Thunder's Place

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The Captn's Wench: PE Device

Day 2 of the Capt Wrench

To repeat from Day 1 above; I am using a 1” wide velcro strap instead of a 2”. And I must tell you that I imagine that the 2” is much more comfortable. I will be buying that and making a new wrench immediately.

A few other notes that I hope help someone else:
1. If you do not clamp tight enough, you will feel very painful skin stretching as your wrench is being pulled down by the weights as you hang. I started today by going for 2 clicks with a medium clamp and just couldn’t get comfortable. Once I went to 3 clicks, I immediately felt better. I am currently hanging 7.5 lbs for the second day. I was doing 1 hour sets with 5lbs for the last month with a sock hanger. But with the wrench and the increased weight, for now at least, I am following some basic guidelines and doing 20 minute sets. But I will probably increase to 1 hour sets very quickly, mostly for convenience and my ability to find time to hang.
2. Nylon strap. Wal Mart did not have a nylon strap. They had polyester. I bought that and hoped for the best. But the polyester is not good for the wrench. Once you cut polyester, it just continues to unravel and fray. I will also be buying a nylon strap. Again, the instructions were clear, I know. This is just for any future Wrench-makers that may wonder if they can use a polyester strap. No.
3. This thing works great. Just be patient and make adjustments. Once you make one, you will be able to make more very easily with better personal specifications.

Day 6.
Had fun with the wife last night. Especially sore today in the wrench. I suppose that is normal after an hour of sex, but I do not recall reading that anywhere. I took Saturday and Sunday off, which will be common for me because I hang in my private office during the week.

I continue to find the wrench a great option. The longer you have it and use it, the better it will work for you because you continue to make adjustments. For example, I realized today that my girth requires a slightly wider space between the grips. I was getting some uncomfortable pinching on the bottom sides and realized that the wrench grips needed to set more cleanly on the sides of my shaft instead of me folding the grips onto the shaft at sort of a bottom/side angle.

I still get some weird pain here and there and I always adjust through it and it always subsides. I think today I was just especially sore and probably needed to keep it down to a shorter set.

Very happy with my results. I am going to wait a couple of weeks to measure again.

Day 9 with the wrench

Hanging with the wrench continues to be as pleasurable as you can expect it to be. I mean, is hanging a 7.5 lb weight from your dick supposed to be pleasurable? But seriously, it does work great. I hate that the guy that came up with it doesn’t benefit from so many people using it.

Overall, I continue to be happy with it. Some things you just don’t know until you experience it. Today, I realized that by pulling my skin back towards the base and then attaching the wrench, I get a cleaner grip that ends up pulling more ligament than skin. So that is good. I am wondering if my results are unique. I have read dozens of posts throughout this site and I have found that many people do not experience results with hanging. I have only been hanging a short time and I am approaching 1” in gains even though I use very low weight. I am going to begin keeping stats starting today. My first entry will be a BPEL measurement I got a few years ago. And I have done no PE work at all until the last month or so.

Anyway, I do wonder if the 2” will increase comfort. I never did go and get that. Going today. I suspect that I will see a slight improvement in overall comfort. I do have to take breaks every so often to adjust and make sure I am not ripping my penis off.

Day.whatever. It’s been a few weeks. Love love love love it. However, I think my dick is used to the 7.5 lbs now. It’s Monday and I have had 2 full days off and the weight is putting very little stress on me. Either that, or it could be that I am just not feeling the pain (skin pull) that I get. I don’t know. I want to take it slow but not so slow that I waste valuable time. I have seen amazing results so far.

Oh, and I did get the 2” velcro and it has helped. Believe it or not, I am getting results doing 1 set per day for 20-25 minutes. I am going to TRY to be consistent with 2 sets per day for a couple of weeks and leave my weight where it is at and see how that goes.

Love it

First post to say thank you for this wonderful contribution! Thank you CaptnHook!

I am a manual stretcher and my OK gripping on my unit was causing some stress in my urethra. After a week of S2S stretches with the wench relief is already achieved. I have a natural baseball bat effect so the ULI effect the wench has on the bottom half feels good and should help over time.

Very excited to work on making this device. I recently bought a cheap ADS on Amazon and tried it on today. I think i could wear it at work (I work in a warehouse) but need work on wrapping.

I might give my current one another shot and wrap better, but the Wench looks like it will be more comfortable.

Starting Stats - BPFSL: 13cm, BPEL: 13.5cm

Current Stats - BPFSL: 15.4cm, BPEL: 14.6cm

All stats are pre warmup. Starting Stats taken on 8/20, restarted with those same stats 2/21 due to lack of dedication.

I’m in my 3rd month.. Maybe 3 days per week, some weeks 4 or 5 days. Usually 1 set per day at 20-25 minutes. Last week I went from 7.5 lbs to 10 lbs. That is a HUGE jump. My unit had gotten accustomed to 7.5 and now it is in SHOCK at the stretch. Today is day 2 with 10.

I am growing like a weed. I don’t have a real tough routine, either, a you can see.

Just keep at it. I think I may build a new wrench. This one is getting worn.

Just Made Cap Wench

Hello all,

I just made Cap Wench and OMG it is so comfortable! Love it. Doing my first session with it.

UPDATE - Been in a Capt Wrench for 8 or so months. I started at 5lbs I think. I am currently at 17.5 for 22 minutes a day. I spend half that time lightly swinging the weight. Recently, when feeling a bit of a plateau, I began moving the weight over my thigh so that I was pulling straight up/back to the right or left side. That seems to have gotten me growing again. I used to lie to myself and say that I was at 6” (I did some jelqing in my early 20s and really did go from 5.7 to CLOSE to 6”. But I was never REALLY at 6 BPEL. Now, I am BP FL 7 3/8”. BPEL slightly higher. I plan on continuing until I get to 8”. I figure at only 20-22 minutes per day 5 days per week.. Not too bad. **NOTE - I seem to really be moving again. I think that switching angles after 6 months of really working on one angle, between the legs, is very effective. For me at least.

UPDATE: The Capt. Wrench is very difficult to use to hang over a leg due to the clamp. It can be done but the clamp will dig into your leg and it just isn’t feasible. I laid it over a half full water bottle and that seemed to work. But it is still not very effective for the long term. I would suggest finding another way to hang over the leg. However, the little that I have done it that way, I can see enough result to know that I am going to figure out a way to spend more time changing angles.

One other update. I am doubling my time in the wrench immediately. After studying some of the suggested routines, I cannot help but to think that I could be squeezing a little more out of my training.
I have had what I consider to be great results using this amazing $5.00 Capt Wrench. I wonder what I can get if I invest in some other simple products to help me get more time in per day. Any suggestions are appreciated.

Quick question. The clamp is in an oval shape. Should the oval be vertical or horizontal if holding the penis parallel to the ground with the wench on?

In a word, vertical. Take a look at the pictures in post 5 in this thread. You’ll find that the narrow sides of the oval will be on the top and bottom of the shaft. This way they allow channels to form where nerves on the dorsal side of the penis are protected from compression.

There's principalities in the whole thing.

Does Anyone Use The Wrench As An Extender?

Hi guys, has anyone worked out how to wear the captains wrench as an extender? I wouldn’t mind making one or seeing what others have done. Cheers from aus

Finally made mine, tried it for a couple of set but as I am a beginner I’m starting with low weight (2,5 lbs). Feels good for the moment. Costed me around 25€.

Thank you OP, I was thinking of buying one of those expensive ass hangers and because of you I have a good equivalent. You saved me lot of bucks lol

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Nice. I Will try it


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