Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The DLD Blaster...*IMPROVED*...Be extremely careful

Re: Okie Dokie Bigger

Originally posted by jelktoid
I'll give it a try and let you know what happens. I hope my dick doesn't fall off - lol.

If it does imagine how much you could stretch it before the doctor sews it back on.

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

How has everybody been doing with these?

I have been trying it for just the last few days. One thing I noticed was a lot of skin pain. I don’t think I have tight skin.

Anyone else feel more residual pain/irritation then with hanging or other stretching methods?


I’m also having skin stretch problems with these, and I have plenty of extra skin. The seam or ridge under my dick (there’s a name for this, but I can’t recall it) suffers the most.

I get both skin and lig pain. Actually much more lig pain because my skin was pretty well stretched. I do these 3 times a day. Once before starting to hang in the morning. Once after lunch before hanging in the afternoon, and once at night before bed to keep the ligs stretched and slightly torn. Doing these has forced me to drop my starting weight by at least 5 lbs., and I have to drop subsequent weight much faster than I normally would. This allows me to hang in the fatigued state almost immediately. It’s great. However, when I do the I-blasters, I always break out into a sweat due to the effort/lig pain. About 15 minutes into each hanging session, I am ready to stop. That’s when I drop the weight for the next set. I have to say that DLD is one inventive mofo.

Jelktoid :trash: More meat for the money!

I never really considered the skin deal. I have pretty loose skin in the flacid state. How I do these is I twist my unit maybe 2 times and then set up an “A” stretch and do regular Blasters. The skin starts out tight as does the ligs but after I get going everything loosens up. The deeper I get into the set the more slack I get. I think this exercise i s something people need to really get comfortable with and work slowly into. The fact that I COULD NOT GET AN “A” STRETCH when I fist started doing these bundles and now I CAN EASILY GET AN “A” STRETCH is very promising evidence that these are a very productive exercise.

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

these are perfect to do with the power-jelq too. I am able to turn a whole half turn more usin it to grip. If you dont have one, im sure you can find an alternitive or order one(they are pretty cheap)

Hi DLD how long did it take to gain the 1/2’ with the new stretch, I will try it out immediately. Thank for the inovation and well illustrated diagrams

You must always remain patient as growth comes with time

Originally posted by mlolongo
Hi DLD how long did it take to gain the 1/2' with the new stretch, I will try it out immediately. Thank for the inovation and well illustrated diagrams

I gained 1/2” very quickly when I started doing the traditional Blasters since the Bundled “A-Stretch” with the Blasters the gains have been very consistant.

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

"Like oh ma gawd!"

Cant believe I havent tried this until this afternoon! These are great! Gonna do some more tonight!!!


Whenever I think you can’t surprise me with something totally insane you always prove me wrong. These things are fucking crazy you would have to be insane to twist and pull on your dick like that.

I tried them I really like them I think they might work, DLD YOU ARE THE DR EVIL OF PE.


Originally posted by Dino9X7

Whenever I think you can't surprise me with something totally insane you always prove me wrong. These things are fucking crazy you would have to be insane to twist and pull on your dick like that.

I tried them I really like them I think they might work, DLD YOU ARE THE DR EVIL OF PE.


Oh…if you only knew the half of it

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

Can the bundled twists be used to stretch the tunica?

Originally posted by eddro
Can the bundled twists be used to stretch the tunica?

Well.. I haven’t personally made any gains with a low LOT value using bundled stuff so far, but in theory I think that it should work tunica - especially chamber walls - out pretty good. Just make enough rotations, maybe two if you’re 7-8” FLSL, even three if you’re over 8.

A Man behind his mask.

makes sense to me

I’ve been thinking about the physics about this crazy twist stretch you made, DLD and I have to say its making sense to me. This is perfect for when you’ve stretched your ligs to a point where you need to make added measures to stretch them even more. Just picture a twist tie on a loaf of bread, the more you twist at the base of the tie, the tighter the wire is going to pull, making a tight wrap. I believe the same is applied to this stretch here, among other factors, for a great combo stretch. I helps stretch the skin with the cascade effect, could also effect the tunica. Its like I’m visualizing all the areas you can stretch to get gains and your twist idea “bundles” them up like you said and creates an “all-in-one” stretch. Purely mad scientist genious! Muahaha!


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