Stretching Outwards
I have a theory on ligament based progress. As all of you know, stretching the ligs between the chicks (downwards) is considered to be the most effective way. In fact, there is no other way to put an intensive force on the ligs, cause hanging has been the most common practice for centuries and provides the most intense lig stretch. IMO stretching the dick downwards creates an imbalanced lig growth, because it only stretches the upper part of the ligs, leaving the bottom part of the ligs uneffected and that’s why it is recommended to pull the dick in all possible directions to eliminate this imbalanced growth. At this point, pulling the dick right outwards seems the most effective way to me. You may say that some stress may be taken by the tunica in that case, but remember that natural position of an erect penis is horizantally outwards. So the most effective lig based length growth must be reached with the most balanced lig stretch type which is the outward stretching. It is easy to stretch the dick downwards or to the left/right (penisplus type stretching) as an all day stretching purpose which don’t create any visibility problem. Problem for outward stretching for all day purposes is the visibility. And this led me to think that there must be an all day stretcher type pulling the dick outwards without any visibility problems. The only solution to this is wrapping the dick on a cylinder like object and adjusting the pull intensity accordingly such that it is stretched in 9:00 clock horizontal direction but without any visibility due to decreased penile length (because of wrapping it). I am trying to develop such a prototype and any comments on this are welcome.
Soon to be 9''.