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suspensory ligament

suspensory ligament

Hi guys, i need your help! Looking my penis i noticed that my degree of erection is very high and i think that my suspensory ligament it s very short or not many elastic, even because my penis is more large than long.

Could you suggest me some exercises to do for extending my suspensory ligament? I don t know if are better the bending in partial erection (downward) or the btc stretch.

Now my routine is: 30” stretching in every direction and 5’ wet jelq.

How can I add other exercises for this problem without going in overtraining?

I hope someone could help me, because for me this situation it s a little frustrating.

I wrote a piece about this a little while ago: A Quick Summary of Penis Enlargement Techniques. While it is too basic for someone as senior as you, it does go into anatomy a little bit (skip down to the “what works” section.

Of the 3 things we’re trying to stretch (suspensory ligament, septum, and corpus cavernosum) I think the suspensory ligament is the easiest. Just about all of the techniques we discuss here (manual exercises, pumping, hanging, extending) stretch this ligament. About the only thing I know of that doesn’t is clamping.

In my view, the best thing that focuses on the suspensory ligament is hanging BTC. Other techniques work too, but I think that hanging BTC works best.

Live long and prosper.

Thank you very much for the reply. In the italian forum i have read about one exercise that consist of having an erection (80/90% circa) and push down your penis to the floor. Do you think that this exercise works on the suspensory ligament or not?

Right now I don’t have a lot of privacy for hanging exercises, i will try to add to my routine a btc “manual” set :)

Originally Posted by Jordanxxx
Thank you very much for the reply. In the italian forum i have read about one exercise that consist of having an erection (80/90% circa) and push down your penis to the floor. Do you think that this exercise works on the suspensory ligament or not?
Right now I don’t have a lot of privacy for hanging exercises, i will try to add to my routine a btc “manual” set :)

I believe you actually get a better stretch when you’re flaccid. You’re trying to put tension on the ligaments, and when you’re erect, that is more difficult to do.

A good manual exercise for attacking the suspensory ligament is a BTC Stretch. You pull down hard and hold it for 20 seconds, relax for 10 seconds, then repeat. As always, it is much more effective if you use heat to warm up first. A warm rice sock resting for a few minutes on your suspensory ligament does the trick.

Live long and prosper.

Originally Posted by ErnieBanks

A good manual exercise for attacking the suspensory ligament is a BTC Stretch. You pull down hard and hold it for 20 seconds, relax for 10 seconds, then repeat.

Perfect, you re very kind :) one last question:

“20 seconds hold and 10 seconds relax” how many reps to start?

Originally Posted by Jordanxxx
Perfect, you re very kind :) one last question:
“20 seconds hold and 10 seconds relax” how many reps to start?

I like to suggest that folks start with a light workout, and gradually work up to something more difficult. Rather than count reps, I watch the clock. If you did it for about 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes in the evening, adding a little time each day, you’d have a very good workout.

Once a month, measure your progress. You should see increases in your BPEL numbers, but this exercise will have very little impact on girth. Try to measure the same way every time, so you can see your progress month to month.

Live long and prosper.

Ok i will start this btc routine (morning and evening session) in the day “on”. I do 2 day on 1 off.

I think that doing this btc routine everyday it s not best thing to do :)

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