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Shedding the Snake: Peeling to Remove Discoloration

Originally Posted by alffie
It is when small blood vessels break, causing leakage into the surrounding area, and then is not fully absorbed. The iron from the blood cells then remains, turning a brownish color. It is “rust” that is trapped amoungst the layers of your skin.

I ran a google search. Well.. now my question is .. How do the small blood vessels break on you penis? If your answer is PE then Let me tell you that my skin on the penis was darker as compared to the other parts of my body even before I started PE.

If broken blood vessels is what causes skin darkening then how come we dont see it on other parts of the body like the hand or the leg? Im light all over except my penis. My balls are basically dark shade of pink/red.

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The problem of Acne vulgaris and its consequences as tertiary postinflammatory elements – hemosiderin pigmentation during atrophy, cicatrix. The authors analyze the multimodality therapy of these elements by the method of mesotherapy (introdermal injection) and chemical peeling. Multimodality therapy is carried out with the following preparations: Disferal, Placentex, 70% glycolic acid, pH - 0,6. In the final analysis the authors have achieved the excretion of hemosiderin pigmentation from the skin, thickening of the dermis, synthesis of new collagen and elastinic fibers, and loss of hyperkeratosis.

Any thoughts on this? Ofcourse, we dont have to deal with disferal and placentex but glycolic acid can show us a way.
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I just got 250 ml of glycolic acid 40%. Will try it soon.

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Hemosiderin staining occurs in other skin. Old post, and another. The link to the picture no longer works. It showed stains on a leg. Somewhere, perhaps in a post here, a guy said his toes had developed such discoloration where his sandal straps rub against them. Do a web search and you’ll find more examples.

I have no experience using glycolic acid in strengths beyond what is available in OTC lotions. Some acids used for skin peels aren’t self-limiting. Be very careful. I’m no expert, but I still think salicylic acid in the 17%-20% range is ideal for this application.

Part of my circ scar had redarkened through further PE. I had been meaning to get rid of it. Yes, I’m overly nitpicky. The right side of the circ line, which was burned deeper in previous peels, is still clear.

I was out of the Equate brand wart remover I used previously and too lazy/forgetful to buy more. I discovered an old (expiration date of 2001) bottle of Dr. Scholl’s “Clear Away Liquid” wart remover hiding in the back of my medicine cabinet. 17% salicylic acid. That was inspiration for another burn one week ago.

I’m not sure why this burn wasn’t nearly as painful as before. Prepping by drinking the better part of a six pack may have helped. I left the acid on for however long, rinsed/wiped it off, then repeated since the the skin didn’t seem burned enough. I had pretty good frosting showing after the second application.

The skin turned dark quicker than before. The dead skin took longer to begin to peel. It had barely come up around the edges by this morning — a full week to the day after the burn. Most came off later today after a long soak followed by a relatively gentle spray from a handheld shower head.

The circ line I was trying to target seems slightly lighter, though as usual the surrounding skin took the brunt of the burn. I have yet to figure out why the darker skin is more resistant. I’ll have to wait for the “new skin pinkness” to fade to ascertain the results.

If you’re interested in pictures check out ModestoMan’s peeling thread. He did an excellent job documenting his progress. You should read the whole thing, but for lazy folks here are some direct links to some comparison pics:

Part way through
- Later before/after

Sudomma’s peeling result pictorial

I might be missing others. If you know of other peeling picture threads, please provide links. I’d like to link all of them in one place for easy reference.

ok Hobby! This might interest you. I didnt use the 70% glycolic acid I got the other day because I found an OTC 20% glycolic acid in cream base. Great news is that I used it for the past 5 days, twice daily and I see an awesome change in the color on my Penis. ITS TURNING LIGHTER and Im F*cking happy man. I had a nice medium brown color but due to PE it had turned almost black, well BLACK. My dick looked like it was a borrowed piece from an African tribal. LOL. 5 days and hmmmmm I see it has lightened up atleast 2 shades. I’ll go at it for the next few days and report back here. Another thing is that my skin on the Penis has become nice and soft, almost baby like softness.

If I get what I want out of the cream then Ill throw the 70% Acid away. If not, then maybe ill consider using the acid peel for a better effect.

If any of you are trying this out, please post your progress. Bye

Walk slowly but never backwards.

Godofdeviltry,What is the name of the product you used?I’d really like to try something,and a nice cream sounds way more user friendly than acid burns.But then again I’m a wuss too.:)

Wow! Guys please stop! DO NOT perform experiments on something as important as ur penis. If extreme discoloration has occured please seek medical advice.

Originally Posted by metfor

Wow! Guys please stop! DO NOT perform experiments on something as important as ur penis. If extreme discoloration has occured please seek medical advice.

Well, we have a fairly decent track record so far, though a few guys have encountered problems. Anyone considering peeling should read this entire thread. Ideally, naysayers would too before commenting. (:

Originally Posted by godofdeviltry
ok Hobby! This might interest you. I didnt use the 70% glycolic acid I got the other day because I found an OTC 20% glycolic acid in cream base. Great news is that I used it for the past 5 days, twice daily and I see an awesome change in the color on my Penis. ITS TURNING LIGHTER and Im F*cking happy man. I had a nice medium brown color but due to PE it had turned almost black, well BLACK. My dick looked like it was a borrowed piece from an African tribal. LOL. 5 days and hmmmmm I see it has lightened up atleast 2 shades. I’ll go at it for the next few days and report back here. Another thing is that my skin on the Penis has become nice and soft, almost baby like softness.

