Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The Captn's Wench: PE Device

Originally Posted by wlawonder
Does anyone make this device and sell it online? I am techinically illiterate and cant seem to find all the required ingredients. Thanks.

Yes, I’m that way too, but I’m giving it a go today and if I can make one anyone can :) The only device I’ve ever used was a Bib Starter, which is great. My other attempts at homemade devices really at the end were laughable, but I bet this one will work because of the ease and very clear instructions provided by the Captain.


The wench is very easy to make the hardest part is going to the stores for the parts.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

It is extremely easy to make. I’m no handyman, and my dad would confirm that because I got his genes. :D

Yet I managed to make it in about 10 minutes, no problems at all. And it’s a great hanger.

My signature is cooler than yours.

I was a bit worried about my building it abilty, but by following Captn’s great instructions one step at a time it all fell into place.

Well it seams that this hanger is exactly the one, I may use for my first steps. But I think the problem is the hardware. Did any german had build this device? You know, how to get such things in germany?


I know you’ve heard this 1,001 times but thanks for designing such a creative, effective device. I printed the materials list, went to Walmart and HomeDepot, headed home and had finished building my first wrench within 30 minutes.

I do have one question. I have been using the wrench for both hanging and manual stretching. For manual stretches I have not been using the clamp. ( I read about this somewhere on the site ) When hanging I feel fatigue and slight burn where at the base of my cock near my public bone. However, for the manual stretches I can get a pretty incredible burn depending on the resistence that I apply. This is particularly evident when I do side stretches. I have also noticed that without the clamp I stretch the skin as well as the ligs. The head of my cock is pretty big though so the wrench will not slip off even when I apply considerable force. Is the increase burn that I feel when doing manual stretches simply related to the skin stretching? Would I be better off using the clamp for stretching?


In my own experience there is a limit to how much stress I can apply without a clamp before I am simply stretching skin (somewhere just under 5lbs in my case). Yet, I have heard of people hanging considerable amounts of weight without a clamp. So I think this is just one of those things you will have to decide for yourself.

The best way might be to simply manual stretch without the clamp, and next set try it with the clamp. If there is a marked improvement on the latter set you might have your answer.

I’m glad to hear you’re getting something out of the Wench. I think that its manual stretching potential all too often goes untapped.

I have to say the wench has been a pleasant surprise I’m extremely happy with it. My time for hanging is being limited for now but I give the wench 2 thumbs up for the time I have had to hang with it.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

I built the wench too and was amazed at how fast it went together. Works well also. I’ve hung up to 15 lbs so far. I’ve also built a more narrow version of the wench that I’ve used once for fulcrum hanging. The regular wench is built using as pretty wide piece of velcro and it covers alot of penis as far as fulcrum stretching goes. The narrow version I made really gives you more freedom for the fulcrum hang.


Today I will take negative thoughts and turn them into positive and productive actions. 7.00 BP x 4.75 GOAL 9.0 x 6.5

Dear Captain & Pirate,

Thank you so much for your great innovation in HANGING WORLD.

I did made the wench last week with both: Normal Wench(2”x10’) & Mini Wench(1.1/2’x 5.5”)
Because Cable Clamp is not available here, I use Cable Tie instead (Thank you Pirate for your alternative Supplies)

Wench works well with 10 lbs and ADS is undetectable :D

I am carry out hanging 4days (BTC 15min x 03 set) & 2days ADS.

I would like to ask your experience about 02 perspective:

1. BTC: I Feel soreness so much of Tunica during Hanging but not Lig.
I wonder that Wench much effect on Tunica than Lig ?
Is wrapping method affect to this issue? How can I Stretch Lig more (my LOT 7:30 ~8 o’clock)

2. ADS: I use PegLed with Elastic band (1”). I can shoulder 1hrs only, the I Must take out due to
Head become cool & less feeling.
My question is :
1. How long is your ADS with glan no cool & sensible?
2. Did I use so much tension force or Wench too tie??

Your help is highly appreciated.


>>>1. BTC: I Feel soreness so much of Tunica during Hanging but not Lig.
I wonder that Wench much effect on Tunica than Lig ?
Is wrapping method affect to this issue? How can I Stretch Lig more (my LOT 7:30 ~8 o'clock)<<<

You are new to hanging. You will feel skin stretching. You will also feel stress in your tunica.
You may have very strong ligs. Or, you might not feel fatigue in your ligs as strongly as in your tunica.
BTC is best for stretching ligs.
Go easy at first.

>>2. ADS: I use PegLed with Elastic band (1”). I can shoulder 1hrs only, the I Must take out due to
Head become cool & less feeling.
My question is :
1. How long is your ADS with glan no cool & sensible?<<<

Check for temperature and feeling very often. Try not to go longer than 20 minutes before relieving tension.
Much depends on how tightly you have your wench. Also, how much tension you apply.

The more of both, the more chance of shutting off circulation.

>>2. Did I use so much tension force or Wench too tie??<<<

It is likely true. With ADS you do not need too much tension - a small amount will do the job. Less tension means less tightness is required.

Be very careful with any long term tension. Take caution.

Thanks for the kind words. All questions are welcome, always.

Dear Captain,

Thank you so much for your promptly support.

May I have another questions related to ADS as following:

1. How is your ADS routine? How long you take off every 30min or every hrs?
(I heard someone ADS up to 02~ 03hrs set x 03 set/day?)

2.>> a small amount will do the job. Less tension means less tightness is required.>>

Could you explain in more a little specific examples?
How to measurable it’s enough tension or not.
I am only afraid that carry out ADS but without effect due to less tesion :D
Best Regards

Originally Posted by titanic
1. How is your ADS routine? How long you take off every 30min or every hrs?
(I heard someone ADS up to 02~ 03hrs set x 03 set/day?)

Titanic -

Make sure to read and understand the Wench ADS thread here: Peg Leg.

I also have heard from people going for very long periods of time using the Wench as an ADS. Personally, I have learned to check temperature and sensation every 20 minutes - the greater the tension, the more often I check. If everything looks good, I continue - if not, I take a break.
With time, you will get a personal understanding of what is required for your ADS use. Just use caution, always.

Use 20 minutes as your mark. It is safest.

Originally Posted by titanic

2.>> a small amount will do the job. Less tension means less tightness is required.>>

Could you explain in more a little specific examples?
How to measurable it’s enough tension or not.

Yes, you do not need very much tension with the Wench - or any other ADS - to accomplish the goal, which is to remain in a prolonged state of stretch. Remember: An ADS is supposed to be used along with a normal routine.

For example: A guy might do his routine (manual stretch, pump, or hang) in the morning, and then set out on his day wearing an ADS. The objective is to give the tunica/ligs an all day stretch (ADS) so that any healing is being done in this extended state. He might then end his day with another routine before retiring.

Do not expect an ADS to do the job of giving you gains. An ADS is used to ensure your gains. Therefore, not much tension is required.

Thank you

Dear Captan,

Thank you for your kindly reply.
Captant wrote
Do not expect an ADS to do the job of giving you gains. An ADS is used to ensure your gains. Therefore, not much tension is required.

Personally, I thought that, ADS also help some gains. Because I saw dozen of web site recommend ADS with some specific tool such as penimaster… Am I wrong?

I couldn’t say with 100% certainty that you’re wrong - but I doubt they are right. I don’t use any of those commercial ADS’s - I’ve gotten all of my gains through hanging (some from manual stretching early on). So, whether an ADS can result in gains is not my forte. I’ve used the Wench as an ADS simply to solidify gains.

Maybe asking that question in another thread, or doing a search would tell you?


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