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Study: Vaginal Orgasm Significantly More Likely with 6"+NBP


Study: Vaginal Orgasm Significantly More Likely with 6"+NBP

I haven’t seen this posted before.

Women Who Prefer Longer Penises Are More Likely to Have Vaginal Orgasms (but Not Clitoral Orgasms): Implications for an Evolutionary Theory of Vaginal Orgasm
Journal of Sexual Medicine_2917 3079..3088
Rui Miguel Costa, PhD, Geoffrey F. Miller, PhD, and Stuart Brody, PhD

A 2012 survey study of primarily Scottish university-aged women shows women are significantly more likely to experience vaginal orgasm from a penis above 6" NBP length. It also proposes that the vaginal orgasm is a primary driver in the evolution of male genitalia size (which is the largest of any primate species). In my personal PE interpretation, this study suggests that among vaginally orgasmic women, 7 NBP or even 8 NBP length is ideal. Whereas among non-vaginally orgasmic women, below 6 NBP is ideal. Causation is not investigated despite the study’s title, so it’s not clear whether longer penises cause more vaginal orgasms, or whether vaginally orgasmic women prefer longer penises. Likely both.

Here is a link to the full study:

(PDF) Women Who Prefer Longer Penises Are More Likely to Have Vaginal Orgasms (but Not Clitoral Orgasms): Implications for an Evolutionary Theory of Vaginal Orgasm (2012) | Geoffrey Miller -

The study intended to build on the results of a similar Czech study, which I have not read.

Some excerpts in italics, my commentary in normal text.

The advertisement of the survey occurred primarily in Scottish universities…

The present sample consists of 323 coitally experienced women. Exclusion criteria were being coitally inexperienced and responses suggesting a high risk of misreporting…

The effect of penis size on the likelihood of having an orgasm from PVI was assessed by the question “All things being equal, are you more likely to have an orgasm from penis-in-vagina intercourse with a man who has a somewhat larger than average penis length? (Assume that average erect penis length is the length of a £20 note or any U.S. dollar bill).” Possible answers were a) more likely to have an orgasm with a longer penis, b) no difference—I orgasm equally well with long or average penis lengths, c) less likely to have an orgasm with a longer penis, d) I do not (or do not often) have an orgasm from intercourse, or e) I have not had enough penis-in-vagina intercourse partners to make a comparison.

The £20 note is 149 mm long and U.S. dollar bills are 155 mm long.

(5.9 inches and 6.1 inches respectively)
Note that the survey is asking the women to compare penis size to a 6 inch long bank note, with no mention of bone pressed or non-boned pressed measurement methods. In my PE bro science opinion, this would cause all the women to envision a 6" NBP penis, or approximately a 7" BP penis. The banknotes are presented as a representative of an average length penis, when in actuality, to these women, it is representing a penis that is about 1.2" above average length. Luckily for us, the study unwittingly has provided evidence for a female preference not only for above average length, but for way above average length. PE territory length. Exactly what we wish to know about.

Those with category d or e responses were excluded from further analyses related to size preference, leaving N=160 for such analyses.

So the study is now down to the 160 women who orgasm frequently enough, and have had enough PIV intercourse to compare penis sizes. Note that about half of the survey sample is excluded on this criteria. Mean age was 26 and SD was 7 years. So sadly, this survey indicates that about half of 20- and 30-something Scottish girls aren’t getting enough good sex.

Of the 160 women still qualified in the sample:
54 of them (33.8%) said they were "a) more likely to have an orgasm with a longer penis"
96 of them (60%) said there was "b) no difference—I orgasm equally well with long or average penis lengths"
10 of them (6.3%) said "c) less likely to have an orgasm with a longer penis"

Note that these survey questions have no mention of smaller than average penises and deal entirely with the likelihood of orgasm with an average or above average length penis. Also remember that because of the study’s methodology, the responses are informing women’s preferences regarding approximately a 7"BP+ size. In other words, 60% of women were indifferent between sizes 7 BP and above for PVI. And 34% of women were more likely to orgams from PVI with a length beyond 7 BP. Only 6% of women were less likely to orgasm with length beyond 7 BP.

Participants reported how many days they engaged in the following sexual behaviors and how many days they had orgasms from each of them in a recent representative month: PVI without additional simultaneous clitoral stimulation, PVI with additional simultaneous clitoral stimulation, clitorally focused masturbation (except vibrator), vaginally focused masturbation (except vibrator),masturbation with vibrator (alone or with a partner), clitorally focused manual stimulation by a partner, vaginally focused manual stimulation by a partner, receiving oral sex, and anal sex. Clitorally focused masturbation, vaginally focused masturbation, oral sex, and anal sex were differentiated as occurring with or without PVI in the same day.

As shown in Table 5, women who report that they are more likely to reach orgasm from PVI with a longer than average penis report having more vaginal orgasms within a previous month compared with women for whom penis size is not important for PVI orgasm. Notably, the groups do not differ in the frequencies of clitoral orgasm, orgasm induced by vaginal masturbation, or any other sexual behaviors.

