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some confusion

some confusion

I keep hearing guys saying you should focus on ligs or tunica seperately for a while and then switch to the other once you have gained from the first. Why? Seriously? Are they saying you will grow less if you work both as part of a combined routine? Or are they saying it because it allows them to know which one is giving them the most gains and therfore stick with it? I can understand if they are suggesting that doing ligs and tunica together makes it hard to know which one is producing most of your gains, and therfore which one to focus on until the gains are exhausted. But if they are suggesting that you gain less because tunica work detracts from lig gain potential or lig work detracts from tunica gain potential, then I would like an explanation of how and why. Or if the reason is other than I have thought of. Thanks

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world: and that is an idea whose time has come.

Generally, the ligaments stretch easier and therefore you can get gains faster by stretching your ligs. Unfortunately, once the ligs aren’t the limiting factor anymore, you have to start stretching your tunica to get further gains, which doesn’t stretch that easily.
Some might first stretch tunica and change to ligs because they misunderstood something, but any other reason I can’t tell for such a switch.

Also, because PE isn’t a one night deal, you want to direct all your efforts to the method that’s easier/faster. It’s more practical to first out-stretch your ligs and then move to tunica exercises.

Does this answer your guestion?

"Be aware that there are several schools of thought here as well. Some seem to go with the hard and heavy approach. The sessions are brutal. You can hear them talking to their dick: You better grow mofo or I will punish you even harder tomorrow! Others seem to favor a more tender approach. Always listening to what their member is saying while massaging it gently and singing to it with a soft voice. If it is moody and not happy with new behavior, they always listen and are very understanding."

I had the same question and from what I’ve heard it’s nothing wrong with stretching both tunica and ligs in the same workout. The growth potential for each of them remains the same

Started: 6 dec 2003 15 may 2004 : 7.6 x 5.9 inches Want : 8 (nbp) x 6 (head) My photo

Ofcourse there’s nothing wrong, but also there is really no reason to do so either. Wasted potential when trying to fatigue the ligs.

"Be aware that there are several schools of thought here as well. Some seem to go with the hard and heavy approach. The sessions are brutal. You can hear them talking to their dick: You better grow mofo or I will punish you even harder tomorrow! Others seem to favor a more tender approach. Always listening to what their member is saying while massaging it gently and singing to it with a soft voice. If it is moody and not happy with new behavior, they always listen and are very understanding."

Base, thanks for the reply. My reason for wanting to do both ligs and tunica together is because I do 35 mins of lig stretches and I can tell you that my ligs can’t take much more. It is very fatiguing on the ligs, due to the angles I stretch them. I only do side stretches which seems to isolate the left or right side on it’s own and it means that side is taking double the load of pull compared to if I stretched in the middle. Infact I feel fatigue in the ligs within the first 10 mins and sooner, and I am not pulling very hard. I could pull so much harder, but I have to stop myself from doing so because my ligs feel so much fatigue using this method. They feel almost no fatigue when I pull down in the middle. It’s the side angles that really get that fatigue. Wow.

I then do 10-15 mins tunica stretching, as there is nothing more i can do for the ligs it feels like. I would not neglect the ligs inorder to make time for tunica in the same workout. I make sure the ligs are done fully first. The only problem I have is feeling a pull deep in the tunica, even when I pull hard, it still seems to stretch the ligs somewhat even when I pull hard with two hands towards the chin. I sometimes feel a pull deep in the internal dick itself but I am wondering if it is necessary to be able to feel it inorder for it to be working, or whether it is bound to work if you pull hard enough, no matter what you feel.

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world: and that is an idea whose time has come.

Last edited by Gottagrow : 12-11-2003 at .

It sounds like you have really tight ligs. That’s a good thing, believe me. That basicly means that your ligs have a lot of growth potential (stretch potential). If you sincerely feel that your ligs can’t take more for that night, go ahead and proceed to torturing your tunica.

You feel stretch at your ligs while stretching upwards too? If you are sure you are feeling lig stretch and not skin stretch, that would simply mean that your ligs need to be stretched more for the exercise to go to your tunica.

I’d recommend you to stretch straight down or btc too. Do you feel that your ligs are sore if you try to hang straight down after hanging to the sides? I’m beginning to think that even if your ligs on the sides stretch, the ligs in the middle might still need more stretching.

"Be aware that there are several schools of thought here as well. Some seem to go with the hard and heavy approach. The sessions are brutal. You can hear them talking to their dick: You better grow mofo or I will punish you even harder tomorrow! Others seem to favor a more tender approach. Always listening to what their member is saying while massaging it gently and singing to it with a soft voice. If it is moody and not happy with new behavior, they always listen and are very understanding."

