Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Telling your father about PE

Telling your father about PE

Generically speaking I would. But since I know that my father is not the kind of guy who would practice PEing I will never tell him. Hell maybe in the future I will get proud of my gains and show him what I got and then explain how I got it.
When I was like 6 years old I remember asking him to see a doctor for me because I thought my dick was too small. He said that my size was normal and to don’t bother with it again. Once when I was 12 years my father saw me naked getting out of the shower and then some minutes after I remember that I heard him talking on the phone with a friend and he said something like “hey you gotta see my son, he is just 12 but he already is a mean hairy motherfucker” (he was talking about my pubic hairs hehe).

So I think my father would somewhat get proud of having a 11 inch dick son… yea maybe in the future I will call him for a talk. It would be VERY WEIRD in the beginning, since I don’t have what you would call an open talk with my dad.

(by the way I just turned 20 and still live with parents)

I’m also 20 and I live with my dad too. He’s is really shy about sex and the times I saw him naked I could count them with my fingers but the other day I was thinking that I think he is quite hung so I won’t tell him (if I do) until I get good gains. We don’t have an open talk relationship either though we are more close lately


Dad is 65 and VERY religious. I just say the word penis and he blushes, even when I say it in medical context.

Besides if he did do PE……..and made gains…….he would be giving it to my 60yr old mother……..ARRRGH! (i’m doing the OGLY WOOGLY DANCE RIGHT NOW ! THANK GUYS)


1999: 6" EBPL X 5.25" EG ~ 2001: 7" EBPL X 5.75" EG ~ 2003: 7.25" EBPL X 6" EG

Current (Jan 2013): 7.125 EBPL X 6"EG ~ GOAL = 7+" (anything more is fine) EBPL X 6.5" EG


LOL!!!!! he he he he he

What a hilarious post! Try to keep in mind that at 60, you will still want to be using your enhanced unit. I know that it’s weird to think of your parents having sex. I see some married couples and can’t imagine it. However, I’ll be doing it as long as the damned thing stands up and cooperates.

Jelktoid :trash: More meat for the money!

Heh, if you’re gonna tell your father, you might as well tell your mother as well, just so that you can have two people crack up in your face instead of just one..

Originally posted by seanjacobs

Besides if he did do PE……..and made gains…….he would be giving it to my 60yr old mother……..ARRRGH! (i'm doing the OGLY WOOGLY DANCE RIGHT NOW !)

ROFL! There’s a 70's Show episode where Eric walks in on his parents having sex and goes around in a state of shock for several days afterward. That could be YOU, Sean :) Be careful!


"Sadly, however, seconds after its launch, it undergoes SMEF, or Spontaneous Massive Existence Failure,and disappears." Douglas Adams

Dont tell anyone, simple as that

I have never told a soul about my PE and I wouldnt start with my dad. I’m about your age too, I’ll be 19 in 2 weeks. The way I see it, people will think you’re weird, most people wouldn’t be sold on the plausibility of PE until they witnessed the results first hand. And by the way, never tell a girl you got a big dick through pe. It would be like finding out Mickey Mantle corked his bat.

"If you can conceive it, and you can believe it...then you can achieve it" What would twatteaser do? ---- Now known as 8-ball - *

Hell with that...

Heh..I’m never going to tell ANYONE about this, let alone girlfriends. The way I see it is that if they were supposed to know about it, they would have already found out about this like us.

Come on you guys…I’m sure if anyone out there really were interested in doing something like this or was just curious, they’d go into search engines and type in queries (like “penis enlargement” “bigger penis” etc.) the same way I found out about this.

Plus I could never see myself saying, “hey you can grow a bigger dick if you do natural penis enlargement exercises, I’ve tried it and it worked,” to someone.

Yeah maybe I’m just a conceited asshole who doesn’t want to see the world’s average dick size increase another inch for my own personal reasons, but keep in mind that I’m just your typical American prick who finds something and keeps it for himself after having negative experiences with trying to help others in the past.

Besides, the fact that few people know about it (and of course, that it actually works) is what makes it so special… at least in my opinion.

Don’t scorn me for this. I’m sure plenty of you have been given the cold shoulder countless number of times when trying to do a good deed, like I have. Last month someone told me to “go to hell” for offering to help them pull something up a couple stairs, offended by the fact that I thought they ‘needed help’ due to their gender. In reality, all I wanted to do was maybe get their phone number….Jesus…

A year or two from now when there’s someone next to me with a dick the size of what mine used to be (and that’s hoping ‘used to be’ will be the right words by then) by the urinals, maybe I’ll have a strike of conscience and say, “Hey man I can help you out with that little…problem…you’ve got yourself there.”