Specifically, the 34% of women more likely to orgasm from PVI with a 7BP+ penis have an average of 8.76 PVI experiences per month, with 7.28 vaginal orgasms without clitoral stimulation. This is compared to 6.78 PVI/month with 4.68 vaginal orgasms without clitoral stimulation for the other 66% of women.

Note that the researchers chose to compare the 34% of women who prefer longer penis to the entire other 66%, rather than compare all three groups independently. I’m guessing that if they had separated out the group of women who were less likely to orgasm from a longer penis, they would find an even lower frequency of vaginal orgasms among that group.

To repeat the study, the groups had no significant difference in any other sexual behavior. In other words, according to this study, length matters only for PVI vaginal orgasm.

Perhaps somewhat ironically, they attribute this to cervical somatosensory nerve stimulation - the very thing the forums cite as a reason to avoid lengths exceeding 7 BP.

Because of the methodology of the study, there are some interesting PE related conclusions to be drawn.

6% of women would prefer less than 7BP.
60% of women are indifferent between 7BP and longer than 7BP. Again, this is a conclusion based on the methodology and the way the questions were asked. They compared 7BP to "longer than 7BP" and left anything to do with short completely out of the equation. That’s why I like this study so much. It speaks directly to the often discussed topic here of how much length is too much, choosing appropriately informed PE goals, when to go into maintenance, and the like.
34% of women prefer longer than 7 BP.

Now, this is very unscientific, but if I hold out a dollar bill in front of me, and envision a penis longer than it, I’m not envisioning a 6.5" object. I’m thinking of a 7" or 8" NBP. An penis significantly longer than the reference object. I imagine the women in the sample were as well. I don’t think it’s reaching to far to make the statement that 94% of women are at least indifferent to, or prefer a size 7 NBP or greater.

What the study can’t do, is speak to whether 34% of women prefer longer penises because they cause more vaginal orgasms, or if 34% of women prefer longer penises because they are more vaginally orgasmic women. My personal take on this, as a male who has explored various types of orgasm, and discovered new and different orgasms over the years - is that it’s very likely that a much higher percentage of women can become vaginally orgasmic from PVI, and that having access to a large tool is possibly a requirement for some of these women to make that transition. The physiology of nerve endings deep in the vagina and cervix is more similar than different.

Again, this is a statistical reach, but another interpretation is that among the women who are NOT indifferent between 7BP and longer - i.e. excluding the 60% of women who answered (b) on the questionnaire, and only including those who indicated a length preference for orgasm likelihood - that a whopping 5 times as many women preferred longer than 7 BP than those who preferred less than 7 BP. (33.8% vs 6.3%).

I have yet to read the Czech study, but at first glance it appears to indicate an even higher prevalence of preference for length in achieving vaginal orgasms, although I’m not sure if they made the same methodology mistake of comparing to a 6 NBP reference object. Their numbers were in the 65-75% range compared to the 34% of this Scottish study.

From a PE point of view, my takeaway from this study is that going for the 8 to 9 BP length range may create some compatibility issues with about 10% or less of women. However, reaching that length will significantly amplify the orgasmic experience of about 1/3 of women. And the other 55-60% of women don’t care either way. Adding in the ego and visually appealing motives for going for more length, this could be a green light to go for 8+ BP length for those who are on the fence about it and are willing to seek out vaginally orgasmic or length-indifferent women.

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"

Very interesting, thanks for posting!

In my experience, with both toys and my penis, women are only about 6.75” deep when fully aroused. I had a partner who could take 7.25” and she was a rarity. Otherwise, you’re bottoming out pretty hard. I also have had partners about 5.5-6” deep and the cervical stimulation is intense. Intense good or bad? That’s completely dependant on the individual but I would wager, for the 34% of women that like a 7” BPEL (6” NBPEL) penis…that the stimulation is generally good. This is biological though. Cervix bashing is not for everyone.

For the 60% who are indifferent, it is likely either little stimulation or little pain masked by other sensations and thusly not a factor in their enjoyment directly but not a detractor. Given that I imagine most women can take close to 7” in them from my own experience, these women are within their comfort zone and enjoying sex on other merits at that time. Which does not directly give a nod to the 6” NBP measurements. It just isn’t a detracting point, as it is not an issue for her to accommodate.

So, while I will certainly say that a 7” BPEL is a great PE goal and universally well-rounded as far as who it can please…I won’t say it is the be-all, end all. As your ability to use the hips and penis effectively will also tell whether pleasure, pain or…awkwardness is coming out of your coupling. The longer you get, the more you have to think about it. That’s a fact.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

Anecdotally from what I’ve experienced in the last six months just a little increase in length to get to the cervical area has done that. And while I’m an “n” of one, others have responded even in my journal having experienced the same. So I definitely agree with the article.

So as a concept setting the length goal to hit that in all positions is supported by the article and maybe not so much beyond that.

