Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Sorry, 6" girth just isn't enough

While we are on the subject of girth anyone ever think about girth width vs. girth lenghth?(up and down). My girth is more up and down that left and right so from the top my penis doesn’t look very girth but looks much thicker from the side. I wonder what feels better for a female if they feel any difference at all. I think width girth is much better because it makes you penis look bigger from the angle most people see it at, the front.

I’ve never thought about the width side of things,I’ve just been thinking of girth as just one entity.

hmnnn… a wider dick?

Could that be increased by a particular exercise?

Starting stats:- Dec11th2008 7.2"bpelx6" meg.Mar23rd09 8.375"bpel x 6.125"meg. Mar10 8.4" bpelx6.125" meg.

Goal: 8"nbpel x 7" A one eyed monster by any standard :)

I’m just going on what I feel.

I do PE for me and am just reacting to what I feel on girth.

01/08/07: 5.75" BPEL, 5.25" EG ::: 26/05/10: 7.3" BPEL, 5.4" MSEG, [My Progress Pics] - [My Routine]

Revised Min Final Objective: [/b] 7.75" BPEL (33% increase), 5.5" MSEG

One thing I will say to you Ruz is go take a look at your dick in a full length mirror.

Look at it from all angles in all states (flaccid,semi,full-erect) and you will notice it’s much bigger than you realize.I’m not saying this will stop you wanting to get bigger but it will put a smile on your face,give you that bit more confidence and may even help you on your way to achieving more gains.

Starting stats:- Dec11th2008 7.2"bpelx6" meg.Mar23rd09 8.375"bpel x 6.125"meg. Mar10 8.4" bpelx6.125" meg.

Goal: 8"nbpel x 7" A one eyed monster by any standard :)

Originally Posted by Invisible
Sorry to interrupt this body dysmorphic disorder party. Here are some posts that might help throw some realism on the nuttiness in this thread:

Imagine All The People Living Life Naked
Imagine All The People Living Life Naked (Part 2)

The first post outlines the basic idea and the second covers figures directly relevant to this thread.

I don’t think this thread helps at all, rather backs up my point.

I’m 6’1, I don’t class myself as tall (taking 5’11 as about average in US/UK). I’m above average, but not “tall”. Someone say 6’3+ i’d say was tall. My brother is around 6’6 and I’d say tall.

Taking that as given, i.e. anything under 6’3 isn’t tall to me, that is at least 8BPEL X 6 to be above average. However, at my brothers height, more 8.5x6.5, which is the point I orginally made.

01/08/07: 5.75" BPEL, 5.25" EG ::: 26/05/10: 7.3" BPEL, 5.4" MSEG, [My Progress Pics] - [My Routine]

Revised Min Final Objective: [/b] 7.75" BPEL (33% increase), 5.5" MSEG

Originally Posted by Ruz
Someone say 6’3+ i’d say was tall.

You’re certainly welcome to consider fewer than 1 out of every 20 men "tall," but using the word that way seems rather silly.

This thread is a prime example of distorted perception. Goes to show that no matter what you have in your pants after PE, if you have penis size issues, making the unit bigger will not remove the underlying root of the problem.

Wishing and hoping for the best - yup your doing it wrong.

It’s interesting to note that this thread is gone from “it’s not enough” to “it’s not too much”. 6” is enough even for a size queen, IMHO. 7” it’s too much, even for a size queen. “It’s too much” when, even if a woman can get it, it’s not the ideal sexual experience.

So: dismorphyc disorder? Yes. But, do we want to speak of the sadistic side of the man’ sexuality? C’mon, confess, do some of you dream of feeling women protesting, or even crying, when taking it? Maybe, just in a corner of your brain, fantasies of bleeding wh**es?

Last edited by marinera : 05-01-2009 at .

Originally Posted by marinera
It’s interesting to note that is thread is gone from “it’s not enough” to “it’s not too much”. 6” is enough even for a size queen, IMHO. 7” it’s too much even for a size queen. “It’s too much” when, even if a women can get it, it’s not the ideal sexual experience.

