Thunder's Place

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The regular jelq is obsolete to me


The regular jelq is obsolete to me

Stumpy got me thinking about the twisted jelqs that he does, and it got me thinking about how to get maximum expansion per stroke.
Stumpy is on to something because when you twist or bend as you jelq, you get a way better pump.
The thing is, it is impossible to twist your dick when you are lubed up with Vaseline because of its slippery nature.
The way I do it and this isn’t easy for me to explain so I hope this makes sense: as I jelq and begin a stroke with an overhand grip with my left hand, I simultaneously grasp the tip of my penis with my right hand as I am continuing the stroke with the left hand. I twist/bend my penis with my right hand in a way that I can see the back of my dick as I jelq. The thing is your left hand needs to aid your right hand as you twist or bend. It is an art form in a way and takes practice. The back of your dick will not be completely turned over facing you from the top view. You will see the side of your penis as well, because if you were to completely twist you dick that would hurt to much if you were jelqing at an higher erection level, which is real choice BTW for expansion.

I have been doing the twists, but I have been doing something of my own to. As I begin a stroke with my left hand lets say, I grab the tip of my dick with my right hand and add a bend as I stroke without a twist at all. I bend it in a way that the bend is bended toward my body instead of the floor( think of a V bend). Killer expansion. I will never do a normal jelq again. Thanks for making me think Stumpy. I think I temporarily gained an 1/8th from a workout I did an hour ago, but hopefully it is permanent. I don’t think this is an exercise in this forum. But it might be, I just haven’t found it. After I did the bend/jelqs I threw the clamp on for two sets of five. Great work out. I am going to start doing this 1 day on and 1 off. I also do O bends everyday, but gently; very gently. I believe the penis will gain more girth efficiently if you keep squeezing it and never give it a chance to loose the expansion, but gently. After I get 6EG I may start hanging or something, because I want more length to. Hopefully I can get some along the way while I jelq and do some V and A stretches. I don’t need a lot more length. I would be ecstatic with one more inch. I also occasionally stretch by only focusing on the ligs. I stretch it up, down, left, and right but I focus all the tension and stretch on the base and ligs.
BTW I think my mom found my cable clamp, because it mysteriously moved a couple of inches from its usual location. She has been looking at me like I am crazy or something all day. It had some vaseline residue on it and the mouse pad foam super glued in it. I think there was a pube on it too. I am so ashamed.

No replies or comments about this jelqing technique? It is much more effective than a regular jelq by far.

I’m still trying to master regular jelqing - but I imagine that once I do I would also experiment in different techniques of the jelq. Right now I sometimes use my entire palm to perform both a jelq and stretch at the same time. It may not sound as effective as a regular jelq, but my penis reacts to it better for my newbie routine (positive PI’s result from it).

Once I get the jelq down effectively, I believe I will see gains. Keep us posted on whether your idea of the modified jelqs work as effectively or if not better than traditional jelqs.

And keep in mind, jelqs are not obsolete for the newb - what you are suggesting are jelqs for the well-conditioned. I don’t think I could perform what you laid out as well as you could simply because I haven’t even got a regular jelq down. So what you maybe mean to say is that its obsolete for veterans ;-P

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Determined, a newbie can do these bend/twists/jelqs if he wants to with no problem. The key is the intensity of your grip and your erection level. All you have to do is listen to your dick, and you will know how intense to perform these exercises. The beauty of this ‘modified’ jelq is you can be gentle and still get much better expansion than a regular jelq.

The reason why the men at thunders are so successful is because they are innovative and they experiment with new ways to get more effective gains. The key to gains is expansion and a regular jelq does not compare to these bend/twist/jelqs. Remember, you don’t need to squeeze the shit out of your dick to make this work, and you don’t have to be a veterano to do this. The only thing you have to be is not a moron and this will work.

Don’t get me wrong, because I think regular jelqs still have their use if performed while simultaneously kegeling. But if you don’t kegel, you can’t get decent expansion with a regular jelq.
At least I can’t. For me if I do a regular jelq without kegeling, it feels like I am not doing anything but stroking my phallus and nothing more. It just doesn’t feel like an exercise.

These twist/bends/jelqs need to be photographed, video taped, and recorded; and put in the archives.

Try dry jelqing instead of wet jelqing. I am not circumsized, but I have always had very little foreskin, so I think this applies to me aswell. I have always considered dry jelqing to be a lot better because it enables more variation and control. And less messy without lube.

"You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts."

Mr.T, I’m interested in these but I can’t quite get my head around your description. Is there any way you could whip up a crude sketch to help me grasp the concept?

Sounds good MR. T. I think of the exercise you have mentioned as one more to add to my routines which I am constantly changing at the moment to see if it makes a difference in growth by not letting my unit become to accustomed to the same routine every day.

The cable clamp was left laying around with Vaseline and pubic hair. They don’t ask,they don’t really know. If they do I’m sure you have already thought of something to say. After all it is used to keep a group of cables or leads together neatly. The pubic hair on it, Well that’s a tricky one.

Originally Posted by Antistar
Mr.T, I’m interested in these but I can’t quite get my head around your description. Is there any way you could whip up a crude sketch to help me grasp the concept?

