Screen name ideas for longtime lurkers
Hey you, have you been lurking here as a guest for months, unable to join because you just haven’t thought of an appropriate screen name? Here are some ideas that might inspire you.
I haven’t checked, but I assume most of these are still available. If you don’t see one you like, read through the list once or twice and then let your intuitive mind ruminate for a few hours. No doubt the cleverest screen name ever will suddenly reveal itself like a Thunderclap, and soon you too will be a member of the best PE forum on the web!
mikebrady, sevenofnine, sting, tatertot, penispatheticus, heymikey, johnkerry, soismydick, nineinchclit, howcomeithurtswhenipee, poonist, celinedion, painfulrectalitch, sauron, mrcoffee, porkypig, drewcarey, wiltchamberlin, themormontabernaclechoir, oldsweller, jerryfallwell, whosyourdaddy, melonballer, mrfrench, buttfruit, isitin?, dickgrow, gandhi, smellmyfiinger, brianabanks, guyrichie, bentbeckham, batman, tommylee, malelesbian, billoreilly, senseidick, itstoobig!, morrisey, blisterinthesun, laurabush, laurapetrie, phlemhucker, isthatyourleg?, barelybonds, peternorth, daytonohio, stevenhawken, squeakyfromm, easybigfella, thatsnotmyleg.