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skin thing, please help

skin thing, please help

i have posted about this before, but i didn’t really know what it was. i have an odd thing on the bottom of my penis. it is about 1/4 of an inch across and extends from the circ scar down running through the center is a little ridge type thing (very skinny). i belive that it is the result of streached skin becasue the skin there feels thinner than everywhere else. i think that when it is unerect, the whole area looks diffrent, kinda scrunched up. when erecet it is hard to notice, except for the little ridge. the area is also a diffrent color (lighter) than the rest. i think that if i get more gains that it will become unnoticible. i don’t know how it came to be ( it arrived last year sometime). it may be because i don’t uasually hotwrap (never in a place with enough privacy to do so). my hope is that the area will stop streaching out (if it streaches out further, it will get really really thin) and the rest of the skin will streach to make way for girth. my fear is that the area is weak, and will continue to grow with any girth gains.
my current solution is to put hydroxide cream (i thik thats the name) on it.
i really need to solve this, if anyone has a solution or a suggestion please please please post.


That “little ridge” is pretty normal, if you’re talking about the same thing as I am. Just don’t use too much pressure on the underside of your dick and a good lube.

And, please, please, next time you post, run a spell check.

Make it huge....!

Uncut4Big / Mike

is the streched out skin around the ridge normal too (thats the part im more worried about)? Also, will the little ridge go away?

Can some more people please respond to this thread? I have posted this question a couple of times and I haven’t gotten a really helpful answers yet. And the ridge runs parellel…


I have one of them too - on the underside right? I ignore it. One of my ex’s thought it was cute and it’s not like the sort of thing that is way out there. My PE efforts haven’t affected it at all that I am aware (almost 1” length gain).

Stuffed if I know what it is, it discovered it a few years ago (early 20’s) and it didn’t do anything so I didn’t worry about it. I think it’s kind of cool actually, like a snail trail or something :p Erect it doesn’t even show up so it’s nothing to me.

Don’t panic, just keep on stretching.

Oh yeah I am uncut

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