Thunder's Place

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Smaller Guys Gain MORE


Smaller Guys Gain MORE

If you consider the 4 biggest gainers from this forum – Bib, DLD, RB & YGuy – they all started at average or below. Two of them – RB & YGuy – were 5” or less. Bib was around 6, and DLD was around 6½ inches.

Yet, it would seem, that the guys who started with more size would have more tissue to enlarge. Also, starting with greater flaccid size enables you more options. You could easily get into the A-Stretch and you could safely hang with the hanger positioned at various points along the shaft. While a guy with a tiny flaccid (< 3”) could not utilize the A-Stretch or even safely hang without the hanger jamming into his glans or being positioned flush against the base and grabbing so much skin.

However, the reports of the biggest gainers suggest the opposite. Consider Metal Ed, who started at around 7 inches, has only gained about 1” after so much intense, crazy-assed effort. And RWG, who started at 8”, has gained little or no length. This doesn’t seem to make much sense, theoretically.

What say ye?

Keep a factor of general health and age into consideration. Almost all of these people were out of their 20s. The amount of elasticity changes as we age. So this could be a possible factor. This is in reference to the big gainers with maybe YGuy being slightly different do to his age than the average Joe his identical age based on genetics possibly.

Also it seems that there is only so much room under the hood to modify your dick ride. It seems like those with a smaller displacement engine for lack of a better concept had enough room under the hood to grow before having to adjust the firewalls, suspension, and wheel wells.

Starting bigger means there is less hand room to easily work with. Thinks have to be circumvented by sheer ingenuity at that level. You can get a 500 cubic inch motor under the hood of any car perhaps, but marvels of engineering have to occur. No back yard mechanic can do this. The smaller to average guy in size is like a large sedan with a 4 cylinder motor. Plenty of room to grow that a bigger guy lacks.

Who knows really, Wad? These are just my possible guesstimates of what may be going on.

Did we see if there is a height variable on these guys vs. the average height of a male? Are they all taller? What was the general health of all of them? I think Bib was in deep shit cause of his back. DLD lived a fucked up life in the beginning, Yguy is some sort of a gym ratt now, what was he in the beginning? I don’t know about RB.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

Motivation. The smaller you start, the more motivation you have to get bigger hence more work you put in.

I think the reason some of the “big guys” don’t gain much is because in some possibly subconscious capacity they realise that they don’t really “need to”, so even if they put in the time, the effort is reduced… Just a thought.

I agree with secjay, I was going to post that but he beat me to it :D

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

Originally Posted by secjay
Motivation. The smaller you start, the more motivation you have to get bigger hence more work you put in.

I think the reason some of the “big guys” don’t gain much is because in some possibly subconscious capacity they realise that they don’t really “need to”, so even if they put in the time, the effort is reduced… Just a thought.

I think there is some truth to this. I know that I had much more motivation when I started out - especially after I discovered that I’d lost 3/8” EL by age 37. I was really disgusted & fired up, and ended up adding about 9/10 of an inch in only about 4.5-5 months or so. Then I started cutting my workouts short, missing more & more workouts, etc.

My problem now is not one of diminshed intensity (I still pull like all hell), but I miss too many workouts & cut too many workouts short. It’s like I subconsciously tell myself, “Don’t worry, you only want 1 more inch anyway.” I think I’m going to redefine my goals. Shoot high and I’ll still end up with better gains, even if I don’t hit my new goal. A similar thing pushed me when I began weight training at age 15. I was 6-2, 172 and could bench 180 lbs - not bad, I thought. Just so happened that when I started going to my H.S. weight room, there were about 6 guys there that could bench over 300 lbs (2 of them wore T-Shirts that read “350 Club”). That’s when I realized that 180 wasn’t shit. I swear to you, in 6 months I hit 300 lbs (that’s a 120-lb gain in only 1/2 year). Albeit, it took me another full year to hit 350, and then another full year to hit 400. But it was mad motivation that took my bench from 180 to 400 in only 2.5 years - drug-free. I then set my goal for 500 lbs….never hit it, but I was almost at 450 when an unrelated injury put an end to my heavy bench days. I’m going to apply this same principle to PE.

Old goal: 8.5 x 6.3
New goal: 10 x 6.75

I just have to convince myself that I must reach the new goal. Hopefully that old goal will fall soon.

Secjay and Remek,

I think you guys hit the nail on the head!

I started at just over 5” BPEL and even though my wife and I had great sex, I still felt inadequate.

I used to cheat myself when I was younger and measure length along the underside of my dick.

Man, back then , I had a 7” dick!

