices when we want something bad enough. I’ve made mine for PE, and I will continue to do so, until I reach my goals.

For some of us its a balancing act. To have all your priorities in order, while doing PE to its full potential(took me 3 years to get that in order) that would be ideal, but for others PE will come first before anything(my first 3 years of PE). And yet, there won’t be any regrets.

I spent countless hours in my bathroom and bedroom doing PE, neglecting everything thats going on around me, just so I can get my PE workout in for that day, for each day, 5-6 days a week, every year. Just so I can reach my goals, and be content with the size I have. I will never be content with the size I have, unless I reach that final goal(9x6), because I know I can continue to make it bigger if I worked consisently hard and smart with PE. Thats the bar I set for myself, and I know with another year or two of dedication, I’ll be done.

Its a personal decision if you’re willing to make sacrifices to achieve your goals. The fact is, some of us want it more than others. And its not just about working hard 5-6 days a week. Its also about being smart and mentally strong. Its about doing the research you need to do, to understand the exercises and making sure you’re doing them correctly; understanding what the benefits are, and tailoring them to your goals. Its not about quitting a workout if you run into a problem or two with the exercise. If you care that much about making gains, you won’t quit, and figure out how to make this exercise work for you.

I could of quit many times when my hands were tired from doing manual stretches for an hour, after working out from the gym for 2 hours that day, but I didn’t, instead I adjusted. I could of quit when I didn’t get the settings right on the hanger, but I figured it out. And made the adjustments I needed when I went up in weight. I could of quit when I expected a gain, but it didn’t show up on the ruler as I had hoped. All of us run into problems, but its how we handle those problems that set us apart.

"It doesn't matter where you start, it only matters where you end up."


Good post bro, life is by all means a balancing act of time that is almost impossible to do right.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

If you envy me, I feel that I truly have accomplished something! Damn! Thank you. :D

True…mayby. Still a lot of lenght to go.

Originally posted by Dino9X7

No stroking Bro!! I envy you I wish I had your size at your age. And what I meant about legend is at 9x7 you would most likely get a reputation for being hung like a pony from all the little honeys your going to have sex with.

"Be aware that there are several schools of thought here as well. Some seem to go with the hard and heavy approach. The sessions are brutal. You can hear them talking to their dick: You better grow mofo or I will punish you even harder tomorrow! Others seem to favor a more tender approach. Always listening to what their member is saying while massaging it gently and singing to it with a soft voice. If it is moody and not happy with new behavior, they always listen and are very understanding."

Weighing in...

Dino, I can relate to the whole “rat on a treadmill” feeling. I’ve been on that treadmill for years…with problem gambling. I can’t even begin to tell you how many thousands of dollars, how many wasted hours, and how many broken relationships I’ve pissed down the toilet because of my problem gambling. My social life sucked and all I could ever think about was blowing my last dollar. I’d even gamble knowing I’d lose! Twisted.

Eventually, I came to a realisation: I was letting myself go; wasting my life. I was falling into a black hole of depression and my health was beginning to suffer from inactivity and not eating. When I left high school at 19, I was a fairly muscular, 5’ 11”, 185 pound, good-looking dude (I’d get mistaken for Richard Gere a lot) who could get laid at the drop of a hat. Life was good. And, then, I had the misfortune to spend my 21st birthday in Las Vegas. I won $400 and I was reeled in: hook, line, and sinker.

Not to belabour this story, I was that rat on the treadmill and I needed to get off before life had passed me totally by. But I’m not one of those people who can be helped through a 12-step program; I just get resentful of other people trying to assume authority over me and rebel by jumping off the wagon. No, the only thing that could possibly help me - save my life, as it were - was to find some other “thing” to take the place of my gambling. It had to be something that required a lot of time and effort but that would pay-off with great rewards in the end. And it had to be something I could be proud of as I had been living with the shame of my addiction for so many years and my ego needed massive boosting.

I’m not really big on hobbies or collecting things so that was out. My job precluded much travel, so nix that. Finally, I decided that the best time of my life was in high school, all those many years ago, when I was the school stud. How did I achieve that status? Weight training and all-around physical fitness. This would be perfect for me because, I figured, time spent in the gym was time spent away from the casinos - plus, I remembered what an addicting high it was to lift those heavy weights. And, instead of empty pockets and a diseased social life, I would be re-building my physique back into its former greatness (I wish this didn’t sound so cocky, lol) and would use that body to get back into the swing. Physical health is tied to mental health, social health, and spiritual well-being: I needed - and would have - all of these things in spades.

How does this relate to PE? It’s simple: as the gambling waned and my physical appearance improved, I decided that I didn’t want to take just half-measures in my quest for perfection; even if you don’t achieve it, I’ve always felt that perfection, in anything, should be your ultimate goal. So, my body was lookin’ mighty fine and my life was falling into place and I just, one day, decided that, aesthetically, I wanted a bigger dick to complete the picture. My idea of physical perfection, you see, is Michealangelo’s statue of David - but with a larger tool. Well, I wanted to be David and have a Goliath hanging between my legs. This was to be my concession to vanity and I really didn’t mind spending this new-found time trying to achieve my vain ideal. Better that than the alternative.

I don’t care if it takes 2 years or 10, whatever it takes it will be worth it, if only, to keep me away from the gaming tables. In that respect, Dino, I’ve given up being the rat and am quite looking forward to being the happy hamster. I’m not saying that you don’t have a right to feel the way you do. After all, you have a wife and, probably, a whole slew of other things that are more important to you than the size of your dick. I, on the other hand, have very little, at the moment, but am looking forward to having a lot. Who knows, maybe I’ll feel like you do in a couple of years but I doubt it. Right now, it’s all about me, baby, and what I want.

Peace brother

Don't be a dick! Unless, you're being the biggest dick you can be.


That was a great story bro!! I’m glad for your turnaround and gambling is a lot more destructive than pulling your dick. What is the same though is when you neglect other things in your life like family friends and work and you starting blowing off things because your in hanging or jelqing. I’m trying to get some balance in my life. Life of late has been out of balance my dick is great except I over did a little and I’m on my 3rd week off and anybody that knows me knows I haven’t taken that long off in three years. The Information Technology job market sucks and my love life is less than perfect but I’m getting into pretty good shape again. All you can do is get up in the morning and fight the good fight and try to get the balance right.
Welcome to thunders!


I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)


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