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Stretching with Silicone Sleeve

Stretching with Silicone Sleeve

While I had on my ADS (Monkeybar red autoxsleeve) yesterday, I observed an interesting effect. Grabbing the sleeve and the unit firmly near the base in my left hand , I used the other hand to grasp it about an inch or two up towards the glans. Then using that hand’s thumb as a fulcrum, I stretched with moderate force. I observed the area between the hands stretch uniformly. Moving the position of the hands around a bit, stretches could be performed at different spots on the penis and at different angles. Most interesting though, is it felt more comfortable doing these with a sleeve then without. I see selective, isolated stretching going on.

Note: If any of you have silicone sleeves, could you give this a try to verify there is a unique effect here?

I kind of had a similar experience with an empty toilet paper roll core. After my jelqs, edging and erect bends I put my penis through the core (twisting the core to get it through). I then, for fun, decided to pull the core as if trying to take it off. I noticed that I was getting a nice stretch at roughly 70 - 80% erect. As the erection went down the stretch increased a bit (obviously).

I do think using some sort of elastic sleeve is the best way to go about stretching the penis.. There was no added pressure on the glans.

Starting size: 6.25" BPEL (5.5" NBPEL); 6.5" BPFSL; 5.0" MEG (3/2014)

Goal: 6.5" NBPEL (7.25" BPEL); 5.5" MEG

Current size: 6.50" BPEL (5.75" NBPEL); 7.5" BPFSL; 5.25" MEG (11/25/2015)

That’s an interesting idea. Anyone else with these sleeves care to give it a try and chime in?

Seems like better way to stretch then the hands.

LetsGrow123 is the owner of the gripping trainer website. He also posted here as ykm123321 in an effort to promote that site and the related video site. Please take any product endorsements as very likely to be biased.

Much easier to hold on to for longer stretches and doesn’t hurt the skin with fulcrums.

I do bundled stretches with a sleeve. I also do a similar stretch with a washcloth. I use it for a grip and use my free hand to fulcrum the sides of the ccs getting very deep. Dickerschwanz, you asked me how I got the taper, I think this was the primary factor.

Without pics not many will understand this.

Hey guys

Could someone post pictures or a detailed description of how to properly apply silicone sleeves?

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