Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Sorry, 6" girth just isn't enough

Originally Posted by Ruz_
I don’t think this thread helps at all, rather backs up my point.

I’m 6’1, I don’t class myself as tall (taking 5’11 as about average in US/UK). I’m above average, but not "tall". Someone say 6’3+ i’d say was tall. My brother is around 6’6 and I’d say tall.

Taking that as given, i.e. anything under 6’3 isn’t tall to me, that is at least 8BPEL X 6 to be above average. However, at my brothers height, more 8.5x6.5, which is the point I orginally made.

Actually, your response to my threads precisely backs up my point. What is wrong with you is in your mind, not what is between your legs. Most guys have silly ideas about penis size because they have little to no experience seeing what other men are packing outside of porn. That’s why I created those threads since guys should have intuition about how tall other men are from being exposed to ordinary people daily in a realistic context (i.e., we don’t form our ideas about height from watching the NBA).

The fact that you can say that 6’ 1" is not tall shows just how far off your perceptions really are. The first thing to realize is that categorizations such as "tall" and "not tall" don’t exist outside your own mind. They aren’t objective features of reality, just classifications that you create for yourself and assign value judgments to. You are going wrong there on both counts.

Just how tall is 6’ 1"? The way to answer this in a sensible manner is to see how this stacks up relative to the height of other men. We need real data in order to do this: http://www.cdc. … hsr/nhsr010.pdf . If we look at Table 11 of that file, we find that the median and average (mean) height for US men 20 years age or more is 5’ 9.4" (176.3 cm). The UK figures (at ) are comparable (although slightly lower). So your first assumption that average height is 5’ 11" is wrong. You are not just above average, but considerably above average (at least one standard deviation).

Furthermore, from this table we also find that your height is between the 85th and 90th percentiles. If we linearly interpolate between these figures, your height comes in at just over the 88th percentile. That means that you are taller than 88% of men. Ask yourself this simple question: on any given day, how many men do you see that are actually taller than you? From these figures, we can see that you should be encountering roughly only one man in ten taller than you.

If being taller than roughly 9 in 10 men is not something you would consider tall, then the issue is clearly in your self-image. I am going to make a conjecture that your warped self-image is related to your inexperience with women (Ruz_ - Should I start using Escorts?):

Originally Posted by Ruz_
I’m quite an inexperienced guy, I won’t go into the full details, but that is relevant to this thread.

If that’s the case, then it’s something you really need to work on. Otherwise no size gains will ever make you feel big.

Originally Posted by Thatcat
This thread is a prime example of distorted perception. Goes to show that no matter what you have in your pants after PE, if you have penis size issues, making the unit bigger will not remove the underlying root of the problem.


I guess I have been 6” to 6.5” girth my whole life and no one has ever said no it’s to BIG and they have all been happy as far as I know. These days with PE and the discovery of clamping and a penis ring for sex I’m at 7” to & 7.1” girth and the wife loves it.

Ya I want more as well. I’m 6 in girth, but my girlfriend, who I love to death and it would kill me if she ever found out, but…well she is kinda loose. I actually have a hard time cumming with her. So I definitely would like more girth. That is, if I can ever reach my length goal!

Originally Posted by Ruz_
I’m 6’1, I don’t class myself as tall

No offense, but you are tall by all real world objective standards.

ThatCat and Invisible have some good points. For your own sake don’t dismiss what they are saying.

Originally Posted by dlm4
Ya I want more as well. I’m 6 in girth, but my girlfriend, who I love to death and it would kill me if she ever found out, but…well she is kinda loose. I actually have a hard time cumming with her. So I definitely would like more girth. That is, if I can ever reach my length goal!


You have a very big girth. The issue isn’t yours. As Sunshinekid has said, it’s far easier for a girl to learn to do kegel exercises than for you to do PE, and grow your dick. You might want to try and find a creative way of exposing her to the benefits of kegel exercises. I think everyone forgets that there are always two, (at least), people in the equation.

Paraphrased: It is not the critic who counts: The credit belongs to the man in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, who, at the best, knows the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.

Originally Posted by Para-Goomba
Like you, I’ve always had a large girth, so I am used to blowjobs consisting of nothing more than sucking the head and licking the shaft. I’m fine with that, since it’s all I’ve known, but I think that guys used to deepthroating extravaganzas will be disappointed with this new style of BJ if they aim for 6+” of girth. Even among porn stars, few of the ladies can give impressive blowjobs to the guys with really thick cocks.

Likewise, I’m fine with the limitations that a large girth imposes on sex (i.e., always needing substantial foreplay with most women, and many women needing a “recovery” period before another session), but I think that these things could be frustrating to a guy who is accustomed to being able to have more spontaneous and frequent sex sessions with, say, a 5” girth. Don’t get me wrong — I wouldn’t trade my girth for a smaller one, if for no other reason than ego :D — I’m just disputing the idea that there is no tradeoff involved in building a larger girth, or that there is no upper limit to what could be desireable for the purposes of a good sex life.

