I was just about to come here and post about my experience with TCA and was surprised to see that other people have been using it.
Anyway I did some research about it and found that it’s basically the strongest home peel you can get. I started with 25% and was pretty disappointed with the results, which were I think negligible. It did however still burn like shit. So I decided to go up to 35% (about a week ago) and am still recovering.
I did my entire shaft… the whole thing is slightly darker than normal, but I have one particularly bad patch right around this scar I have at the base of my shaft. I was clamping when the scar was fresh and for whatever reason the discolouration right around the scar is way worse than anywhere else… it’s very dark and I hate it.
So anyway the results:
The burning was really fucking painful, but I forced my way through it. I did however do my whole shaft, so if you were just gonna do one patch it wouldn’t be so bad. All of my skin “frosted” (turned white) pretty quickly after applying and then burned like hell. I had swelling right after and the next day, and then everything turned dark red/purple, and soon got hard and flaked off.
The skin on my entire shaft looks new and fresh. There’s one patch at the top right below my glans which I missed because I was being careful of getting acid on the glans, and you can tell the skin there is duller and has little dark speckles in it. It also looks a bit more wrinkly. So I’m happy there for sure and will be peeling the area I missed. I think I still may have some overall shaft discolouration, but I’m not even sure because I forget my original colour so many years ago, lol. It’s darker than the skin right under the hair in my pubic area. Anyway that doesn’t matter… I’m happy with the results there and the skin looks fresh.
The scar and the dark area around it is not so good however, and still needs some significant work, so I’ve ordered the 50% TCA from amazon. I should WARN ANYONE WHO IS THINKING ABOUT ORDERING THIS that 50% TCA is INCREDIBLY STRONG. I mean really really fucking strong. I hate this discolouration enough that I’m willing to try it though. When I ordered the 25% from the first company I asked them if they sold 35%, and they said they weren’t even comfortable selling that for home use because it’s dangerous… and 50% is significantly stronger than 35%.
So that’s that. I will post results after I do the 50% burn… which may not actually be for another month or so.
ANYONE WHO IS THINKING OF DOING THIS… start with TCA 25% or lower… DO NOT start at 50% and probably not even 35%. Amazon sells all these strengths.