Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Sorry, 6" girth just isn't enough

Originally Posted by Para-Goomba
Yeah, you’re right, I bet I’d get lazier about foreplay, especially with long-term girlfriends, if I had less girth :D Still, women (like men) sometimes like to be able to go at it, hardcore, in spontaneous situations, without lots of prep or extra lube, and that can be difficult with large girth.

True… I haven’t had that problem yet either though… I guess I’ve been lucky. Although the last time I really just went at it with nothing at all before was when I was like 5.9 EG. It didn’t seem to be a problem then though.

I’m 6” girth (last time I checked, might have lost most of it because I have not been doing much PE) and with a condom on I have no problem getting it in. Condoms, as we all know, have lube on them.

Going in without a helmet was another story though. Last time I had sex without a hat for the unit my girl was soaking wet and we still had friction problems.

Wishing and hoping for the best - yup your doing it wrong.

I guess it is perception.

Like I say, My brother is 6’6 tall, my other bro must be 6’3, so I don’t class myself as tall. It depends on your reality, 6’1 wouldn’t be classed as tall among basketball players or other athletes, for example?

I’m just saying 6” girth wasn’t what I expected it to be or it didn’t feel big in my hand, to me more is required.

01/08/07: 5.75" BPEL, 5.25" EG ::: 26/05/10: 7.3" BPEL, 5.4" MSEG, [My Progress Pics] - [My Routine]

Revised Min Final Objective: [/b] 7.75" BPEL (33% increase), 5.5" MSEG


I think you are making some excellent points, I especially like the length and girth comparison to height.

To the OP. It definitely seems like you have some sort of body dysmorphic disorder. There is never a perfect size anyways. Even with one woman she would probably prefer a different size for oral and anal sex not to mention a range of sizes for vaginal sex depending on mood. I remember asking a female friend of mine if bigger was better and of course her answer was “sometimes”. Sometimes they want marathon sex or quickies several times a day all of which a average or smaller penis might be better, other times she might want a fuller feeling. I’m sure it is the same way with you guys sometimes you want vaginal sex and other times anal because it is tighter, and other times oral. So men like a variety of tightness too. I guess what I am trying to say is maybe we should find our sexual confidence in something other than our penis size.

Originally Posted by Ruz_
It depends on your reality, 6’1 wouldn’t be classed as tall among basketball players or other athletes, for example?

I’m just saying 6” girth wasn’t what I expected it to be or it didn’t feel big in my hand, to me more is required.

Again no offense, but to me this is bizarre thinking. It is kind of like you are an anorexic.

“Your Reality” means your misperception of actual REAL reality.

Look around you - the real world is not made up of basketball players. The percentage of people as tall as you is pretty small.

Additionally I seriously doubt any body who sees you and your brother together perceives him as tall and you as “average.” They see you both as tall.

Originally Posted by Ruz_
to me more is required.

Required for what?

To echo Invisible, I think you need to get a little experience under your belt with women. That will help you get some realistic perspective. I am guessing most of “your reality” now is coming from an uncritical viewing of porn. (Almost every shot in porn is designed to make the penises look bigger than they are.)

It is kinda of like if you watched X-Men Origins: Wolverine and believed it was a documentary.

Anyway, best of luck - I hope you can get this worked out. It is in your mind, it has nothing to do with actual reality.

Last edited by sta-kool : 05-02-2009 at .

No amount of persuasion is going to convince anyone. One must let go of the “ego” to be free of this never ending longing for more.

Originally Posted by Ruz_
I don’t think this thread helps at all, rather backs up my point.

I’m 6’1, I don’t class myself as tall (taking 5’11 as about average in US/UK). I’m above average, but not “tall”. Someone say 6’3+ i’d say was tall. My brother is around 6’6 and I’d say tall.

Taking that as given, i.e. anything under 6’3 isn’t tall to me, that is at least 8BPEL X 6 to be above average. However, at my brothers height, more 8.5x6.5, which is the point I orginally made.

In my highschool photo, I was 6”2 or so, and out of 50 odd people, was the third tallest.