Do you notice any obvious skin shedding? Are bits flaking off? I’m skeptical that the acid is responsible for improvement after only 5 days. I can think of several possible reasons you’re perceiving improvement. IMO, the most likely is increased blood flow due to the irritation from the acid. Flushed skin makes the dark crud appear lighter than when the surrounding skin is its normal, paler color. I’ve been fooled by that before.

I sincerely hope this is working for you, but as I said, I’m skeptical. Keep at it and report your results. Good luck.


It’s good you’re starting out mildly. I’m a bit worried about your alternative plan.

Keep in mind that people with medium and darker skin tones (somewhere in this thread I posted a chart) are at higher risk of negative outcomes from skin peels. That’s all the more reason for you to gradually work up if you start doing “real” peels. Yes, it takes more time to do a small test area and wait to see how the spot turns out, add a little more burn time during the next test, etc., but better safe than sorry.

To my recollection nobody here has used glycolic acid at peeling concentrations. If you try the 70% be VERY careful. In contrast to salicylic acid use as reported in this thread, you have no idea and no guiding experience what 70% glycolic acid will do to your shaft skin.

Read about facial peeling experiences and you’ll notice a variety of sensitivity to any given protocol. Something that produces a mild burn for some people burns deeper for others. There is likely as much variation in our shaft skin, hence the need for starting from the low end and proceeding cautiously even when using something like wart remover that has worked well for most of us (though not everyone — read this whole thread before doing a burn). The cautious approach applies to whatever you use, but especially when trying something no one else has tested.

Again, be careful.

Thanks for the advice. Ill keep going at the cream for a few days. My skin is not shedding nor flaking. Its just a mild tingling burn that lasts not more than a couple of minutes. Its acting more like a bleach. I’d be happy as long the cream works and I dont have to used the dreaded Acid peel.

I did a bit of searching on the net and it turns out that glycolic acid from 30% to 70% is used for skin peels with excellent results. However, like you said the depth of the burn varies from person to person and as such it would make common sense to slowly up the strength of the acid depending on the outcome. Im likely to talk to a couple of doctors today who do cosmetic surgeries. Ill report back if I have anything that comes up.

Walk slowly but never backwards.

Originally Posted by chainz 8
Godofdeviltry,What is the name of the product you used?I’d really like to try something,and a nice cream sounds way more user friendly than acid burns.But then again I’m a wuss too.:)

Hey! The product is called Glyco-A . Its a 20% glycolic acid in a cream base. Im not sure it will called the same in a place where you live. Maybe you could just ask for any cream with glycolic acid.

OK This is what the instuction leaflet says:

Glycolic Acid is the first member of the family of alpha hydroxy acids with the molecular formula HOCH-COOH with the molecular weight at 76.05. The monobasic acid is biodegradeble.

GA acts as a humactant when applied to the skin and the topical application of the acid at low concentrations reduces the thickness of hyperkeratotic stratum corneum by diminishing the corneocyte adhesion at the lower level of the stratum corneum. This property permits the efficient control of the dry skin, icthyosis, follicular hyperkeratosis and other conditions by retention of the stratum corneum.

Continued use of the GA AHA cream can effectively reduce wrinkles and improve the appearance of age and photo-damaged cells. Topical AHA might turn biosysnthesis of dermal glycosamino glycans and other intercellular ground substance that could b responsible of eradication of wrinkles and spot caused due to hyper pigmentation.

An important clinical relevance to the control of hyperkeratinization is that the sustained application of moderate concentration of an AHA prevents rethickening of the stratum corneum after its cortical dysjunction. Maintenance applications are particularly important to the sustained control of dry skin, icthyosis, Age spot keratoses and in maintaining the smooth surface of the skin prone to superficial wrinkling, fissuring and pigmentations.

Indications:- Xerosis, disorders if Keratinization,-Icthyosis/verrucae/ Keratosis of all tyoe, adjunctive treatment of acne, and hyper pigmenetation, Skin againg and rough appearance, loss of suppleness either due to sun , photoindiced, Physilogical, specific or Hormonal.

1. Eugene J; Van Scott; et. Alpha hydroxy acids cutis Vol 43 March 1989 222-228
2. Van scott Yu et al, Journal Academy of Dermatology , Vol 11 November 1984-867-879
3. Eugene J; Van scott et al, Canadian Journal of Dermatology Vol 1 No 5 Nov.Dec 1989,108-112

Walk slowly but never backwards.

Did it work for you?

Originally Posted by godofdeviltry
Thanks for the advice. Ill keep going at the cream for a few days. My skin is not shedding nor flaking. Its just a mild tingling burn that lasts not more than a couple of minutes. Its acting more like a bleach. I’d be happy as long the cream works and I dont have to used the dreaded Acid peel.

I did a bit of searching on the net and it turns out that glycolic acid from 30% to 70% is used for skin peels with excellent results. However, like you said the depth of the burn varies from person to person and as such it would make common sense to slowly up the strength of the acid depending on the outcome. Im likely to talk to a couple of doctors today who do cosmetic surgeries. Ill report back if I have anything that comes up.

My skin on my dick feels softer.. like baby soft. It has become a few shades lighter. I’m happy. Will keep at it till I get to the colour I want. Any of you trying it?

Walk slowly but never backwards.


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