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Should I stop PE?


Should I stop PE?

My girl and I are an incredible fit in the bed. I make her cum easy vaginal and she loves my cock. When she’s really wet I can fuck her as hard as I want.
With the size and shape of my penis I’m able to go under and past the cervix.

My goal used to be 0.25-0.5” more length and 0.25” more girth. But would I sacrifice the extremely good fit of now? Maybe I loose erection angle and start to hit her cervix etc.
As of now she gets at least 10 orgasms PIV every time we fuck, and I’m the first one to give her PIV orgasms although she had long term relationships before.

Is more gains beneficial for our future sex life and can she adapt, or should I stop?

Big gainers please share.

BPEL: 7.25"

HG: ~6.25" | MEG:6.25" | Low shaft EG:6.5" | BG: 7"

I ain’t no big gainer, but here is what. Why don’t you ask her?

BPEL 7 EG 5.5 NBPEL 6.5 Flaccid length 4.5. Started Jan 2015 at bpel 6.5 nbpel 6.0 and eg 5.2 flaccid length was 3.5

I have reached my goal. At least for now.

Originally Posted by bill10
I ain’t no big gainer, but here is what. Why don’t you ask her?

I’ve only seen her for 3 months and she doesn’t now about PE. I probably didn’t gain much while seeing her.

And even if I ask her, she probably don’t know how her pussy will react if I gain more and if I still can fuck her as hard as I want and have this good fit.

As of now, it’s perfect for her. And for me.

BPEL: 7.25"

HG: ~6.25" | MEG:6.25" | Low shaft EG:6.5" | BG: 7"

What does PIV mean?

Originally Posted by Drako93
What does PIV mean?

Penis in vagina, vaginal orgasm through penetration.

BPEL: 7.25"

HG: ~6.25" | MEG:6.25" | Low shaft EG:6.5" | BG: 7"

Do what you want. Do you want a bigger dick? Then build it. Do you want to keep a perfect fit with this specific girl? Then don’t, or do light maintenance work only. Realistically you will likely not be having sex with this same girl a few years from now, so I would recommend you get the dick you want for life, not just the dick this particular girl likes right now. That’s my personal guidance.

EDIT: by the way, you have above average length and massive girth now, so if a girl can handle your dick at your current size, there’s no reason to think another quarter inch of girth is going to be too much for her, as it’s a very small increase relative to your ciurrent circumference. The length is a bit different, but if you’re passing her cervix already she has a pretty shallow cervix, so you’re just talking about being able to press further into the fornices, but if you switch girls, the extra quarter inch could be the difference between being able to ram away and not being able to ram away because of painful cervical impact. So maybe girth only unless you find a girl you want to be with permanently and know for sure she can take a deeper pounding?

Last edited by patchukwurah : 09-15-2015 at .

Originally Posted by patchukwurah
Do what you want. Do you want a bigger dick? Then build it. Do you want to keep a perfect fit with this specific girl? Then don’t, or do light maintenance work only. Realistically you will likely not be having sex with this same girl a few years from now, so I would recommend you get the dick you want for life, not just the dick this particular girl likes right now. That’s my personal guidance.

EDIT: by the way, you have above average length and massive girth now, so if a girl can handle your dick at your current size, there’s no reason to think another quarter inch of girth is going to be too much for her, as it’s a very small increase relative to your ciurrent circumference. The length is a bit different, but if you’re passing her cervix already she has a pretty shallow cervix, so you’re just talking about being able to press further into the fornices, but if you switch girls, the extra quarter inch could be the difference between being able to ram away and not being able to ram away because of painful cervical impact. So maybe girth only unless you find a girl you want to be with permanently and know for sure she can take a deeper pounding?

Thanks for your input, this is girl I want to be that’s why I’m asking.

BPEL: 7.25"

HG: ~6.25" | MEG:6.25" | Low shaft EG:6.5" | BG: 7"

Originally Posted by Gyrta

Thanks for your input, this is girl I want to be that’s why I’m asking.

Then talk with her about it, is best solution.

