If I remember correctly, it seems that each time I started PE-ing, for the first 3 to 4 weeks there was no measurable gains- nothing. Then wham-o, an eigth, then a quarter of an inch gains, by week 6 or so.
I’m thinking that it could be that I actually gained 1/16 or so, the first 3 weeks, only it was too small to register(a dick seems a little too dynamic to be measured in increments that small)
Maybe you’re just on the verge of some gains, walter. Could it be that you’ve already made a small one? If you’re working at it hard enough to be sore, it sounds like you should be making gains.
I mean most guys would have your monthly amount of hours of training done in 2 weeks or less of 6days per week training—and not many people are saying that they get results after 2 weeks.
One thing I have anticipated is that even if I can get a 2 to 3 days per week schedule to work for me, I still won’t probably gain as fast as the guys that can do it nearly every day. The hours just aren’t there. However, the amount of gain per pe-ing hour might still be comparable.
A workout that would be easily sustainable for the long run would make pe-ing much more pleasant and safe for me I think…
Alot of rambling, I know, but I’m trying to get this figured out so I can safely and efficiently move on with my training. And I sincerely wish the same for you :)