Base, I do not hang, I dislike it, so am sticking with manual for the moment. Yes I can feel pull in my ligs even when I pull up towards my chin, not intensly but I feel it. Definately not skin. It might be due to me grasping very low at the base for the beginning of the hand grip. I actually grasp a small amount of the pubic area directly attached to the base, which really gets an amazing pull on the ligs. This might be why I feel it during the tunica pulls, as I might be pulling the ligs with such a low grip. I will grip a little higher when it comes to tunica and see if it affects the feeling. I hope it does.
Base, I really am not sure if my ligs are very tight or have huge potential. My circumstances make it difficult to judge as my LOT is only 8:00, but over a year ago I had a dreadful ligs tare injury, which didn’t heal properly for almost a year. The right side of the ligs had been pulled out and not the left, leaving my dick pointing to the left a little. It is fully healed now even though it still points to the left, but I do not know what my LOT was before the injury so can’t say whether I have good lig potential, as this injury could well have effected my LOT without taking away from their overall potential. What I do know is that when I first started PE, I gained 0.5” in length within 2 weeks or so, which seems very odd. I didn’t gain past that because I was so inconsistant. I would do 3 days in a row and then get depressed and not bother doing anything for 3, 4, 5 days in a row. So as you can see, my circumstances make it difficult to judge as my LOT and past experience contradict eachother. And what’s more, ever since the injury my dick has been 0.25” shorter than it was before the injury. So I gained 0.5” quickly, then didn’t do the work to gain more, then pulled so hard I got an injury, then lost 0.25”, then healed. And here I am starting back at it all, after resolving recurring skin tare problems at the base, which initially stopped my full return, but are fully resolved now.

I am not sure about whether pulling down in the middle will do anything beneficial, it doesn’t feel as fatiguing. I thought that if the sides stretched, that would be enough to get the gains, but you are making me consider whether there are middle lig connections which need to be lengthened aswel. hmmmmmm

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world: and that is an idea whose time has come.

Your way of “gripping a part of the pupic area” sounds greatly like you would be stretching the sking, but I guess you know better.

About pulling down, to the middle: Think about three strings that are from one end attached to a hook and other end attached to a weight. How low does the weight hang if one of the strings is shorter than the two other? As low as the two longer strings allow it or as low as the one shorter string allows it, presuming that one string is strong enough to hold the weight? A limiting factor. That’s my way of thinking.

"Be aware that there are several schools of thought here as well. Some seem to go with the hard and heavy approach. The sessions are brutal. You can hear them talking to their dick: You better grow mofo or I will punish you even harder tomorrow! Others seem to favor a more tender approach. Always listening to what their member is saying while massaging it gently and singing to it with a soft voice. If it is moody and not happy with new behavior, they always listen and are very understanding."

Yes I see your point about the three string theory. Although it doesn’t feel like I am stretching much in that position, I will add it to the routine to be safe.

Base, my pubic pad has edged forward to become part of my lower shaft, hense why guys often get thicker at the base when they get length gains. I grab as far back on the base possible with my little finger. I think the area that pulls on the ligs the most is the tissue closest to it’s connection points to the dick, as the closer to the ligs you pull, the less length there will be from the traction point to the ligs, to allow for give and shock buffering/absorbtion. Your string’s come in nicely hear. The longer a peice of string, the more it can stretch and lessen the load from a force. So grabbing and focusing the pull at the closest location to the lig connections, leaves less dick length to buffer the force, thus placing more force on the ligs. So I grab as far back as possible, and grip mostly with the little finger, ring finger and thumb. They take almost all the force of the pull. The other two fingers only grip slightly, they don’t take much of the force of the pull.

The ligs get a battering. Pulling to the sides is intense, it doubles the force on each lig, without tiring yourself out, and I think the angles might pull better along the natural plane of the ligs towards their ends. Not sure, but it works for me when it comes to ultimate fatigue. What also adds to the effect is to keep my dick pointing straight out pretty much, but pushing/pulling the base towards the left or right. So the dick bends and the head and majority of shaft doesn’t point towards the direction I am pulling, but points more towards the middle point between my legs instead. The base is pulled towards the sides only. That gets maximum effect. Try it Base, if you haven’t already.

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world: and that is an idea whose time has come.


Two points you make in your above posts:

>I have to stop myself from doing so because my ligs feel so much fatigue using this method. They feel almost no fatigue when I pull down in the middle. It’s the side angles that really get that fatigue. Wow.<


>The ligs get a battering. Pulling to the sides is intense, it doubles the force on each lig, without tiring yourself out, and I think the angles might pull better along the natural plane of the ligs towards their ends. Not sure, but it works for me when it comes to ultimate fatigue. What also adds to the effect is to keep my dick pointing straight out pretty much<

As you also state your LOT is 8, it sounds to me that with your SO/side stretches you are hitting the tunica, and the reason that you feel no fatigue pulling down is that this is targeting your ligs, which have had no work.

After you have fully fatigued the side angles as you describe, do the rest of the stretching in the session at a downward angle. After a while you will be able to fully fatigue both in the same session. This is the only time I recommend doing tunica and lig work in the same session - when you can fully fatigue one or the other. As base points out, if you cannot do this it is wasted effort, your time would be better spent concentrating on one area.

