Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Shrinking at the gym...


My guess is that Norway would be an ultimate test. Good going.



Originally Posted by Shilow
When you speak of (strong hands vs weak hands) this is a poor example but since that is what we have lets look at it. The anatomical parts do not compare well, but I used the example as an appendage that cannot be grown in size i.e. your finger length stays static and the boney structures cannot be altered easily. I agree that muscles and tissue mass of the hands can be affected by manual labor, one that works all day at the pottery wheel will have added mass due to the rigors of the work but no increase in length as it relates to boney structures. It is muscle mass that has increased; minus muscle mass you have nothing.

There are exceptions to every rule, when I make a statement which is fact as I see it, there maybe exceptions. I do not know why every statement I make becomes invalidated by one or two exceptions, yes, there are going to be a percentage of any population that can “travel a different course.” Thermoregulatory factors and neural activities will have variations between individuals and nobody can precisely predict these behaviors. My statements (opinions) will apply to the vast majority, I know this will not be acceptable to some but that is the best I can do.

Years ago when I started this exercise I felt the same way, it is over time and experience that I have gained insight. This is a common sense activity and some people are just not coming to a common sense conclusion.

Shilow, I’m not trying to pick on you. I’m only responding to the matter-of-fact assertions that you have made, and which you have made with no small amount of certainty. In my opinion, it is dangerous to presume much certainty with things empirical, as future experience has the notorious tendency to show these statements to be wrong. This is often referred to as the “history of science induction.” What it shows is that we human beings are very much still figuring things out; certainty is a very distant goal, at best. This is in particular the case when it comes to questions of penis enlargement, which, in my opinion, does not even deserve the title of “pseudo-science.” We are very much stumbling in the dark here; some are making great progress, others are finding it harder to get there. But we are all trying. Perhaps your flaccid length and girth have not changed much, except when just jelqed, or whatever. But others here claim otherwise, including myself. Once again, beware of claims of certainty; let’s just keep an eye on actual date, both past, present, and future.

This is also the reason why even just one exception to a statement like yours matters a lot. Contrary to what you suggest, there can be no exceptions to rules in science, if by that we mean “laws of nature.” Something doesn’t count as a law of nature if it admits of any exception. There are exceptions to man’s rules, yes, but not to nature’s!

Similarly, there is no such thing as a “fact as I see it.” How I see or understand things is mere opinion, which must be sharply distinguished from fact. A fact is a fact, regardless of how I or you or anyone else sees it. What one might want to say is, “This is what I understand the facts to be.” But that is a very different matter from claiming that something is fact.

This slide from certainty to something less than certainty is conveniently revealed in your above post. Consider where you speak of “an appendage that cannot be grown in size i.e. your finger length …” “Cannot” simply means cannot—i.e., it cannot be done, without exception! But then you go on to say in the same statement, “your finger length stays static and the boney structures cannot be altered easily.” That “cannot be altered easily” makes a world of difference. So now we have something that cannot be done and something that can be done, only with difficulty. You repeat the same at the bottom of your post: There is going to be a percentage of the population who, it now seems, can increase their flaccid size. However, the majority cannot.

I never said that it would be easy for a man to increase his flaccide size, though, according to some of the testamonies here, it has been fairly easy for some. However, it is possible. We know this if only because many here have reported such an increase (but not everyone!). I don’t feel that we should conclude on what percentage will be able to achieve this (unless you have access to some pretty sophisticated scientific studies on the subject). So let’s leave it an open possibility for all, and then wait to hear what each person’s experience is.

One person’s perception is not always the correct conclusion. I spent a year or more taughting a larger flaccid size, it took a level of understanding I did not have at the time to realize it was not. Human genetics presupposes variability and if someone says they have 3 nostrils, who am I to doubt them.

It would be wonderful if we could truly grow our flaccid size because then gains would be limitless, you just keep stretching that piece of dough. We can derive at conclusions by eliminating those things we cannot do. Some of us are very trusting of other people’s observations; unfortunately, it does not take long for someone perusing this site to discover many illogical findings and poorly measured calculations. But this is the path of all experimentation.

Banned for posting bullshit again - previously Salvo

My thoughts exactly, Thunder.

Originally Posted by XLmagnum
My flaccid sure has improved from when I started. It use to be about 2-3” length. Now it is 4-5” length, and twice as fat. Have some good veins showing, too.

I don’t like the variables that cause your penis to shrink. Like cold, exercise (not PE), or dehydration. I try to escape these at all costs when I want a good flaccid hang.

This is a perfect illustration of the problem. Here it is exclaimed demonstrably that his new so-called flaccid size is 4-5” and then in the next paragraph he admits to the right conditions inorder to experience a “good flaccid hang.”