It is very easy to do this but it is hard for me to explain, and it would be hard for me to sketch. I would almost need to record it, but that would be difficult as well.
Let me try to explain the bend method first step by step:

Firstly, start exercise by placing your left hand with an overhand grip on the base of your penis.
Secondly, once your left hand with an overhand grip is firmly griped at the base and enough blood is kegeled in your penis take your right hand and gently grab the tip of your penis with your right hand using your finger tips.
Ok, so you should have your left hand griped on the base with an overhand grip now and your right hand’s finger tips grasped on your dick simultaneously.
Now at the same time slowly move your overhand left hand grip toward the glans and take your right hand’s fingertips and form a V bend with the right hand and the aid of the overhand left grip.
You need both your hands to do this, and you don’t need to squeeze as hard with your left hand because the bend will be doing the expanding. The directions I have just typed describe one rep and you will obviously need to alternate with the right hand at the base and the left hand griping the glans for the next rep.

Twisted bend jelq:

This is essentially the same as the bend jelq but instead of doing a V bend you need to grab the glans with your finger tips and twist your dick by pushing and twisting it artfully with your fingertips in place so you can see the underside of your dick and simultaneously performing a jelq stroke. You will figure out how to twist once you experiment. Intensity is determined by erection level. The more of an erection you develop while doing these exercises the more you will have to loosen your overhand grip and visa versa. Just listen to your dick and you will be fine. Follow the same instructions for the twisted bend jelqs as the bend/jelq, but instead of doing the V bend, perform a twist.

I see what you are saying. People do rotary stretches, so why can’t someone do a rotary jelq? That just might be very effective. Mr.T you just gave me an idea, *****running to the bathroom to try it out!*****———>

Mr T,

I’m on a clamping hiatus, so will try it out. I have never gained from regular jelqing.

I tried the twisted jelqs a while back(along w/ bundled stretching) and remember it feeling very “weird.” As in uncomfortable.

Never felt dangerous, just…weird.

Keep us informed on the gains.

Mr. T and Stumpy might be on to something. I’m a visual learner so reading the descriptions is not helping a whole lot for me. *Sad face* Question though, is this twisting motion only focus on girth gains because from what I read, the normal jelqing works both length and girth.

Originally Posted by Mr. T
Stumpy got me thinking about the twisted jelqs that he does, and it got me thinking about how to get maximum expansion per stroke.
Stumpy is on to something because when you twist or bend as you jelq, you get a way better pump.
The thing is, it is impossible to twist your dick when you are lubed up with Vaseline because of its slippery nature.
The way I do it and this isn’t easy for me to explain so I hope this makes sense: as I jelq and begin a stroke with an overhand grip with my left hand, I simultaneously grasp the tip of my penis with my right hand as I am continuing the stroke with the left hand. I twist/bend my penis with my right hand in a way that I can see the back of my dick as I jelq. The thing is your left hand needs to aid your right hand as you twist or bend. It is an art form in a way and takes practice. The back of your dick will not be completely turned over facing you from the top view. You will see the side of your penis as well, because if you were to completely twist you dick that would hurt to much if you were jelqing at an higher erection level, which is real choice BTW for expansion.

I have been doing the twists, but I have been doing something of my own to. As I begin a stroke with my left hand lets say, I grab the tip of my dick with my right hand and add a bend as I stroke without a twist at all. I bend it in a way that the bend is bended toward my body instead of the floor( think of a V bend). Killer expansion. I will never do a normal jelq again. Thanks for making me think Stumpy. I think I temporarily gained an 1/8th from a workout I did an hour ago, but hopefully it is permanent. I don’t think this is an exercise in this forum. But it might be, I just haven’t found it. After I did the bend/jelqs I threw the clamp on for two sets of five. Great work out. I am going to start doing this 1 day on and 1 off. I also do O bends everyday, but gently; very gently. I believe the penis will gain more girth efficiently if you keep squeezing it and never give it a chance to loose the expansion, but gently. After I get 6EG I may start hanging or something, because I want more length to. Hopefully I can get some along the way while I jelq and do some V and A stretches. I don’t need a lot more length. I would be ecstatic with one more inch. I also occasionally stretch by only focusing on the ligs. I stretch it up, down, left, and right but I focus all the tension and stretch on the base and ligs.
BTW I think my mom found my cable clamp, because it mysteriously moved a couple of inches from its usual location. She has been looking at me like I am crazy or something all day. It had some vaseline residue on it and the mouse pad foam super glued in it. I think there was a pube on it too. I am so ashamed.

This is my first time seeing this thread. Mr. T, we as as PE’ers just got to experiment and take PE as far as it can go. But it nice to see someone think he way I think. Also, try using the palm of your opposite hand to press down on the slightly twisted and squeezed penis.

2005: 5.5 EL & 5.6 EG, FL: 4in > Now: 7.5 NBP & 6.1 MEG, 5.8 BG (Goal: MORE !)

Stumpy1's Progress Thread

Everytime I Visit Thunders, I Do 50 Kegels or More

This is very interesting. I am always up for experimenting and may try these out in tonight’s session.

How goes it with the “rotary jelq” Mr. T?

Originally Posted by Stumpy1
This is my first time seeing this thread. Mr. T, we as as PE’ers just got to experiment and take PE as far as it can go. But it nice to see someone think he way I think. Also, try using the palm of your opposite hand to press down on the slightly twisted and squeezed penis.

I use the palm of my opposite hand to press down all the time, but I don’t press down with my palm while my penis is twisted. I’ll try it tomorrow though. I originally started experimenting with these methods from reading one of your posts Stumpy.

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