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The CDS and girth before length?


The CDS and girth before length?

Hey everyone,

I’ve been lurking around the forums for many months now absorbing as much information as possible. I’ve done the basic manual stretching and jelqing and have worked my way up to 10 minutes stretching straight up and to the sides, and 25 minutes of jelqing. My first question has to do with the infamous CDS. In some positions with my girlfriend I tend to hit her cervix and cause her some discomfort/pain. At this point im unsure if I should go for more length (I am 7in bp) and see if I can get to the CDS somehow, or focus on girth more. Is finding the CDS a matter of having enough length AND the right technique/position? I dont want to lose the option of deep penetration by gaining to much length. My second question is how much merit is there to the theory of girth gains first make it harder to gain length in the future? Im at a crossroads and need some guidance to choose which path to take. Thanks in advance and thanks for the wonderful forums!

I would get more info from the girlfriend. The discomfort may be more a matter of the position and technique than the degree of penetration per se. If she knows you do PE, I would just flat out tell her you want more length but are concerned that she might not like it. If her answer is emphatically that you should stop gaining length, that tells you something, and maybe you should consider stopping. Judging from the way the guys here report their women’s hesitation to acknowledge the benefits of more size, however, I would tend to interpret anything other than an emphatic “STOP NOW” as a “more would be nice.”

Bib had a theory about girth. He viewed the penis like an engineer views a steel member. The thicker the member, the harder it is to stretch. This is simple physics. This theory has a great deal of merit, when one considers that a thicker penis will have more collagen fibers in both the tunica and the ligs than a thinner one. To apply enough stretching force to deform collagen fibers, more force (weight) must be applied the thicker penis than to the thinner one. For many reasons, stretching with less force is preferred over stretching with more. Hence, the guidance to work length first and girth second.

No doubt there are many variables that make up the length equation. Girth is almost certainly one variable, but there are also many others. So I wouldn’t discount the possibility that one could still gain considerable length after gaining considerable girth. But I think the general guidance is wise, and I intend to follow it in my own PE plan.

What is your girth right now? If you choose to go for length, what method do you plan to use and likewise, if you choose girth, what method.

I am currently 7.25 BPEL and am pumping right now trying to cement a 6.0 girth. At the end of my pump sessions I am right at 7.25X6.0 and I got to tell you, that 6.0 girth is pretty nice and I am happy with my decision to concentrate my efforts there.

Luvdadus (who is an MD) says the best way for CDS stimulation is to be in the Mish position and make sure you point that trout “straight down” and sink it to the hilt…


Originally Posted by ModestoMan

Bib had a theory about girth. He viewed the penis like an engineer views a steel member. The thicker the member, the harder it is to stretch. This is simple physics. This theory has a great deal of merit, when one considers that a thicker penis will have more collagen fibers in both the tunica and the ligs than a thinner one. To apply enough stretching force to deform collagen fibers, more force (weight) must be applied the thicker penis than to the thinner one. For many reasons, stretching with less force is preferred over stretching with more. Hence, the guidance to work length first and girth second.

I asked this in a different thread, but does this mean that if I use the penimaster, I should opt NOT to put it at the maximum tension? (I actually go a little higher than the maximum tension). If I should bump the tension down a bit, why?

Yes, I’m interested in gain length mostly. I’m an easy girth gainer with jelqing for some reason.

Started at 6.25 BPEL
Now 6.89 BPEL

Originally Posted by regularwhiteguy
Luvdadus (who is an MD) says the best way for CDS stimulation is to be in the Mish position and make sure you point that trout “straight down” and sink it to the hilt…


Luvdadus is right. When my wife and I are in that position and I can grind her groove just
right, it works, but she still thinks the feeling means she has to pee. Must perfect my technique,
perhaps with a bit more length too.


(12/5/2008) BPEL: 7.75" EG: 5.75" BSFL: 8.1" FL: 5" FG 4.25"||New Goal: NBPEL: 8" EG: 6"

Technique: 95% Wet Jelqing, 5% Low Vacuum Pumping

Photos Journal

Originally Posted by Rambone
I asked this in a different thread, but does this mean that if I use the penimaster, I should opt NOT to put it at the maximum tension? (I actually go a little higher than the maximum tension). If I should bump the tension down a bit, why?

Yes, I’m interested in gain length mostly. I’m an easy girth gainer with jelqing for some reason.