So: dismorphyc disorder? Yes. But, do we wan to speak of the sadistic side of the man’ sexuality? C’mon, confess, do some of you dream of feeling women protesting, or even crying, when taking it? Maybe, just in a corner of your brain, fantasies of bleeding wh**es?

Oh noes….

Starting stats:- Dec11th2008 7.2"bpelx6" meg.Mar23rd09 8.375"bpel x 6.125"meg. Mar10 8.4" bpelx6.125" meg.

Goal: 8"nbpel x 7" A one eyed monster by any standard :)

Originally Posted by marinera
It’s interesting to note that this thread is gone from “it’s not enough” to “it’s not too much”. 6” is enough even for a size queen, IMHO. 7” it’s too much, even for a size queen. “It’s too much” when, even if a woman can get it, it’s not the ideal sexual experience.

So: dismorphyc disorder? Yes. But, do we want to speak of the sadistic side of the man’ sexuality? C’mon, confess, do some of you dream of feeling women protesting, or even crying, when taking it? Maybe, just in a corner of your brain, fantasies of bleeding wh**es?

Before my gains in PE I used to think that would be a cool thing but after seeing my ex in pain and feeling “stretched out” after sex . The power to be able to hurt a woman with your dick is fine but the act of actually doing it is horrible, definitely not worth the faux ego-boost you thought you would get form it.

My girth goal is 6.5” and I think that’ll be enough me. 6.5” looks really big on a ruler.

Starting size: BPEL: 7.2"(18,5cm) EG: 5.3"(13,5cm) Andropenis during 7 months (August 2003-March 2004): BPEL: 8.3"(21cm) EG: 5.5"(14cm) Current size: BPEL: 8.5"(21,5cm) EG: 5.7"(14,5cm) Goal: :D BPEL: 9"(23cm) EG: 6.5"(16,5cm)


6.5” is big…heck anything above 5” can be big to a lot of women so I don’t want anyone getting too carried away with a small willy complex.

What we want is jaw dropping size but sooner or later reality has to kick in and building a 7” meg monster is great,if your partner can handle it,if not then you’ve fucked up. And for those women who can handle it you’ll have to go very gentle and really work on your foreplay skills because there’s no way you are sticking something that thick anywhere without lots of coaxing.

I know from experience.

So build away,work hard and achieve your size goals but do keep in mind what your size actually means when you get down to the nitty gritty of the mechanics of making love to another human being.

hmnnnn…maybe I should listen to my own advice????


Starting stats:- Dec11th2008 7.2"bpelx6" meg.Mar23rd09 8.375"bpel x 6.125"meg. Mar10 8.4" bpelx6.125" meg.

Goal: 8"nbpel x 7" A one eyed monster by any standard :)

Originally Posted by Ruz_
I don’t think this thread helps at all, rather backs up my point.

I’m 6’1, I don’t class myself as tall (taking 5’11 as about average in US/UK). I’m above average, but not “tall”. Someone say 6’3+ i’d say was tall. My brother is around 6’6 and I’d say tall.

Taking that as given, i.e. anything under 6’3 isn’t tall to me, that is at least 8BPEL X 6 to be above average. However, at my brothers height, more 8.5x6.5, which is the point I orginally made.

6’1 is tall.

I thought the average in uk/us was around 5’9-10?

Also considering WORLDWIDE height, including russia, asia etc I’m gonna bet it’s around 5’8 overall.

So yes 6’1 is tall.

I think it’s possible you may feel you lack in something, maybe confidence maybe something else, and this wanting more size might make you feel like it can fill that hole, no offence just a guess. I do not know you haha.

Last edited by _Phoenix_ : 05-01-2009 at .

Yes,6ft 1” is tall.

Starting stats:- Dec11th2008 7.2"bpelx6" meg.Mar23rd09 8.375"bpel x 6.125"meg. Mar10 8.4" bpelx6.125" meg.

Goal: 8"nbpel x 7" A one eyed monster by any standard :)


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