Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Real World Reality Check

Real World Reality Check

As many of you probably already know, I went well over a year with no sex whatsoever—ever since I started PEing. I Started at 6.25” BP x 5”, and am now at 8x5.75”. During this whole period, I’ve been judging how big is big by the comments of other Thunder’s Place posters. Several months ago I decided I needed to do some real world testing. I decided to experiment with escorts as an easy way to quickly sample a cross section of different types of women. I was especially interested in sampling different races.

It is a good thing I did, because it turns out Thunder’s is some kind of alternate reality, or something. The average member’s perspective seems a bit warped. I am not even considered big on this site—pretty much of an average Joe. Real world testing on very experienced women has shown otherwise. Here are the transcripts:

Girl #1
ME: “I brought my own condom.” (After Looking up and seeing that she already had a Magnum in her hand). “Oh, never mind, you already have the right kind.”

HER: “Yeah, I can’t imagine putting a regular one on THAT!” (She then proceeded to lube the shit out of her pussy as insurance, I guess).

Girl #2

HER: After thirty minutes she said she needed to stop to go get a Tylenol because her “stomach hurt.” Said she was a little worried when she first saw it, but didn’t want to say anything. (Said it felt really good for a while, but then started to hurt).

Girl #3

No comments

Girl #4

HER: “Oh, you’re a big boy!”

ME: Really? How big are most guys?

HER: “Most guys are A LOT skinnier and shorter too. They come to about here (pointing to a spot on my dick that would be about 5.75-6.0” BP).

ME: (Later) You sure are wet!

HER: That’s because you’ve been making me cum, LOL.

ME: So you like them big?

HER: “YES, it works better that way!”

Girl #5

HER: “You’re bigger than what I’m used to.”

Girl # 6

“Be careful putting it in, I’m scared! I wasn’t expecting that. A dick that size is VERY RARE!” (She then held my base for the first few minutes while she got herself acclimated).

Girl # 7

HER: “You’re too big. I can’t take that.”

ME: “It’s not that big. It will be OK, I’ll go slow… [and lots off other stuff trying to convince her that my dick wasn’t big, LOL.”

HER: “I’ve seen LOTS of dicks, and that’s HUGE! I’ve only ever seen two others that big, but both were black guys.” (She is a black girl). I only let one of them fuck me, and I bled afterwards—never again!”

At only a “mere” 5.75” girth, I already can only wear Magnum XL’s with comfort. I think I can push that to 6” and still be OK, but beyond that, I’ll be out of luck. What the hell do guys with greater than 6” girth do if they are not married or have a steady girlfriend? I know that 6”+ girth is astronomically rare, or at least ONE company in the world would market a condom for guys that size. But here on Thunders, 6” is the MINIMUM guys go for—most want 6.5” to 7.0”!

At 5.75” girth, I already get too much tooth action in every BJ, and am close to loosing it altogether if I go much further.

Some notes on stereotypes:

Stereotype: “Black girls are loose”
Tests say: Definitely NOT true. Both black girls were tighter than average

Stereotype: Asian women are tight!
Test says: All I can say is that the Asian escort was, without a doubt, the tightest I’ve ever had, and damn did that pussy feel good! She was the only girl that I had zero sensitivity problems with! She was the one that was “scared,” BTW.

What a kick ass experience! Damn man! You took your test to the field and conducted it with pride. I can’t get over how awesome your post read… I agree with both of the statements you made about black girls not being loose and Asians being tight… I actually couldn’t fuck a couple of Asians because of my girth & I really wanted to… You have a chance to screw one of them in the butt? If you asked them what did they say?

Yea that is a good reality check. I know I’m done after 9x6.

Anyways you’re right… asians girls are veryy tight. I was hitting the wall at 7.0-7.25, with one asian girl.

"It doesn't matter where you start, it only matters where you end up."


Nice study! The things we have to do in the name of PE eh?