Originally Posted by ICANdothis
One must let go of the “ego” to be free of this never ending longing for more.

There is a balance to achieve here IMO. Ego can be a healthy thing to drive people, (men in particular), to great things. Ego out of control can also destroy us.

Paraphrased: It is not the critic who counts: The credit belongs to the man in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, who, at the best, knows the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.

Originally Posted by Acid Jazz
There is a balance to achieve here IMO. Ego can be a healthy thing to drive people, (men in particular), to great things. Ego out of control can also destroy us.

This man speaks wisdom!

Started: BPEL 6.75" MSEG 4.75", Now: BPEL 7.75" MSEG 5.438", Goal: BPEL 8" MSEG 6"

Originally Posted by CubanB

In my highschool photo, I was 6”2 or so, and out of 50 odd people, was the third tallest.

And how tall were the not-so-odd people? ;)

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Last I measured I was bang on 15cm, which is 5.8 or so inches. I’d take more but I don’t think it’s worth the effort or risk, for most women it’s a nice thickness. The girl I’m seeing now can just have me lie back, ride, & orgasm from gyrating on my cock. This helps the confidence and puts thing in perspective.

Originally Posted by Yataghan50
Last I measured I was bang on 15cm, which is 5.8 or so inches. I’d take more but I don’t think it’s worth the effort or risk, for most women it’s a nice thickness. The girl I’m seeing now can just have me lie back, ride, & orgasm from gyrating on my cock. This helps the confidence and puts thing in perspective.

My wife does the same thing and loves it. She also likes to have me flex my pc muscle in that position. My cock pumps up more and she goes crazy!

This is an interesting subject in so many ways. I’m lucky to have been blessed with a girthy member before pe. I only thought of measuring length, so I don’t have an exact starting girth measurement, but I think it was around 5.25”-5.5” mseg. I’m about 6.25” mesg now with no pe since April 2007. I realize this may sound greedy, but if not for my wife’s complaining and an overall lower rate of sex than we would both like, I’d continue clamping because pe can become a bit of an addictive hobby.

I don’t really take into consideration whether it will help me please a woman better. I love women and sex, so I’m sure additional size (or even a little less size) won’t have much effect on the sex at this point. Most women will be able to handle a large cock, maybe not on a daily basis, but definitely on occasion. They take it as a challenge. Black and Latina chicks really like hung white guys. Sort of an anti-stereotype. I think regular sex with a large cock can wear down some women, but hey, if they’re worn out, they sure won’t cheat!

So, I guess the best comment I have is that the pursuit of a larger penis, no matter how large you are, is fine. However, if the underlying motivator is a lack of self confidence, that must be addressed or no size penis will make you a happy or popular guy.

Originally Posted by doggmann
I realize this may sound greedy, but if not for my wife’s complaining and an overall lower rate of sex than we would both like, I’d continue clamping because pe can become a bit of an addictive hobby.

I think regular sex with a large cock can wear down some women, but hey, if they’re worn out, they sure won’t cheat!

If, at any time, my quest for a larger unit, impacts my sex life in a negative way, I will be on maintenance only.

I tend to agree with you, that if your woman is worn out, because you give her all she can handle, unless you are a complete ass to her emotionally, the cheating thing should be off the table.

Also, it sounds like your girth gains cemented. What did you do for that large of a gain, and how have you kept it? (e.g. any maintenance?)

Paraphrased: It is not the critic who counts: The credit belongs to the man in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, who, at the best, knows the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.

I think most of my girth gains came from jelqing and clamping, mostly jelqing, with maybe the last 1/4-3/8” from clamping. I only clamped seriously for around 3-4 months. I don’t do much maintenance, just a few jelqs every few days and some kegels. I’m just now doing kegels everyday, but I won’t do much in the way of pe because of my wife’s small size and my love of regular sex. When she is pregnant, I may squeeze in a couple of months work.

My wife can deepthroat me but I will admit I might be at 3/4 strenght I have never had a toothy bj from her

Starting BPEL= 6.7 " EG= 6.5"

July 2016 BPEL=7" EG=6.75"

Goal NBPEL=8" x EG=7"


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