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Starting again after varicocele surgery

Starting again after varicocele surgery

Hey guys,

I had the treatment for my varicocele about three weeks ago and I am planning on starting PE again pretty soon. Before I had the treatment I was doing Mem’s momentous rapid gain routine on a 3 on/1 off schedule. What I am wondering is should I go back to this routine? Maybe slowly work into it? Or should I try a totally different routine? What do you guys suggest? Thanks for the help.


I had varicocele surgery for both testicles on 1999. I was in my early stage of PE. The only advice I’d give you from experience, be careful not to stretch the skin where the surgery was done; thanks to that, I have now ugly scars over my penis. :( I hope some day to have some type of cosmetic procedure to erase them or to correct them.

Any other side-effects from the surgery? I believe I have a varicocele but one doctor said it’s a prolonged sperm-leader or something and another one that he felt nothing wrong.

Has been: 6.4 x 4.7 (16.3 x 12cm)

Is : 6,9 x 4.7 (17.7 x 12cm)

WILL BE : 7 x 4,8 (17,8 x 12.2cm)


please let me know how it keeps going i might undergo surgery so that I can continue my PE without excruciating pain

Don’t rush back into PE after the surgery. Wait until everything is healed (three weeks is not quite enough), then resume, but as if you were a total Newbie at this.



I have a varicocele as well. I don’t know if I want to get it removed though, it might help me avoid accidents. Is it true that your testicles get bigger when you have it removed?

I too have it! It’s been a birth control of sorts for me, so I’m not sure if I want to have the surgery just yet. But if it helps my PE gains in anyway, I’ll go through with it as soon as possible. Keep us updated, and let me know if your balls do get bigger.

Started 4/20/08 BPEL 7.0 EG 5.5

Current 9/08 7 3/8 BPEL X 5.75 MSEG

Aiming for a more realistic goal - 8 NBPEL 6.5 MSEG

I will let you all know, for sure. I am actually thinking of varicocele embolization, it is supposed to be much saffer. I guess when im done I will let you guys know.

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