Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Second quarter donations

What do you get a better yield from, a donation via Amazon or a donation via PayPal? Or put another way, which intermediary takes a bigger cut for their services?

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

They are both the same now Lampwick. I would rather deal with Paypal myself because their site is online 99.5% of the time. Amazon drops out a couple of times a month lately. Either one for a donation is good though.

Penis Enlargement Forum -- How To Jelq -- Free Penis Enlargement Videos

Make a Donation This place runs on donations, help out if you can. Thanks.

Donation Sent

Not as much I would if I could, but I would imagine every little bit counts. Thanks for the Forum Thunder.


1-9-08 BPEL 5.5 X 4.5

1yr Goal 7 X 5.5

Long Term Goal 8X6



I sent it right before I posted. Has it posted yet?


1-9-08 BPEL 5.5 X 4.5

1yr Goal 7 X 5.5

Long Term Goal 8X6

Well I was gonna wait til I got positive results from Mr ruler, but thank the gods I woke up with my member barred up like a teenager this morning. Lovely feeling after a year and a half absence. Thank you for the info and entertainment, this shit is working rather nicely so far. I here by proffer up a sacrifice of plastic currency to the Gods of PE.

I’m in. Had to use Amazon, again. I hate paypal! Thanks for the awesome site ThunderSS!!!

:_pump: :donatecar

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
A couple of weeks early because the first quarter came up short. So if you can help out now would be the time.

And, as always, new names on the donator list are preferred.


If you’ve gained something from this site - length, girth, camaraderie, insight, some laughs, some hope - donate, please. It’s impossible to put a price on what Thunder provides for all of us, and every little bit helps!

Just made mine, thanks for the great work on a great site Thunder

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