I am careful to outline all the factors that support and do not support my statement, but people do not completely comprehend the dynamics involved in the PE equation. A hot day on the golf course causes me to present a nice flaccid size. Its 100deg in my loins and I stop off next to the trees to take a leak; pulling out my penis I begin to urinate when one of my buddies is coming down the fairway, he stops and begins to laugh and chimes out, “nice tool, man.” The next morning I am in the shower and a girl I have only been with for a short time walks into the bathroom and sees me at my “real flaccid” and in astonishment says, “I have never seen you that small,” and begins to examine my embarrased member like it is a baby chipmonk.”

Now, before I gained some additional insight I was proud to proclaim great new flaccid size i.e. the golf course but this is a “false god.” Excessive heat or blood pooling from sleep will result in a conditioned penis to expand and elongate to cool down or as a result of asexual engorgement. The vessel has increased its capacity and has optimized its erectile circulatory system.

If we could understand that the primary protective structure, the tunica, is an almost indestructible gauntlet we could come to the conclusion that the only way to make a bigger erection is to take advantage of “built-in” capacity and optimize our arteriole pathways to arrive at our optimum erection.

I have what appears to me as a huge cock it is a little under 8x6 (little more on a good day), it is unrecognizable to me (I get a hardon just looking at it). I started out at very average dimensions, my flaccid size has not changed. Now, would not you think I might have gotten just one flaccid centimeter in the deal???? I did not!!!! How would you explain this?? I can explain it. It is this poor thinking that is demonstrated above that keeps this myth alive. You are living under false assumptions.

Flaccid size means nothing and is for all intensive purposes unchanging, I have excessive skin (almost covering the head) from the stretching that occurs but nothing else. If this were understood we could throw out the mythology of micro tears, cementing gains, LOT, fulcrum hanging, acute and obtuse angles, ADS devices and other meaningless ideas and devices. I do not know why people cannot see this truth, it is the lynchpin that makes everything else fit into place. When you say that you can increase flaccid size you derive at different outcomes and these outcomes are all false. Hang long, hang tough.

Banned for posting bullshit again - previously Salvo


What is really great about those golf rings is that the next time your on the golf course, you won’t have to fumble around looking for a golf club weight. All you would have to do is go behind a tree and retreive it.

Its 100deg in my loins…

You carry a thermometer in your “loins”?


Mr. 9 that is an excellent suggestion, however, the damn donunt interferes with my backswing. GlandMaster, as a student of this game, I have experimented with the temperatures that are reached in the loin area. I have taken velcro elastic straps and positioned theraputic thermometers under my scrotum (alas, non were in place on the links), when temperatures reach 100deg and humid conditions are present outside, I optimize my flaccid size. Incidently, I have reached temperatures as high as 103 deg in my shorts.

Banned for posting bullshit again - previously Salvo

Originally Posted by Shilow
I have what appears to me as a huge cock it is a little under 8x6 (little more on a good day), it is unrecognizable to me (I get a hardon just looking at it). I started out at very average dimensions, my flaccid size has not changed. Now, would not you think I might have gotten just one flaccid centimeter in the deal???? I did not!!!! How would you explain this?? I can explain it. It is this poor thinking that is demonstrated above that keeps this myth alive. You are living under false assumptions.

As Aristotle once said, “One swallow does not a summer make!” You seem to be basing your theory on your case alone, which is a extremely weak induction, to say the least.

Is it not also possible that your PE outcome has simply been different than others? Or perhaps, you haven’t done what it will take for you to acquire flaccid gains! Consider Avocet’s story: He made impressive erect gains, but significantly less flaccid gains—until he started wrapping. Then the flaccid gains took off! Have you tried something like this, with appropriate effort and time?

Yes, our flaccid dicks vary in size considerably depending on circumstances. No one denies this. However, when some of us claim that our flaccid size has increased, we mean that this range of variability has increased.

Frankly, I still find your account confusing. How could you be so impressed by your flaccid size on the hot golf course, if it truly hasn’t changed. If it hasn’t changed, it would have expanded like that in the heat before you started PE. If you have a bigger flaccid hang in the heat than before, which is the only way to explain the “false god,” then you have gained in flaccid size, plain and simple! Perhaps when it’s cold you still tend to turtle up to a smaller size that you are familiar with. If so, once again, try wrapping or something like that.

Originally Posted by Langemann
Hmm… After doing PE-sessions my cock are about the size I can accept. (Even though I of course want it much bigger.) But in dailiy life - of course at the gym - it shrinks into a schrimp!! How long will it take for me to see PERMANENT enlargment? Any thoughts on this? (I’ve been lazy the lasts months, haven’t done as much PE as I should, I know that…)

Well you could always stick it up your ass all day, that way it’d stay stretched ;)

Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

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Originally Posted by Shilow
This is a perfect illustration of the problem. Here it is exclaimed demonstrably that his new so-called flaccid size is 4-5” and then in the next paragraph he admits to the right conditions inorder to experience a “good flaccid hang.”


Like Avo said, even on my worst flaccid day, it is better than my best flaccid day before PE, regardless of the variables that affect it.

I do love your thinking. Something that didn’t work for you, can’t possibly work for anyone else. Sarcastic :thumbs:


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