Good Luck

SS4, I thought the tunica was inside the dick, and these side stretches hit and fatigue something to the sides of the dick, in the pubic pad area, and slightly above the dick. That can surely only be the ligs? I think the reason why straight down doesn’t feel intense is because I do the sides first which is so intense that by the time I pull straight down, my ligs are desensitised to anything with less strain than the side stretching placed on them. So in theory, if I want to feel that fatigue pulling down, I either have to pull twice as hard and more, compared to the side stretches, due to both side lig attachments taking the strain, instead of just one side, or I should start the session with downward pulls first, before they are desensatised by loading them to their limits in side stretches. I would have thought it was hard to feel a lig’s fatiguing process if it has already undergone a higher fatigue intensity imediately before hand. Kind of like going to the gym and instead of lifting your usual 80 lb dumbells, you lift 100’s. Then after a brief breather, you lift the 80’s and they feel incredibly light compared to how they usually feel.

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world: and that is an idea whose time has come.


>SS4, I thought the tunica was inside the dick,<

The tunica IS your dick. It covers the entire shaft.

> and these side stretches hit and fatigue something to the sides of the dick, in the pubic pad area, and slightly above the dick. That can surely only be the ligs? <

It is the y axis of the stretch that will determine if you are hitting the ligs or the tunica. If your LOT is 8, and you are doing the side stretches SO (9), that’s hitting the tunica.

>I think the reason why straight down doesn’t feel intense is because I do the sides first which is so intense that by the time I pull straight down, my ligs are desensitised to anything with less strain than the side stretching placed on them.<

In my experience when the ligs are fatigued they are more sensitive to further stress.

>So in theory, if I want to feel that fatigue pulling down, I either have to pull twice as hard and more, compared to the side stretches, due to both side lig attachments taking the strain, instead of just one side, or I should start the session with downward pulls first, before they are desensatised by loading them to their limits in side stretches.<

This does not make sense to me. You say above that you can not pull as hard because the ligs can not take anymore, and you have to stop yourself because of the fatiuge. If it you changed angles and felt no fatigue, surely this means that the previously fatigued area is taking no stress?

>I would have thought it was hard to feel a lig’s fatiguing process if it has already undergone a higher fatigue intensity imediately before hand. Kind of like going to the gym and instead of lifting your usual 80 lb dumbells, you lift 100’s. Then after a brief breather, you lift the 80’s and they feel incredibly light compared to how they usually feel.<

That is because lifting the 100’s causes your nervous system to engage more motor units, you are tricking your body into using more muscle fibers to lift the 80’s. With PE, we are talking about damage. If you get hit in the ribs by a baseball bat it only takes a light tough to bring the pain back afterwards.

Of course this is just my opinion, you should use your own intuition. I’m just offering another perspective.


SS4 you have raised some very good points. I am definately interested in your opinion, as you know a lot more about it all than me, just from sheer experience.

Yes I am pulling at about 8-9 O’clock or SO, during the side stretches, so perhaps it is hitting the tunica. I was considering whether I might be hitting the ligaments behind the suspensory ligaments also. When you look at a dick map(i like that term, lol), there is the suspensory lig coming down and attaching on the dick, then there are two other ligs attaching to the dick behind that. Maybe they are suspensory aswel, I don’t know.

SS4, I am going to experiment with my angles, on both axis. I will try to gage how the feelings change and where they are coming from. I hope you don’t mind if I PM you once I have done this, if I am unsure of my findings? I thought it wouldn’t be the tunica because it fealt too concentrated in the very surface area of the inner dick, at an acute, concentrated location. Can you clarify whether the tunica is either the outside serface area of the dick, or whether I have misinterpritation that the tunica was inside the dick, and was the outer casing of each cell, running through the whole thickness of the dick? Were previous descriptions of the tunica saying that it is the casing of the cells on the outside layer of the dick? I feel the fatigue right on the outside serface of the dick(inner dick), so presumed it was the connecting ports of the ligs on the side of the inner dick which were being pulled and fatigued. Could it instead be an acute area of the tunica being fatigued?

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world: and that is an idea whose time has come.

Last edited by Gottagrow : 12-13-2003 at .


>SS4, I am going to experiment with my angles, on both axis. I will try to gage how the feelings change and where they are coming from. I hope you don’t mind if I PM you once I have done this, if I am unsure of my findings? <

Yeah sure.

>I thought it wouldn’t be the tunica because it fealt too concentrated in the very surface area of the inner dick, at an acute, concentrated location. Can you clarify whether the tunica is either the outside serface area of the dick, or whether I have misinterpritation that the tunica was inside the dick, and was the outer casing of each cell, running through the whole thickness of the dick? <

It’s a fibrous sheath that surrounds each erectile chamber. So some of it is on the surface.


>Were previous descriptions of the tunica saying that it is the casing of the cells on the outside layer of the dick?<

Well that would depend on the description. Casing is a nice way to put it.

>I feel the fatigue right on the outside serface of the dick(inner dick), so presumed it was the connecting ports of the ligs on the side of the inner dick which were being pulled and fatigued. Could it instead be an acute area of the tunica being fatigued?<

I assume so. If it is on the inner dick it’s the tunica, because the ligs attach outside the body, as you can see in the diagram.


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