Myself: I see your join date is 2003. If you’ve been doing manual all this time you can probably start hanging. Keep the weight light, wrap and heat properly and make sure you massage and jelq in fresh blood for at least 10 minutes between sets. Never cut circulation more than 20 minutes at a time. Be vigilant, set an egg timer. I’d stay away from heavy girth work (especially clamping) if your main goal is length. Girth is easy, you can always get that later.
Connective tissues heals or rebuilds completely in 72 hours. After hanging the penis tends to retract, or turtle back inside the body to heal. Do not let this happen, especially if you are taking a two day off period. You don’t want the connective tissue healing while turtled up. Remember when your mom told you, “If you make that face often it will stay that way.” Well, take a look at that post pe shrinkage after hanging and consider Mom’s words. Keep it extended during your break. Wear an ADS. Never let it turtle
Good Luck