It’s also a great motivator for length. It’s a pretty phenomenal response.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.

60% of women said they don’t care either way in that it doesn’t make them more or less vaginally orgasmic and 34% said they did care.

Its closer to the women who showed that women who preferred longer with PVI (penis-vagina intercourse) were more likely to orgasm from sex.

However, if you look at vaginal orgasms from sex per day: its 0.7 for those who didn’t care vs 0.85 who preferred longer. The differences become similar to the other parameters (like orgasm for oral, orgasm from clits, orgasms from using toys, anal sex etc etc) that was measured (which they didn’t consider significant)

I guess you could say in a way women who prefer longer penises spend more time with PVI than those who do not.

Those who don’t care, also seem to focus more time on clitoral orgasms as well by a small amount (although not significant either), but women who preferred longer also seemed to have more clitoral orgasms/day (0.87 vs 0.83)

Last edited by porta : 10-10-2017 at .

Big Girtha did his own study on three different women, now keep in mind this was done using a dildo. Maybe it relates and maybe it doesn’t either way it’s worth a look. I’ll see if I can find the post.

The question this brings to me is, is length then more important than girth? Obviously it is to the opinion of the individual woman, but is length considered more universally significant? I always assumed girth was.

Originally Posted by Rollodough
The question this brings to me is, is length then more important than girth? Obviously it is to the opinion of the individual woman, but is length considered more universally significant? I always assumed girth was.

Physically it’s the girth in my experience.

Occasionally a girl will like the length and say so, but the girth gives them the feelings.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

Nice review!. Thanks

Originally Posted by Rollodough
The question this brings to me is, is length then more important than girth? Obviously it is to the opinion of the individual woman, but is length considered more universally significant? I always assumed girth was.

It is a hard and interesting question; I have thought so too; it is what is perpetrated in these forums!

In my updated opinion - girth is good for the vaginal opening area, as it contains lots of nerve endings or much more thand in the vaginal canal.
A thicker penis will stimulate this are better than a thinner one merely by stretching it.
I heard - which means I do not know it as a fact - that the vaginal canal further down the road does not have that many nerve endings - women do not feel that much or cannot differentiate.
So, a base girth is preferable and also a tapered down dick for one reason: the constant stretching - when you pull it in, you stretch the opening out to max through base girth, when you pull out, the stretch loosens because your mid girth is smaller… after all, what matters is the motion - the motion of the stretch!

Oh and girth is also good for the “fuller feeling” which some or many crave, as I have read (I did not have many sex partners, so my knowledge is second hand!)

But people do not take into account that the end of the vaginal canal, the round area around the cervix, the top (towards to the navel) side named as A-spot or anterior fornix and the bottom (towards to the back) side named as P-spot or posterior fornix, have lots of nerve endings as well.
You can basically stimulate a girl to orgasm either clitorially (mainly) and by focusing at the first few inches (g-spot) or by stimulating her deep spot - poking your dick around the cervix (not the cervix)!

Now the question arises - which is more pleasurable.
I think the consensus from girls is clitorial/gspot but that is mainly because the vast majority of the population simply does not meet the requirements to stimulate both so that women, in general, can give an unbiased answer.
I think women in general say that because of lack of long dicks.
And those that get to taste a long dick, where the wielder knows what he is doing, do not turn back - they are enlightened and unbiaseed.
It even seems to me that they seem to prefer it more.
Which makes me think that the nerve endings at the end might be more stimulating.

Because of all that reasoning, I think these types of dicks are good:
Length: at min. average (to reach g-spot)
Girth: thick

Length: long
Girth: at min. average

And this one is the best:
Length: long
Girth: thick but tapering down —> thickest at base

Then: 6.5 BPEL | 5.5 NBPEL x 5.5 MSEG | 5.0 BEG

Now: 8.11 BPEL | 7.24 NBPEL x 5.5 MSEG | 5.0 BEG

Goal: 9x6 || My journal

All of this conjecture. Make her cum and she won’t care how you did it.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Originally Posted by Titleist

All of this conjecture. Make her cum and she won’t care how you did it.

Right on

The problem with this thread (and scientific-minded western approach to sex in general) is that sex isn’t a math/physics/biology problem that you can find in a textbook. Quit trying to make it one, you will fail. Math and physics has it’s place, but that’s outside of the bedroom.

“If I stimulate her cervical nerve endings with 4 newtons of force, perhaps I can initiate her expulsion sequence” no Einstein, just show her a good time.

Problem solving with fire.

Originally Posted by Titleist
All of this conjecture. Make her cum and she won’t care how you did it.

Originally Posted by Fornestruct
The problem with this thread (and scientific-minded western approach to sex in general) is that sex isn’t a math/physics/biology problem that you can find in a textbook. Quit trying to make it one, you will fail. Math and physics has it’s place, but that’s outside of the bedroom.

“If I stimulate her cervical nerve endings with 4 newtons of force, perhaps I can initiate her expulsion sequence” no Einstein, just show her a good time.



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