I don’t think the additions you seek will be too much. Since meeting my wife I’ve gained an inch in length and .50” in girth. She’s adjusted nicely. This is due to the fact it takes time to gain. If I woke up one morning and was instantly bigger it may be a different outcome.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Originally Posted by Titleist
I don’t think the additions you seek will be too much. Since meeting my wife I’ve gained an inch in length and .50” in girth. She’s adjusted nicely. This is due to the fact it takes time to gain. If I woke up one morning and was instantly bigger it may be a different outcome.

Thanks T, yes I suspected that they would adapt.

BPEL: 7.25"

HG: ~6.25" | MEG:6.25" | Low shaft EG:6.5" | BG: 7"

Originally Posted by Gyrta
Thanks for your input, this is girl I want to be that’s why I’m asking.

I get that, though part of my point is that three months is a very short duration in which to make an informed decision about that. It’s amazing how fast a woman can go from one you want to be with forever to one you never want to see again, trust me, and I have a feeling a lot of other men on here can also vouch for this. I’m not trying to rain on the parade, I’m just expressing that the fragility of relationships is relevant to this particular discussion, so my sincere advice is not to make any personal life decisions (of which this is one) based on the whims of a partner because it is you, not her, that will have to live with the repercussions on your life. If you two were married or together for years with no end in sight I think things would be different, but recognize that the price you may pay is one day being single again and not having the dick you admit you actually want, and having put off starting to acquire it until then, when you could have been well on your way or there already if you worked on it from now. Life is short bro. Maximize your own enjoyment, within reason. At this point that may mean maximizing her enjoyment, and that’s fine and a legitimate option. I just think it’s worth thinking about the possibilities.

Originally Posted by patchukwurah
I get that, though part of my point is that three months is a very short duration in which to make an informed decision about that. It’s amazing how fast a woman can go from one you want to be with forever to one you never want to see again, trust me, and I have a feeling a lot of other men on here can also vouch for this. I’m not trying to rain on the parade, I’m just expressing that the fragility of relationships is relevant to this particular discussion, so my sincere advice is not to make any personal life decisions (of which this is one) based on the whims of a partner because it is you, not her, that will have to live with the repercussions on your life. If you two were married or together for years with no end in sight I think things would be different, but recognize that the price you may pay is one day being single again and not having the dick you admit you actually want, and having put off starting to acquire it until then, when you could have been well on your way or there already if you worked on it from now. Life is short bro. Maximize your own enjoyment, within reason. At this point that may mean maximizing her enjoyment, and that’s fine and a legitimate option. I just think it’s worth thinking about the possibilities.

Yes, thanks again. What I meant in my post before is that I didn’t see her as a FWB but a person I want to be serious with. Of course shit happens along the way.
But I suspected that girls adapts, and T confirms that. So I’ll probably continue to reach my goal and monitor her reaction. Maybe she won’t notice at all.

BPEL: 7.25"

HG: ~6.25" | MEG:6.25" | Low shaft EG:6.5" | BG: 7"

My wife knows that I PE. She says all the time that my size is already great and she has multiple vaginal orgasims eveytime we have sex. We both can feel the difference that PE is making with the feel of sex. I am pretty sure that she would tell me if it were getting too big or becoming uncomfortable for her.

Like Titleist said, the change is normally so gradual that most of the time they adapt or barely notice the change. However, I have been getting some different comments during sex since I started back serious with PE and have made some good gains, all positive.

So I will keep going till she says it is getting too big.

Current 5.5 NBPEL x 5.75 Base EG - 5.25 MSEG 7" BPSFL

Short Term Goal 6 NBPEL x 6 MPEG

Long Term Goal 8 NBPEL x 7 MPEG (why not dream BIG?)

Hi man,

If I were you I would keep only a maintenance routine just to keep what you have gained.
Try working on your erection to keep it rock hard and if after some months you feel like working on lenght or girth again then you just start your normal routine.

Starting in 06/01/2015 - BPEL - 5.813 / EG 5.313

Current - BPEL - 6.750 / EG - 5.500

ONLY Goal - 7'' NBPEL

Look bro it takes time to make it bigger so just continue PE until you’re at the size you want. If she ever starts to complain about it hurting then you can slow down on the PE. But most likely she’ll just adjust to your size over time. The online real issue could be the length but it’s not like you’re going to grow 0.5 in overnight so if you start hurting her you can always stop.

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