So I've resumed PE
…since my scheduled one month break has come to a close.
And my first workout completely sucked!
First of all, my plans to use my steam machne during manual streches didn’t work at all. I couldn’t keep my grip because of the moisture. So I tried using rubber dishwashing gloves. That was only a little better (still not great); but the grips on the gloves give me horrible looking tread marks on my dick, which I hate!
Which means that if I’m going to incorporate heat into my PE routine… I’ll have to blow some money on an infrared lamp.
To top it off, jelqs still don’t work for me…. I simply cannot generate the internal pressure necessary to get engorgement above and beyond a normal erection. It’s ulis/squeezes or nothing at all for me. Even then, when it’s all said and done, when the workout’s over, I’m still only thicker by .25”….the same as before the break. I had thought that “deconditioning” my dick would allow me to see greater expansion due to the tissues being more pliable…. well no such luck.
It’s like I never even took a break at all.