Well honestly I think it would be a good thing for these guys then, lol. I’m sure there are very few women out there who don’t like great foreplay. The women who I’ve heard talking about having bad sex partners also mention the guy basically just focusing on himself, i.e. no foreplay, just sticking it in there and pounding away. So ya, it’d be a good thing, lol.

Originally Posted by tpmitch

Mandingo beats everyone on this site girth wise by at least half an inch and maybe length wise two inches. That’s being conservative. T

I’m bigger than Mandingo girth wise and he’s not bigger than Shane.

Originally Posted by thethickone
I’m bigger than Mandingo girth wise and he’s not bigger than Shane.

Good god, thickone, you are really the circumferences of a pop can. …….dammnnnn I like sex 3 to 4 times a week….. :)

Paraphrased: It is not the critic who counts: The credit belongs to the man in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, who, at the best, knows the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.

Originally Posted by thethickone
I’m bigger than Mandingo girth wise and he’s not bigger than Shane.

Is that solely through PE or by other means?

Originally Posted by thethickone
I’m bigger than Mandingo girth wise and he’s not bigger than Shane.

Good god almighty!

Your girth is mind boggling.

Starting stats:- Dec11th2008 7.2"bpelx6" meg.Mar23rd09 8.375"bpel x 6.125"meg. Mar10 8.4" bpelx6.125" meg.

Goal: 8"nbpel x 7" A one eyed monster by any standard :)

To people who at 6” girth feel they have to have more:

Get a life!

… meaning.. Let’s say a woman has two choices who to sleep with. One is average dick size Mr. John Kennedy (or Wayne, or even Lennon) or whoever really accomplished anything worthwhile in life and the other is Mr. Average Joe with 6”+ girth who’s insecure about it because he watched way too much monster cocks porn for his own good (what a man?) and who’s life thus revolves around getting his fat dick fatter. Who do you think she’ll choose?

Originally Posted by Ruz_
After my session today I reflected. For me 6” MSEG simply ISN’T big enough to be a final goal for me.

You say this as if your reflection has some kind of spiritual and factual meaning but…

Originally Posted by Ruz_
Maybe I’m suffering some kind of dismorphia or something

… no shit!

Originally Posted by kooljohn
I’m over 6” meg & around 6.5” beg and I definitely want more girth.

I’d love to be the same size as Shane Diesel but that’s almost impossible unless you’re born with that but another 2 ” length & 1” girth and I’ll be a happy man,I think….

This is classic ill minded post here on TP. You can only be happy NOW as tomorrow never comes.

Again, get a life and if you’re going to watch so much porn watch some lesbian porn, isn’t more pussy a nicer view than more meaty cock?

And, this thread is an insult to all who struggle to get to 5” or something. And it doesn’t provide ANY value to this place other than putting things in perspective and some wise input from people like Invisible (man, you should compile “The Best Of” from your log in one thread ;) ).

I’m not saying give up your goals, just be happy with what you have and if you feel you need or want more than that - fine - just don’t come here with a bitter undertone how life’s unfair and all.

“More is all you need.” - Metallica (Master Of Puppets)

You are right Koapu.


Starting stats:- Dec11th2008 7.2"bpelx6" meg.Mar23rd09 8.375"bpel x 6.125"meg. Mar10 8.4" bpelx6.125" meg.

Goal: 8"nbpel x 7" A one eyed monster by any standard :)

Originally Posted by Mick
Well honestly I think it would be a good thing for these guys then, lol. I’m sure there are very few women out there who don’t like great foreplay. The women who I’ve heard talking about having bad sex partners also mention the guy basically just focusing on himself, i.e. no foreplay, just sticking it in there and pounding away. So ya, it’d be a good thing, lol.

Yeah, you’re right, I bet I’d get lazier about foreplay, especially with long-term girlfriends, if I had less girth :D Still, women (like men) sometimes like to be able to go at it, hardcore, in spontaneous situations, without lots of prep or extra lube, and that can be difficult with large girth.

Originally Posted by Acid Jazz

You have a very big girth. The issue isn’t yours. As Sunshinekid has said, it’s far easier for a girl to learn to do kegel exercises than for you to do PE, and grow your dick. You might want to try and find a creative way of exposing her to the benefits of kegel exercises. I think everyone forgets that there are always two, (at least), people in the equation.

Well here’s the thing for real. She does do kegels, and I do have to say that her pussy muscles are amazing! However, for real…kegel tightness really is a different kind of tightness than a real true tight pussy. Why? Well for one its just a different type of feeling, and with kegel tightness, once a girl O’s once or twice those muscles totally relax and well…loosen up. Its VERY beneficial though when she is in an excited point before and during orgasm.

I have been with the same woman now for almost two years. On the contrast, the girl I was seeing right before her had a truly tight pussy. However, honestly she just was not as good in bed. But there was a major difference. I would never tell my current girlfriend that though. I truly want her to feel great about herself. The better she feels…the more sexy she feels…the better sex is! Simple as that. Do I wish she was tighter? Well the simple answer is yes, sometimes. Does she wish I wish I was bigger? My guess is that its the same answer I gave. Yes…sometimes.

Originally Posted by misterthickness
Is that solely through PE or by other means?

Other means!


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