Started at 6.25 BPEL
Now 6.89 BPEL

Hey Rambone,

I think you’re referring to my comment that “stretching with less force is preferably to stretching with more.”

In the context of my post, what I meant was that it is less traumatic for your body to stretch with less force than with more. There’s less skin irritation and soreness. The received wisdom is to stretch with the minimum weight that gives you fatigue and/or is effective. Stretching with any more than that just hurts. It may also promote scar tissue, make your tissues excessively strong (and thus resistant to further stretching). and have other nasty side effects.

The tension you should select for your Penismaster should depend upon (i) the tension you require to reach fatigue and (ii) that tension that is effective. Some people have reported gains without ever reaching fatigue, so you need to consider both factors.

There’s a huge question, which I believe is yet to be answered, as to whether less tension works just as well as more. A consensus appears to be emerging that tension must exceed some minimum level to be effective, and that once that level is reached, gains tend to be related to the product of tension times time.

The minimum level of tension required depends upon a number of factors. Girth is probably one. Another is probably the level of conditioning, i.e., how strong your connective tissue has become. It is generally accepted (again, not confirmed) that stronger tissues require greater forces to achieve gains.

If your Penismaster is already at max tension, you should consider whether you’re gaining. If yes, keep going. Maybe even reduce the tension if you’re feeling sore. If you’re not gaining (after giving it a reasonable amount of time), you may need a deconditioning break to soften up your tissues. Or you may want to advance to a higher tension technique (hanging). You might also try stretching at different angles.

Most of this is just rehashing. Spend some time reading the old threads in the hanger’s forum, and you’ll probably find what you need.

Currently I am at 4.7-4.9 EG. I have no intention of telling my gf that I PE for the moment…maybe later on. I intend to manual stretch and jelq. The only PE apparatus I plan on purchasing is a Heat Lamp for use in my stretching and jelqing sessions. If I choose to go for girth I would be jelqing and clamping and eventually working my way up to clamped exercises. It all depends on the advice you guys offer me. :)

As far as more girth making it harder to gain length, there might be some truth to that, but I would suggest that it’s flaccid girth that matters, not erect girth.


Originally Posted by AceDuece
The only PE apparatus I plan on purchasing is a Heat Lamp for use in my stretching and jelqing sessions.

Rice sock works much better, IMO.

whats CDs stands for.

and hi to all, im back to PE.

CDS stands for cul-de-sac, which is a term used here for anterior fornix
of the cervix. :-) Or is it posterior? I guess it depends on if your glans is
reaching above (post.) or below (ant.) and behind the tip of the the cervix.
Bumping the cervix can hurt, but if you’re long enough to get your head
past it into the fornix, supposedly you can make your woman cum more or
even gush! In my experience, it definitely causes more cumming for her,
but can also me her feel like she has to pee. I think I need a little more
length to alleviate her confusion.


(12/5/2008) BPEL: 7.75" EG: 5.75" BSFL: 8.1" FL: 5" FG 4.25"||New Goal: NBPEL: 8" EG: 6"

Technique: 95% Wet Jelqing, 5% Low Vacuum Pumping

Photos Journal

Lots of women report that G-spot stimulation makes them feel like they need to pee. I think this is normal. You might suggest that she get up and pee, just to put her mind at ease. The sensation will probably persist, even after her bladder is empty.

From what I’ve read, it’s important to work past this “wanting to pee” phase to get to the deeper pleasure feelings. If she feels really uncomfortable, offer to put a towel under her, just in case. The important thing seems to be to keep at it.

Originally Posted by RubberBandMan
As far as more girth making it harder to gain length, there might be some truth to that, but I would suggest that it’s flaccid girth that matters, not erect girth.

I think the determining factor would be the number of collagen fibers aligned in parallel, which resist the stretching force. Also, the thickness of those fibers.

These can be considered together as roughly the cross-sectional area of the longitudinal layer of the erect tunica, times 2.

To get really technical, if the longitudinal layer of the erect tunica has an inner radius “r1” and an outer radius “r2”, the overall cross-sectional area of concern is 2*(PI(r2)^2 - PI(r1)^2) = 2PI(r2^2 - r1^2).

For example, if r1 = 5 mm and r2 = 5.5 mm, this would be 2PI(30.25-25) = 33 square mm.

Can i see some graphics of these pls im interested in Kowing more about the subject, and thanxs for the info.


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