Yep, motivation is a wonderful thing.

I wish so much that your theory is right wad! I won`t mind being on of that small guys becoming huge. I still hate my flaccid (about 3.2 right now). Cannot wait to have a good flaccid length.

I’m 5’10”, have lifted weights on and off for most of my life, in good health. Don’t smoke, have been known to occaisonally drink to excess :) , and try to eat well, but don’t always.

I think the smaller one starts, the weaker and more susceptible to plastic elongation the tunica (in my opinion THE limiting factor) is. When you get to the range the bigger guys start out in, 7”+ or so, it is much harder if not impossible to properly stress the tunica to promote further gains.

I’d been essentially stagnant while putting in tremendously focused manual effort coupled with huge desire for the past several months. Many guys report similar situations. Hands just aren’t gonna move the tunica much beyond this point, it’s simply too tough, unless you devote the time like DLD does. Hanging to and at fatigue is the answer. I’m thoroughly convinced of this. If you are not consistently reaching fatigue, you are playing with yourself versus pe’ing. I’ve been hanging two sets every morning with total focus being on hitting fatigue asap, and riding it. It’s the newbie feeling, for sure.

Remember, I don’t believe Bib quit hanging cause he stopped gaining. He quit because he got all he needed. If you aren’t fatiguing your tunica, you aren’t gonna gain.

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

The PE gods have made it that way in order to balance things out. LOL :)

Start big, gain slow; start small, gain fast. Wow. Imagine how strange it would be - given how unfair life is in so many other respects - if PE turned out to be so eminently fair?

I feel like a real asshole complaining: “Woe is me! I’m having such a hard time figuring out how to gain! Must I be cursed with 8 x 6 forever?”

What I need to get fired up is to meet a chick whose ex was 10 x 7. That’d do the trick.

Originally Posted by RB
I’d been essentially stagnant while putting in tremendously focused manual effort coupled with huge desire for the past several months. Many guys report similar situations. Hands just aren’t gonna move the tunica much beyond this point, it’s simply too tough, unless you devote the time like DLD does. Hanging to and at fatigue is the answer. I’m thoroughly convinced of this. If you are not consistently reaching fatigue, you are playing with yourself versus pe’ing….

I agree. There is a point where the tunica (temporarily) “breaks down” - and this point varies from one person to the next, and during an individual’s own PE career. I agree that if you’re not reaching this tough-to-achieve fatigue, you’re spinning your wheels. And I agree that as you advance, this becomes exponentially more difficult to achieve manually - unless, as you’ve said, you’re as fanatically driven as DLD to do this virtually all day long.

But I’m a new hanging disciple. I believe in it, and I’m stoked. Just have trouble finding the necessary time & privacy.

Interesting points and guesstimates from you all. They make sense to me.

I’m still a relativiely novice PEer, and haven’t gained EL/EG yet. Starting with a quite decent size, I’m aiming for a total of 1.25” length gain, some more girth would fit the bill, and that’s all the size I want.
With this perspective, my approach to PE has so far been determinally influenced by: no way am I going overboard and possibly ## things up just to add this to what I’ve got; for this reason, I have not been considering hanging and I’m not looking to do horse404’s or other equally intense and potentially harmful exercises — at least if not done right.
Maybe I’ll have to challenge my limits more and keep pushing beyond if I’m ever to gain a bit; it is - but not alone - a question of how bad I want it, but really about how concerned I am not to make a mess. I can assume that if I started small and wanted huge gains, I would early on be looking for the day when I’d be ready for advanced things.

I hope it’s true.

It also could be a thing of proportion. Think about it. A smaller penis is likely to have less skin, less spongy tissue, smaller hole, etc. Perhaps the ligs are also smaller (and thus weaker; ie. easier to stretch) than a larger penis.


STATS | G O A L : 8.5" x 6" BPEL | STORY

Back into PE after 3 year pause

Originally Posted by twatteaser
Yguy is some sort of a gym ratt now, what was he in the beginning?

I was more of a gym rat before I started PE. I still get to the gym, but its more half-assed than it was 3 years ago. I still get by though.

I’d think effort, motivation, and desire would be a reason smaller guys “may” have bigger gains. Or maybe more inner penis is able to be pulled out. There’s alot of other variables: genetics, llifestyle, health etc… Who knows really.

"It doesn't matter where you start, it only matters where you end up."

As I just read wadzilla’s post something came to me about hanging. I was thinking it would be impossible for me due to the privacy since I have a roommate, but I do wear I robe a lot of the time when I am lounging around the house. I could hang in a robe and no one would know.

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