Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The thought of mainstream PE...

Originally posted by tug_monkey
…. Yeah about a guy who grew his dick and was picked up so many times that he eventually got sick of sex ….. :spin:

Or about a guy who grew his dick and had to pick it up so many times he eventually got sick of dick

Originally posted by CaptnHook
To look at it another way, GQ could just as likely write a negative article that trashes PE, DLD, etc. It's been known to happen.

Naw, it wont be a negative article at all. Peter Rubin from GQ interviewed me by phone as well. So, DLD isnt the only one being mentioned. ALthough, far as I know, he was the only one interviewed in person. I wouldnt worry about any “competition” either. THere ISNT ANY. If there was, well I’ll just shut my mouth to keep from sounding too stuck on myself….oh wait…nevermind.


GQ - dam … I can’t get published in a Religion journal with a 12-step meditation, and DLD gets INTERNATIONAL notariety with a MONDO DICK! There is NO JUSTICE!!!

Seriously, I, too, find myself straddling the fence, in that: (1) scammers and spammers will crawl out of the woodwork now more than ever. Good thing? Maybe, if places like THUNDER’S and the “REAL” legit sites don’t end up the target of MEGA$$$$$ law suits from assholes who rip their dicks off or ‘Impotencize’ (is that a word?) themselves through improper exercises, and look for someone to blame it on, and (2) IF there comes out of this authenntic and classically styled scientific investigation that affirms what we are seeing here, and is has DUPLICABLE RESULTS with a modicum of integrity behind it, then maybe we will have made history for real, and can all bow down before the rest of skeptical men everywhere, and say “IT CAN BE DONE!”

This may be a pig in a poke, or a boon … time will tell.

All I know is that I will need to find the GQ article and read it myself (if someone doesn’t skirt copyright law by posting it here) - anyone know the issue?


"Treason doth never prosper; what's the reason? For if treason prosper, none dare call it treason." - Harrington


Or about a guy who grew his dick and had to pick it up so many times he eventually got sick of dick

Hahaha.. Yeah, and he got an erection and died of blood loss…


STATS | G O A L : 8.5" x 6" BPEL | STORY

Back into PE after 3 year pause

You know I’m going to have to pick up a copy, and I don’t even read magazines!


STATS | G O A L : 8.5" x 6" BPEL | STORY

Back into PE after 3 year pause

My 2¢,

How many guys do you know that want to be buffed out that don’t go to the gym? How many guys will jump on the PE bandwagon assuming they don’t want the annonymity attached with these boards? There has got to be a leveling off of what would be considered serious inquiries and serious self help seekers vs. curious onlookers, snake oil salesman and “mainstream” thought provoking research. Who is going to fund research into PE? How will it be proven it works unless there is a public consensus that you can “show” your gains? :) (Still would LOL). But all in all, there is such a huge backlash going on right now with the spammers and pill pushers and it’s gotten so bad that I personally think PE will have it’s 15 minutes of fame and then be a forgotten thing in a few months. It will always be around, just like the guys hanging weights from their wood like the drawings on the cave walls. It will die down again…

The ravings of a madman...

I prophesize that the positive or negative tone of the article will not effect the level of increase in mainstream interest. All press is good press when it comes to consumer interest.

What it will most likely do, given the apparent subject matter, is slam supplements and thereby redirect the same people who dream of effortless, risk-free PE to forums. Thunders will have to create a forum called “Effortless PE” just to get these people to put their “Need Growth by Friday” posts somewhere that we won’t have to read them. Memento will write a computer program to identify and negatively answer such requests so no one we care about has to. Those people will continue their something-for-nothing attitude by reading the Forums poorly (and new pay forums will arise which will essentially encourage them to do so) ( some of which will be named Thumber’s Place, Thunder’s Plate, The Real Thunder, Thunder’s Pee, etc.) This new population will be incurring jelqing, vacuum and hanging injuries at an occurence rate substantially higher and more severe than the present population of PE’ers. Within several months to a year the popularity craze will be followed by a scathing report blaming the forums and the leaders that will largely disregard that the actual causation of all the injuries was by NOT doing what the forums said. Butchering phalloplastists will nod gravely and re-affirm to the media “once again” that their surgical technique is the only “safe” way to have a larger penis.

