Re-introducing the PENIS VOLUME measurement
Guys: I have just moved here from PE Forums, where I was a semi-vet. While there, I introduced something that I don’t see discussed here - a more SIGNIFICANT and meaningful measurement of growth than length or girth, or both: PENIS VOLUME.
I can’t get my hands on the formula (someone please help), but it’s a simple calcuation of the volume of a cylinder when you know the circumference and the height (length, in our case). Now, most of the formulas for cylinder volume are based on the radius and height, but this is less accurate since many dicks are not perfectly round. Using circumference makes it more accurate. It was something like length times circumference times 11 divided by something … or something along those lines . .
Why is this so important? Penis Volume measures the actual amount of increased meat you have gained, far more telling than just length or girth. For example, you’d be stunned to know how much more meat you have from before, if you have gained a mere half-inch in girth (much less so for length). Some guys have actually doubled their penis mass through PE! And THAT is the measure of what a girl feels inside her!
Perhaps some threads actually make mention of this, but I haven’t seen it, and it really should be MORE important than length and girth! It’s the TOTAL MEASURE of increase!