>I Started at 6.25” BP x 5”, and am now at 8x5.75”.<


> am not even considered big on this site—pretty much of an average Joe.<

You’re having a laugh mate! On the chart made by that guy whose name I forgot (p-pal?? something like that I think), 8” EL puts you roughly 340 out of 375. I dont have the brains to convert that to an exact percentage but at a guess i’d say you were bigger than 90% of people in length. For girth you’re about 320 of 375, which is about 85% (I think…). So of course the escorts thought you were big, because in real life you are.

But at thunders, where everyone here (bar the ladies of course) is enlarging their dicks you would probably be a lower percentage, but that is obvious. Dude, you’re huge wherever you are (unless you got to LPSG of course).

>It is a good thing I did, because it turns out Thunder’s is some kind of alternate reality, or something. <

Code red! Thunder, he’s onto us!

Just playin. Of course it is an alternate reality, the average size of people here is higher than the overall average in real life.

Mush did your discolouration go away fully yet? Did any of the escorts mention that?


Mushroom, great test in the name of science. Well I’m sure glad none of them didn’t think you were at least big if not huge.

Do you really think that your measurements would not be considered big on this site? You are for sure in the upper percentile. Don’t focus on the few that are huge here.

Man you’ve done GREAT. Congratulations on those gains. You are just slightly bigger than what my final goals are!

MY Real World Reality Check

Last three girls I’ve been with:

#1: A virgin. Told her friends it was small and “didn’t hurt.”

#2: Said it was “skinny but after a while (months) I got used to it.”

#3: Said she expected it to be much bigger. Looked disappointed.

These were all at my starting size of 7.25 x 4.75. I’m not surprised that it is very different with 5.75” EG. What a difference an inch makes…

2-15-2003: 7.25" x 4.75"

4-24-2019: 7.75" x 5.375"

Goal: 6" EG | Picture proof

Wow, great post! Or should I maybe say great experiment. Anyway, reading your post made me feel really good. A few years of porn watching on the net can really mess up ones dick vision. My girl is constantly telling me what a nice and big dick I have. In my head though I am more like thinking she is saying that only to make me feel better. At 7.5 BP x 5.6” I can’t say I feel huge. But could it really be true that a girl would consider this big? I know one could say that I have a nice size, but big?? Anyway, your post made me feel really good, I guess all I wanted to say was Thanks!!! You made my day, I have been feeling a bit down lateley, but not anymore thanks to you :)

Yes, girth can make a huge difference in perceptions of your erect size. Not only that but, it makes a huge difference in the feelings recieved by your partners. I had a similar discussion with DLD about a month ago. It took him telling me that I was bigger than average to make me realize that we DO get a warped sense of perception in regard to our own penis sizes. Especially those of us who are gaining and, rising above the average penis size. It’s very easy for us all to forget that 7 or 8” is well above average size when we’re reading and, posting on forums where there’s so much discussion about penis sizes and, how the average guy HERE wants more than 7” erect.

Re: Real World Reality Check

Originally posted by Mushroom
As many of you probably already know, I went well over a year with no sex whatsoever—ever since I started PEing. I Started at 6.25” BP x 5”, and am now at 8x5.75”. During this whole period, I’ve been judging how big is big by the comments of other Thunder’s Place posters. Several months ago I decided I needed to do some real world testing. I decided to experiment with escorts as an easy way to quickly sample a cross section of different types of women. I was especially interested in sampling different races.

It is a good thing I did, because it turns out Thunder’s is some kind of alternate reality, or something. The average member’s perspective seems a bit warped. I am not even considered big on this site—pretty much of an average Joe. Real world testing on very experienced women has shown otherwise.

I’ve been coming to Thunder’s for awhile, but I somehow missed the things you’ve perceived. How is Thunder’s an “alternate reality”? And who says you’re “not even considered big” here? An “average Joe”?
There must be a different Thunder’s that I’m going to by mistake.
At 8 x 5.75, you’re probably bigger than most guys on this site. Stillwantmore shows us some great pics, and gets lots of compliments, but he’s not even 8. I don’t believe that Gandolf is 8 either, and I’m 7.2. Furthermore, on the page I posted the Kinsey findings, I said that if you’re 8 x 6 you must be considered HUGE by any standard.
How many guys here have written about the “Magic 8” being their goal? Countless guys.
Also, I can’t understand why somebody would go an entire year without sex, then pay a bunch of hookers to tell him he’s big.
Just my thoughts.