A young reporter looking for a raise shall track down Bib to demand an income accounting and a picture of his penis. He will give neither. The reporter will, to the very border of libel, infer that this proves a fortune was made by a penis that never was. The reporter shall track down the ugliest, heaviest, most politically extreme practioner of Wicca she can find who will profess that he has been PE’ing for over a decade, and she shall hold out this man in her televised story as a typical PE’er. Twatteaser’s barmaid and waitress tutorials and other writings will be accessed and reported to demonstrate the obvious perverse derrangement of the “average PE’er.” Twatteaser will actually be flattered by his infamy and become even more successfully promiscuous.

After that, we will be left alone again, the public will view us in a worse light than they do presently. We will have a net small increase in real population made up only of the people who did it right.

Any idea of when it’s going to be published?

“Moses” sure acts like he knows a whole lot for only having 4 posts under his belt.

Stevie, I was saying to those guys who worked hard to do detective work did the work (like me and others) deserve it. While those GQ readers are getting it on a silver platter :D

I was on a long quest to find out more about PE and finally found out how THEN eventually stumbled onto this great community full of people who also knew how.

I also hope the article doesn’t encourage those spammers and scammers DO NOT continue with this bs advertisements.

I do feel that Thunder deserves more credit for PE than he probably will get.

The T-shirts will not sell better than the membership to DLD’s site. That is absolutely the truth.

I’m not hating on DLD. He’s a great guy and very helpful to everybody.
I support him but I think at least both Thunder and DLD deserve the same level of success.

I agree with Mirlin. It’s the same kind of situation as going to gym to get big and muscular. Everybody knows that you can get a better body by training, yet does everyone have one? It’s the same with dick size; even if everybody would know about PE, it wouldn’t mean that everybody would have the skill and persistancy to grow a big one.

Sure, there’s going to be more competition, but not as much as some are afraid. What I’m afraid of is that would women’s thinking change, if NPE would hit public? “He is big. Wonder if he is doing PE?” Men: “She has definitely had her boops done.” Women: “He must do PE.” Will PE’ed dick be as good as a “natural” one? Will women look down the men that PE? Will it be considered as pathetic, something for people that have low-esteem and it will still be practised secretly, like jerking off; nobody admits doing it, yet everybody does. Does PEing make your palms grow hair and make you blind? :eek:

"Be aware that there are several schools of thought here as well. Some seem to go with the hard and heavy approach. The sessions are brutal. You can hear them talking to their dick: You better grow mofo or I will punish you even harder tomorrow! Others seem to favor a more tender approach. Always listening to what their member is saying while massaging it gently and singing to it with a soft voice. If it is moody and not happy with new behavior, they always listen and are very understanding."

Originally posted by base
I agree with Mirlin. It's the same kind of situation as going to gym to get big and muscular. Everybody knows that you can get a better body by training, yet does everyone have one? It's the same with dick size; even if everybody would know about PE, it wouldn't mean that everybody would have the skill and persistancy to grow a big one.

Sure, there's going to be more competition, but not as much as some are afraid. What I'm afraid of is that would women's thinking change, if NPE would hit public? “He is big. Wonder if he is doing PE?” Men: “She has definitely had her boops done.” Women: “He must do PE.” Will PE'ed dick be as good as a “natural” one? Will women look down the men that PE? Will it be considered as pathetic, something for people that have low-esteem and it will still be practised secretly, like jerking off; nobody admits doing it, yet everybody does. Does PEing make your palms grow hair and make you blind? :eek:

Great reply Base…

I didn’t even think of that. I would hate it if someone thought I was big because I did PE.

I started at 6”NBP and that’s bigger than avg. My goal is 8” NBP

I don’t want women ESPECIALLY MEN to start thinking I did PE :(


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