Sure…I’d do that if I weren’t positive that he’d either call me a homosexual, stick me in the face, and/or tell me to go and fuck myself…

So there’s my two cents….don’t tell anyone. Let ‘em find out about it the same way we did…

I call it fate… or maybe just arrogance.

Re: Hell with that...

Originally posted by j384
Heh..I'm never going to tell ANYONE about this, let alone girlfriends. The way I see it is that if they were supposed to know about it, they would have already found out about this like us.

Come on you guys…I'm sure if anyone out there really were interested in doing something like this or was just curious, they'd go into search engines and type in queries (like “penis enlargement” “bigger penis” etc.) the same way I found out about this.

Plus I could never see myself saying, “hey you can grow a bigger dick if you do natural penis enlargement exercises, I've tried it and it worked,” to someone.

Yeah maybe I'm just a conceited asshole who doesn't want to see the world's average dick size increase another inch for my own personal reasons, but keep in mind that I'm just your typical American prick who finds something and keeps it for himself after having negative experiences with trying to help others in the past.

Besides, the fact that few people know about it (and of course, that it actually works) is what makes it so special… at least in my opinion.

Don't scorn me for this. I'm sure plenty of you have been given the cold shoulder countless number of times when trying to do a good deed, like I have. Last month someone told me to “go to hell” for offering to help them pull something up a couple stairs, offended by the fact that I thought they 'needed help' due to their gender. In reality, all I wanted to do was maybe get their phone number….Jesus…

A year or two from now when there's someone next to me with a dick the size of what mine used to be (and that's hoping 'used to be' will be the right words by then) by the urinals, maybe I'll have a strike of conscience and say, “Hey man I can help you out with that little…problem…you've got yourself there.”

Sure…I'd do that if I weren't positive that he'd either call me a homosexual, stick me in the face, and/or tell me to go and fuck myself…

So there's my two cents….don't tell anyone. Let 'em find out about it the same way we did…

I call it fate… or maybe just arrogance.

I agree with every word, we’re better off having as few people know about this as possible. I’d rather be one of the only ones walking around with an 8-9 incher in my pants.

"If you can conceive it, and you can believe it...then you can achieve it" What would twatteaser do? ---- Now known as 8-ball - *

Share the Wealth

j384 and Gandolf,

I understand completely where you guys are coming from on not wanting to share what you know for fear of just becoming one of many rather than standing out. I used to agree with that point of few but my opinion has changed.

There are many good threads on here regarding this exact subject and unfortunately I don’t know where they are to connect you but I will summarize;

First if others didn’t share information in the beginning, you would never have found this forum that helps you.

Second, PEing is hard work and takes persistance and dedication. Everyone wants to have a great body and know as much as possible but the fact is that most people are lazy would rather do nothing than improve themselves if it means hard work.

This is why there aren’t biff brainiacs running around the streets and competing for your job and your girl.

The fact is you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink.

Most people will think your are screwed up if you do it, or they will chicken out trying or if they try they will not see immediate gains and quit etc.

There are only the dedicated few who will persist and see gains so we should stick together, and share the wealth!


My father knows

Well at least he knows about jelqing. I gave him an information sheet about jelqing for better erections when he asked me one day for viagra samples. I mentioned nothing about the pe aspect of it and I don’t know whether he ever tried the exercises.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

I guess I can see what you’re saying BigProbe.

It’s kind of like everyone knows lifting weights and working out will eventually get them a much bigger, more impressive build if they stick with it for a while, yet they still don’t even bother trying.

But the difference between these forums and all the spam mail is that when you read the spam mail and advertising web sites, you don’t see that there are almost 3,700 dedicated individuals participating in this process, nor over 30,000 threads with proof and testimony that it actually works when you read those spams.

I’m sure that if more knew the truth, there’d be a lot more than 3,786 members to this forum.

I still think that if they were interested enough though, they would already be here. The tools are already available to all there…they just have to get through the ploys and scams, and seek out places like these (which I was only fortunate to find by actually first buying into a paysite and reading through the forum of that site to discover a disgruntled customer leading others to here).

I agree with most of your assumptions j384. there probably would be more than 3786 members here if people knew PE was for real and worked.

And as you say, if you truly are interested in the subject than there are many ways to find out more. Currently we are a small but dedicated bunch and I have no problem expanding that base. The membership that you describe here is world wide and it amazes me that so few people are interested in improving themselves but such is life.

There are do nothings, talkers and doers. We re doers my friend and it wouldn’t hurt to have a few more of us!


most people would not care because they don’t obssess as much as we do about dick size

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