>then pay a bunch of hookers to tell him he’s big.<

Women are charging for compliments now? Ahh, fuck it im staying indoors from now on!


As I have said before, age and stage of life has a lot to do with how a penis fits into a vagina. Younger women who have never had children or perhaps only one child will be much tighter and have a different perception of size than a woman who has had two or three children and a number of different lovers. I guess that I am now at the upper end of the scale at 8” nbp by 6”. I do hit bottom with my wife, however, in missionary position, she could easily take another inch. She could also easily take another inch of girth, maybe 2.

The point is, the story will change as your life progresses. I know women in my neighborhood who have made comments to my wife regarding their sex lives. Several have said that they are “not as tight” as they used to be and realize that their husbands don’t enjoy the sex as much as they used to. None of them said that they wished their husbands had a bigger dick. However, if the husbands did have bigger dicks, part of the problem would be solved. I’m damned lucky that I stumbled upon Thunder’s and now have a bigger dick.

By the way, perception on what is big is all over the place. I see my dick all the time and don’t think that it is big, especially after seeing some of the honkers that DW posts in her forum (and I don’t believe that all of them are fake, either).

Jelktoid :trash: More meat for the money!

I did some spelunking in my girlfriend’s cavity tonight…..

She let me use more than one finger for a change!!
Well that was great, but I had alterior motives…. I was sizing her up.

She won’t let me try the “jug experiment”. at least I haven’t convinced her…… yet :D

I always wanted to know just how big she was in there, just how much she could take. I did alot of probing with my fingers, and when she has her bum in the air “doggy style”, so that her cavity opens up pretty much as far as it will go, I estimate that she could *internally* take something with up to 8” girth (that’s just to fill the empty space!) Anything over 8” girth would start to push the walls out more, and I don’t know how much they would give, in this fully expanded state….

Even though her opening does not want to take much more than 6” circumference (more than 3 fingers was uncomfortable for her) I know that she would accomodate over time.

I found that I could actually touch her cervix with the tip of my middle finger, which means that when not being stretched deeper, she is only about 6” deep! So I don’t know where the hell my penis is going inside of her :)

So my revised goals are to lose about an inch or two of length, and put on about 2” of girth (To get to around 8”)

Not saying every girl isn’t different, but these are my personal goals for my personal situation. Maybe a guy doing PE will have problems if he sleeps around alot.

Hell, if I (god forbid) broke up with my girlfriend, and picked another girl, who happened to be alot tighter, sex might not even be possible. So I am not unhappy with my situiation, just have to adapt…


It seems on thunders that the bigger guys do most of the posting leading you and others I’m sure to think that everyone is big. But in reality the silent majority is most likely average to smaller than average and maybe a little intimated by the bigger guys or embarrassed about there size.

I guess I have a big mouth because even when I was regular I was a big poster. Even I lose sight of the fact that I have a huge real world dick and it takes a post like yours to make me stop and think about it.

Being in my 30’s it helps to have a big dick, because most girls in there 30’s have had kids or have a little mileage on them and can appreciate the extra size. My size is 8.25x6.5 and I have not had any trouble with girls being too tight, I have to be a little careful in certain positions and blowjobs are a little more toothy but the girls I have met seem to like playing around with a big fat one, it’s like eye candy for them.

The reality is that I’m a PE whore and I don’t want to stop until I have the monster 9x7 or close to it. But It’s getting close to the time I want to semi retire and just maintain.

Well anyway great post mushroom and thanks for sharing your life with us.


I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Re: Re: Real World Reality Check

Originally posted by wadzilla

Stillwantmore shows us some great pics, and gets lots of compliments, but he's not even 8.

We’ll see about that one. I have a “hunch” I may have a new size to post soon. ;)

Still waiting for Mushroom

Ok Mushroom, what about my butt question? Come on man. Out with it brother…

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